Haiku Poems About Anniversary | Anniversary Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Anniversary and Anniversary haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Kash Poet
Categories: anniversary, happiness,

Golden Jubilee

golden jubilee...
elderly couple
with toothless smile



Placement:3rd (Feb.2012)

Contest:Your Verse Again(max 12 lines)

Sponsor:Brian Strand

By:kashinath karmakar

written by Jackson Labaugh
Categories: abortion, addiction, africa, anniversary, anti bullying, april, autumn,

Haiku For This Crazy Storm I Was Just In

I was in the car,
swallowed up by pouring rain,
and all Hail broke loose.

written by Sean Kelly
Categories: anniversary

Haiku # 25




written by Sara Kendrick
Categories: anniversary


Fourty-seven years married
Some more feat

written by Payne Poet
Categories: adventure, anniversary, caregiving, daughter, family, fantasy, forgiveness, funny, happiness, health, holiday, hope, imagination, life, passion, peace, travel,

Dancing Angels

Angels in heaven
Dancing on a small puddle
Always stay afloat

written by Kevin Stock
Categories: anniversary, devotion, happiness, love, passion, romance, wedding, wife

The Thing That Matters Most

The day I wed my soul-mate
It was a good day

written by Arnisha Paxman
Categories: anniversary, nature, travel,


Together we sway
to the rhythm. Coconuts
squash the romance quick.

written by Stephen Parker
Categories: anniversary, dedication


varnished memories
gratuitous rendezvous
votive ritual

written by Pheko Motaung
Categories: anniversary,

Ill Discipline

Ill discipline
As if it is not drunk enough
The frog joins team vodka

written by Marvin G. Celestial
Categories: anniversary, death of a friend,

In Comma

Peaceful and relax
At rest but traverse freely
Altered consciousness

Will to access all
Suddenly achieve by thoughts
Radiating oneness

Empathy ignites
As parameters extend
Embrace love without.

written by Anna-Marie Docherty
Categories: adventure, anniversary, art, dedication, devotion, family, friendship, holiday, imagination

Quick Handmade Christmas Card With Love Xx

Celebrate Christmas Day
In stable - manger Christ lay
Brightest star shone way

Nativity gels 
tinsel glitter baubles bells
Notes of pine tree smells

Bend fold crease cut glue
made with love from me to you
clock ticks... finished... phew!

written by Abdulhafeez Oyewole
Categories: adventure, africa, anniversary, beauty, books, education, history, life, spiritual, symbolism, wisdom,

Stint Five

...in this land, we lived 
to see pharaoh and stars
in their origin...

written by Andrew Crisci
Categories: anniversary, urban

Usa Birthday

u s a birthday
all kids love shooting candles
awesome display

written by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders
Categories: death, history, loss, sea,

Frozen In Time

shipwreck victims whisper from the ocean floor frozen in time
*contemporary haiku (lacks nature subject or season word) is inspired by the 100 year anniversary of the Titanic sinking By Rhonda Johnson-Saunders, March 22, 2012 for Haiku from the Heart contest (Sidney LeeAnn)

written by Stephen Parker
Categories: dedication


boquet of flowers
annual gratuities

written by Abdulhafeez Oyewole
Categories: adventure, africa, anniversary, children, culture, feelings, memory, nature, symbolism,

Stint That End

... stint of adventure,
all in six sequential dream.
Odyssey complete.

written by George Zamalea
Categories: america, anniversary,

Again Away

Though I will die for her love,
I too reject:
The change of soul.

written by Brian Strand
Categories: anniversary

And So

the year ends

auld lang syne echoes

into eternity

written by Chris Bowen
Categories: history

Ottaman Strikes

sway armenian horde
your master,the ottaman
passes through your door

i wrote this to mark the anniversay of the ottaman/armenian war of 1915,today is the 
marked anniversary.i believe this would be the view of maybe a young,swaggering ottaman 

written by Leon Stacey
Categories: anniversary, family, friendship, nature, people,

Brown-Eyed Susan

Wild flower bouquets
Handpicked, wrapped with blades of grass
Placed in her clay jars

written by Jarrod Denney
Categories: anniversary, nature, autumn,

Autumn Is Here

A short autumn's day
Brings forth the long autumn night
A horrible sight

written by James Horn
Categories: appreciation, happiness,

Horn Anniversary Haiku

Horn Anniversary Haiku

Day was fine and rare;
So great and beyond compare;
You and I were there.

For 50th Wedding Anniversary
on August 27th, 2016.

Jim Horn

written by Cecil Hickman
Categories: anniversary, imagination, life, nature, seasons

Natures Spectrum

Color javelins
Flowing passionately
Capturing moisture

written by ... Gigno
Categories: anniversary, history, holiday, life, nostalgia, peace, philosophy, political, social, war

Colors of Freedom

colors of freedom
remind us what wars have cost --
we must not forget

written by Joyce Johnson
Categories: anniversary


its uncle sam's day
everyone is invited
his two thirty sixth

written by Pheko Motaung
Categories: anniversary,

In This House

In this house
Tenderness is worth
A thousand golds

written by Lewis Findley
Categories: absence, age, analogy, anniversary, arabic, baby, beach,

Popeless But Not Hopeless

Trusting not in man
But rather in the shed blood
Of He ,Christ Jesus

written by Patricia Sawyer
Categories: adventure, anniversary, hope, love, peace, people


love a sweet buffer
hardest  work a pleasant chore
poverty giggles

written by Tim B
Categories: anniversary, introspection, philosophy, war,


She gasps still choking Bleeding justice follows them Darkness now bleeds lies

written by Andrew Crisci
Categories: anniversary, fantasy,

Halloween Haiku

It's called evil night
when demons and vampires dance
as the moon turns red.

written by Lisa Lee
Categories: anniversary, family, life, love,

The Gift

a gift for him is 
     the first year cup, even if the
          second loved more

written by George Zamalea
Categories: anniversary, growing up,

Just Lovely

This February… the onset,
While roses I will kiss…
Those resilient hours from this daydreaming walk.

written by Daver Austin
Categories: anniversary, nature,

Ruined Backyard


giant tree
standing guard
in my ruined backyard

rose bush
overrun by shoots
catches my sleeve

written by Daniel Cwiak
Categories: anniversary, holiday, life

July Fourth Is Near

July Fourth is near

            Restful day with louder night

            Bring on the Big Bang

written by Maris Oliver
Categories: anniversary, daughter, friendship,


Things are bad now But they will get better Because you are love.