written by
Jan Allison
beauty, loss,
Morning Or Mourning
Such precious gemstones
Morning dew shines like diamonds
God’s tears from heaven
Written on 18th February 2 days before my father died
Posted 22nd February 2015
written by
Jan Allison
beauty, bird, morning, nature,
Blackbird Haiku
beautiful blackbird
chirruping the sweetest songs
morning has broken
Poem inspired by this wonderful Beatles song sung in Scottish Gaelic by Julie Fowlis
written by
Skat A
beauty, dream, muse, romantic, sea, together, vanity,
Drunken Moon
~twice the beauty~
in the sea of love
reflection of the night
a wave moves
written by
Funom Makama
nature, new year, seasons, spring, weather,
Nature's wake from sleep
Life flirts with beauty
a time for flowers to flaunt
written by
Jan Allison
Snow - Angel
tiny snow angel
snowflakes kiss your rosy cheeks
white winter beauty
Any poem you ever wrote not for a contest
Sponsored by Broken Wings
14th November 2014
Published in Haiku Journal #33 by Prolific Press
written by
Susan Ashley
beauty, life, nature, river, water, youth,
Waterfalls of Expectations
spilling mother’s milk
Nature’s bounty feeds her child -
river’s youth fades fast
Susan Ashley
April 29, 2020
~ Fourth Place ~
Premiere Contest: Hi-Ku (5)
Sponsor: Brian Strand
written by
Susan Ashley
beauty, morning, nature, song, sun,
Morning Song of Praise
'neath buttermilk skies
my soul on the horizon -
I have found my voice
Susan Ashley
April 26, 2020
~ Third Place ~
Morning Praise Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Raul Moreno
written by
Charmaine Chircop
On Rippled Waters Haiku 78
between shapeless clouds
the first peak of sunbeams
on rippled waters
written by
Emile Pinet
10th grade, 11th grade, beauty, color, image, imagery, nature,
ebony edges
day depleted of color...
scarlet stained sunset
July, 23, 2020
Haiku or Senyru Poetry Contest
By: Constance La France
written by
Anne-Lise Andresen
beauty, january, nature, winter,
- Haiku X 296 - january -
flames of crystal ice
the aura of purity -
backlit by sunlight
written by
Poet Destroyer A
autumn, beauty, blessing, deep, joy, judgement, miracle, peace, tree,
Silent Voice
--Tree Silhouette--
shimmering tree
they're no footsteps around
but fallen leaves
afternoon twilight
heaven is listening
peaceful lonesomeness
Autumn waits
The wind blows the mind
leaves falling softly
written by
Viv Wigley
beauty, flower,
Spider Web
filigree shimmers
sunlit dewdrop tiara
graces summer rose
written by
Jan Allison
beauty, nature,
Dressed By Nature
emerald green growth
dresses the rocks and pebbles
natural velvet
101 poems in a row Contest #18
Sponsored by PD Linda:-)
5th April 2015
written by
Kp Nunez
art, beach, beauty, nature,
Beach Beauty
beach that's long and white
seen through the coconut palm
picture perfect view
13 April 2015
SKAT's Picture Perfect Haiku #1 Contest
written by
Didi Oguejiofor
Little Flower
You look so lonely
Sitting out there in the green
A beauty to see
written by
Michael Jordan
forest of splendor
the beauty of life is seen
through shimmering light
Written for Raul's contest
written by
Jan Allison
beauty, nature, sun,
low on horizon
blood orange red sun sinks down
setting in the west
Premiere contest #6 sponsored by Skat A
8th January 2015
written by
Jan Allison
beauty, flower, nature, spring,
Snowdrops Haiku
sun shines through the clouds
peeping through the thawing soil
one single snowdrop
Contest judged on 13th May - received N/A
Submitted to second chance 2 sponsored by Eve Roper
Traditional haiku 5/7/5
28th April 2016
written by
Jan Allison
beauty, seasons, spring,
Spring Haiku
forest newly dressed
wearing her emerald gown
she dreams of summer
Submitted to Any poem written in April Contest sponsored by Laura Loo
10th April 2016
written by
Timothy Hicks
beautiful, beauty, happy, nature, summer, sympathy,
Summer Haiku
summer downpour
the poor man takes off his hat
collecting diamonds
For Andrea's Summer Short Forms Contest
written by
Susan Ashley
appreciation, beauty, nature, snow, winter,
Snow - Haiku
softly falling hush -
a snowy blanket comforts
hibernating land
Susan Ashley
December 29, 2018
written by
Susan Ashley
appreciation, beauty, sea, silver,
Haiku - Dolphin
porpoising the waves
pod plays in warm turquoise sea -
silver torpedoes
Susan Ashley
September 27, 2018
written by
Susan Ashley
appreciation, autumn, beauty, nature, september,
Haiku - Late September
oak’s coy hint of red
blushes shy leaves midst the green -
sunset steals day’s warmth
goldenrod plumes nod
as twilight shows off the stars -
the fire pit crackles
Susan Ashley
September 24, 2019
written by
Kash Poet
Air Hostess
air hostess—
her eyeliner's tail pointing
towards the sky
-kash poet(Kashinath Karmakar)
written by
James Fraser
inspirational, nature
Meandering blues
Zig zagging natures terrain
Oozing beauty amor
written by
Bernard Chan
beauty, bird, imagery, imagination, music, nature, sky,
Bird Code
Quartet of phone wires,
Tall birds grouped higher or low,
Mozart or Chopin?
written by
M. L. Kiser
appreciation, beautiful, beauty, flower, garden, image, uplifting,
First Blooms
Ruby, canary,
white, and purple heads waking
tulips in my yard.
Yawn and stretch petals
to salute the sun, smiling
full blossomed beauties.
Written: 3-2-19
For: "Spring Haiku Poetry Contest"
Sponsor: Tania Kitchin
written by
Mike Gentile
autumn, beauty, nature, seasons,
Scarlet Chaperone
Glow of autumn sun
Now her scarlet chaperone
The leaves are jealous
written by
Sotto Poet
analogy, appreciation, beauty, bird, summer,
Summer Serenade - First Place Contest Winner
whispering leaves sway
crickets' chorus fills the night~
nature's lullaby
sun kisses meadows
nature's symphony soars high~
summer's dance unfolds
written by
Abdullah Alhemaidy
beauty, nature, seasons, spring, winter,
Goodbye Winter
winter at the door
to say gradual goodbye
welcoming the spring
walk in countryside
to bless the mind bless the soul
nature is teacher
written by
Evelyn Judy Buehler
beauty, color, flower, nature, night, star, sunset,
Black Diamond
summoned black diamond
sun's at other side of night
with the dream roses
heart of joy twinkling
gone down in sea of colors
star of plum evening
still in its peach prime
and dust of the day settles
crow flies to midnight
written by
Sotto Poet
analogy, beauty, nature,
Utterly Alone
Written: October 17, 2023
Bite Size Poem No.74 for Line Gauthier Contest
silent solitude
flame-edged leaf dances alone~
nature's fiery grace
written by
Anne-Lise Andresen
beauty, freedom,
- Haiku X 106 - Mother Nature -
The shining sun rose
Freedom's spirit opened wings
It flew from heart's core
- 12.03.2017
- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
- Copyright © All Rights Reserved
- www.howmanysyllables.com - Haiku 5-7-5
written by
Carol Sunshine Brown
nature, uplifting,
Beauty In Nature
beauty in nature
flower blooms so succulant...
hummingbirds flutter
written by
Donna Jones
Old Sailors
old sailors still dream
mermaid beauty unseen
seashell lays on shore
©Donna Jones