Haiku Poems About Animal | Animal Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Animal and Animal haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Karen Croft
Categories: animal,

life of a Cat

pitter patter paws

a cozy warm place to sleep

purring up a storm

written by Warren Doll
Categories: animal, funny, rain, weather,


rain drops hit still pond
surface ripples spread outward
tickling frog bellies

written by M. L. Kiser
Categories: animal, appreciation, beautiful, earth, environment, image, nature,


Dragonfly, shiny Windup toy, in flight, you dance Among the cattails.

written by Peter Rees
Categories: animal, dark,

Nocturnal Foxes

screams pierce the night
primeval mating
wise owls winking

written by Charlie Knowlton
Categories: animal, silly,

Haiku Senryu Thief

                          from henhouse          
                          poached eggs

written by Kim Rodrigues
Categories: animal,

Pleasured By Dip

sun on orange fur stripes shimmy into coolness the tiger he rawred* 9/3/2020
*my word for his gentle roar

written by Charles Messina
Categories: animal, moon, nature, stars,

where the reindeer lay

sparkling from the moon 
icicles on evergreens
'neath the starry skies

written by Linda Alice Fowler
Categories: animal, bird, celebration, food, red, tree,


red-breasted cherubs
	nestled within mistletoe ~
		holiday feasting

written by Kim Rodrigues
Categories: animal,

Nine Mirrors

square of nine mirrors
admiring his reflection -
the kitten’s labyrinth

written by Cynthia Jones
Categories: animal, imagery, inspiration, january, nature, poetry,

Leopards -Rhyming Haiku-

Sneak up on their prey very silent and deadly don't get in their way. Copyright © Cynthia Jones Jan.12/2015

written by Gene Bourne
Categories: analogy, animal, autumn, bird, death, earth, emotions,

Haiku 5

In its final soar 
Finds the limb it learned to fly 
Lands, to fly no more 

Gene Bourne


written by Joseph Soper
Categories: animal, appreciation, nature, sea,


satin silver skin skimming sea swims seamlessly seldom seen surprise

written by Jan Allison
Categories: animal,

Time To Dine

renard slyly skulks in the leafy undergrowth success… dinnertime! Renard - traditional french word for fox 27th May 2015

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: animal, cute, nature,

- Haiku X 182 - Newborn Lamb -

newborn in april

                                  short visit on frozen ground

                                              - not 100% wool

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

written by Eve Roper
Categories: animal, nature,

Enchanted Forest

Enchanted forest
                                 Trees stand tall, leaves of color
                                       Creatures camouflage

                                     By eve roper   11/9/2014

written by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
Categories: animal, freedom, horse,

Wild Horses

Wild Horses

A woman alone
Watching wild horses gather –
Her stallion set free.

Copyright 12/22/2016

written by Baalak Baburo
Categories: angel, animal, appreciation, best friend, love, pets,

Warmest Welcome

Through the door, running
Hair flowing magically
Welcomes me, my dog.

written by M. L. Kiser
Categories: animal, bird, nature,

The Luck of the Draw

The tiniest egg Sanctuary for new life; Dinner for many.
Entered in contest: Enter the 'Premiere haiku contest II: Anything Goes ' Poetry Contest; sponsored by: Chris D. Aechtner

written by Warren Doll
Categories: animal, weather,


on the plain
eats voraciously
cattle stampede

Modified haiku form for Non Traditional poetry contest.

written by Regina Mcintosh
Categories: animal, bird, moon, nature, night,

Who Are You

mysterious owl beneath a shimmering moon who, who, who are you? Owl Haiku Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Robert James Liguori October 15, 2021

written by Maria Williams
Categories: animal, bird, flying, moon,

The Silent Owl

The silent owl swoops Silhouette on Silver moon Prey unsuspecting

written by Norman Crocker
Categories: animal,

Frogs Croak

Frogs sing in Japan
too bad they croak in Tennessee
it's geography

written by Kyle Maples
Categories: animal, nature,


Songbirds loose small chirps,
Tiny enough to slip through
Momentary rain.

written by Jan Allison
Categories: animal, nature, sea,

Seal Watch

azure blue ocean grey seal sunbathes on dark rocks picture perfect scene I witnessed this scene this morning when we were doing a recce for a walk with are doing tomorrow with people with visual impairment 3/1/20

written by Gregory Richard Barden
Categories: animal, beauty, bird, friendship, sea,

Little Wet Wings

~   hummer, far at sea -

                              wee wings, my steadfast comfort ...

               first mate ... of rare worth.   ~

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: animal, nature,

- Haiku X 188 - Heather -

blueberry bushes

                                autumn heather fields branches

                                           - precious jewelry

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

written by Oliver Mckeithan
Categories: animal,


Border collies highly intelligent-sometimes two edged sword

written by Barbara Gorelick
Categories: animal, spring,

Spring Explosion

In a hidden glen
         A fawn stands on trembling legs
             Jay broadcasts the news


written by Bernard Chan
Categories: animal, cat, city, light, moon, night, sleep,


Cats on moonlit roofs, Stilled, watching the city sleep, Fireflies in their eyes.

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: animal,

- Haiku X 213 - In the Moss -

scary predictions
                             it shoots quickly with head spin -
                                    checking the makeup

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: animal,

Squirrels Wait For Seed

birdhouse in the wind
stringy light trails of birdseed
discreet squirrels wait

written by Kim Rodrigues
Categories: animal,


a second moon-blink
reveals a band of coyotes ~
backyard gypsies


written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: animal,

Frog Haiku

my pad or your pad

croons the frog to his lady. . .

prince charming awaits

March 12, 2018 for  Mick Talbot's Haiku contest: theme "frog"

written by Linda Alice Fowler
Categories: animal, environment, howl, moon, native american, nature, night,

wolf moon

unrequited need
	existential emptiness ~
		a howling hunger

written by Matthew Anish
Categories: animal, joy, water,


Walk by the water 
See the fish swimming along
Take joy in the moment