Haiku Poems About America | America Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about America and America haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Andrew Delapruch
Categories: political


how many walking time bombs
wearing fake smiles
dwell in america?

explosive charge + timer + detonator = resident of the US of A

written by Lyn Church
Categories: america, anger, bullying, death, life, philosophy, political,

Grave Society

Society's dead
Digression came with costs
We are digging graves

M. Lyn Church 
August 2, 2013

written by Greg Gaul
Categories: america, earth, life, nature, perspective, sweet, wisdom,

Native Peoples Say

Sweetgrass is primal
braiding shows how to connect
see value in life

written by Arty Rico Jones
Categories: america, history, military, november, patriotic, remember, veterans day,

Veteran's Day

Remembrance of those
Served in the military
Special day for them

written by Anthony Biaanco
Categories: absence, america, care, political, war,

Black Eagle

chemical attack
black eagle preens elegance
flight of the damned

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: america, city,


is New York City
the heart of America?
it certainly is

written by Tony Driskell
Categories: america, black african american, caregiving, community, culture, how i feel, leadership,

Proud To Be An American

My pride demands that
You honor my trust and you
Respect my morals

written by Maritza Pagan
Categories: america, animal, freedom,

The Eagle

Look at it soar high
Majestic… wings wide open
Fly America

written by Kira Price
Categories: america, how i feel, me, money, sound, spoken word, symbolism, voice,

The Only Voice That I Have

Money may not be
Key. But it speaks loud and clear.
The mean green echos.

written by Glenn Tilton
Categories: america, earth day, environment, nature, paradise, places, rainforest,

Florida Foliage

The dense foliage,
Palms and Ferns and Shrubs. Oh my!
Oh how dense it is.

written by Gun Poet
Categories: america, art, self,

The Phoenix Raven

semi-auto gun
second nature second hand
born in fire to fire

written by Andrew Crisci
Categories: america, emotions, hero, identity, integrity, soldier, veterans day,

Ah, Unpraised Soldier

The tall veteran
wears a camouflage faded cap 
and dark shades to hide
his smooth, scarred face: doesn't he wish
that somebody shook his hand...
ah, unpraised soldier!

Written on 6/10/2017

written by Mark Morris
Categories: america, black african american, confusion, culture, football, growing up, mom,


Barbershop sports brag
Our basic boast is boxing
Mothers just sit there

written by Millard Lowe
Categories: 12th grade, allegory, america, conflict, imagery, metaphor, racism,

Haiku Echoes

A culture of guns,
	An epidemic of hate;
	Domestic terror...

	Stoking bigotry,
	Klan pride & racism:
	Cooing doves silenced...

	Mocking clarity,
	Rising white nationalism;
	Justice checkmated...

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: america,


Independence Day
for the Red White and blue fly 
we are U-S-A

written by Tony Driskell
Categories: africa, america, blessing, career, community, creation, children,

Peace Prize

World Peace will prosper 
if prosperity is placed 
second to World Peace

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: america,

Taste of Success

much more than the Keystone State
Hershey Chocolate

written by Jaquay Atkins
Categories: america, today, trust, world,

Failure To Be Perfect

Angels taking flight
Demons walk the earth disguised
Nobody's perfect

written by Alisha Detmer
Categories: america, art, beauty, care, children, forgiveness, friendship,


Floating down from trees
Made for animals to eat
Comes from the pine tree

written by George Zamalea
Categories: america, anniversary,

Again Away

Though I will die for her love,
I too reject:
The change of soul.

written by Sara Kendrick
Categories: places, political


America needs
Renewal, revival now
Restoration, faith

written by Paul Geiger
Categories: america

Soft Drink

Coca Cola man. 
Stocky, bald, refills the shelves. 
Has a steady job.

written by Dale Gregory Cozart
Categories: america, dream, future,

American Dream-1960

The noon air shimmers westward on Rte. 66 like a dream waiting

written by Thomas Martin
Categories: funny, love, lust, storm,

Summer Storm

summer storm
on the sofa
her bra 

Published:  Frogpond, Jounal of Haiku Society of America

written by Thama Logan
Categories: appreciation,

Captain America II

Fearless, strong, driven
C'est un bon homme, notre "Cap."
Hero's heart for good.

written by Mike Edmondson
Categories: abuse, america, evil,

A Minorty

A minority 
Shoot, beat, kill, we the law, do
That's America

written by James Horn
Categories: patriotic, religion,

America Is

America Is

"America is
An almighty miracle
Made by God Himself."

James Thomas Horn
Retired Veteran, Poet
and a Philosopher
RiverSea Plantation
Bolivia, NC.

written by Lunita Blanca
Categories: abuse, america, bullying,

First Time Vote

My first time voting

Many lies and corruption

Made my decision

written by Glenn Tilton
Categories: america, animal, dream, earth, environment, nature, paradise,

Florida Animals

Key Deer are tiny,
Prancing around on the islands,
Key Deer are mammals.

written by Pheko Motaung
Categories: america,

The Night Is Calling

The night is calling
And the common loon sings
His song haunts my dreams

written by P.S. Awtry
Categories: america, society,

Crazy, Wild-Eyed

crazy, wild-eyed face
screaming on my tv set
objective news men

written by Verlena S. Walker
Categories: america, appreciation, change, green, leadership, money, world,


the gold of the rich
the gilt of the wealthiest
what funds the dollar?

written by Lunita Blanca
Categories: america, child abuse, family, heartbroken,

Zero Tolerance

Little girl crying
        Her Mother just deported
                  Zero Tolerance

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: america, war,

Thank You Goodyear

Airships flew the skies
World War One the Goodyear war
Their blimp still flies high

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: america,

Old Glory

in America
red and white stripes stars in blue
blowing in the wind