Haiku Poems About Bird | Bird Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Bird and Bird haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Jan Allison
Categories: beauty, bird, morning, nature,

Blackbird Haiku

beautiful blackbird chirruping the sweetest songs morning has broken Poem inspired by this wonderful Beatles song sung in Scottish Gaelic by Julie Fowlis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MzetQfKwbE 05~20~17

written by Jan Allison
Categories: anxiety, bird, flower, snow, winter,


one single snowdrop pushes through earth’s icy shawl robin redbreast chirps winter Haiku Contest Sponsored by Tania 12/22/18

written by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: bird, nature,

Wings of Wonder

bee pollinates blooms
hummingbird nips at nectar
     flurry of wee wings

written by Kim Merryman
Categories: bird, heart,

My Beating Heart

hummingbird wings beating swiftly -- my heart when near you
1/10/22 Entered in Damned I Be's Haiku contest

written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: bird,

Baby Robins Song

baby robins song
enjoying first solo flight
tracking mamas path

written by Paul Callus
Categories: bird,

A Cardinal

a red cardinal

flies down on the silent grave - 

the time for closure

For the contest of Tania Kitchin
19th January, 2021
Placed 3rd

written by Poet Destroyer A
Categories: adventure, body, evil, forgiveness, life, spiritual, wisdom,

Enlighten Me

"Haiku of enlightenment"

all explanations 
a perceptive, world of green
mocking the land

summoned bird calls
tantra and morality 
zestful garden-----------------  in waiting 


written by Charmaine Chircop
Categories: bird, blue,

Haiku 69-About the Swan Lake

swan lake a feather falls silently

written by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib
Categories: bird, body, freedom, spring,

**** To the Wind

sprung from spring they fly

                                 liberation aflutter

                                 cages left behind

written by James Inman
Categories: bird, poets,


ink through calamus
the poet feathers his art
with plumes of bird songs


written by Jan Allison
Categories: bird, nature,

Conceited Bird

arrogant and proud nothing ruffles his feathers train of eyes watching *The peacock’s tail is known as a train Jan Allison 8th April 2015

written by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: bird, nature, winter,

Snowy Owl's Quest

Upon icy lake

Snowy owl seeks nourishment –

    Craves a sip of spring

written by Tania Kitchin
Categories: beach, bird, ocean,

Early Beach Morning

grey wings soar the clouds
diving and dipping the surf ~
seagull serenade

Written 8/8/21

Contest: Your Favorite August 2021 Poem
Sponsor: Constance La France

written by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib
Categories: bird, flower, summer,

Haiku - Sunflower

blooming and bobbing
  flower power head turner~
      feasting goldfinches

I passed a dancing sunflower on my walk today,
out sprang a goldfinch. 


written by Paul Callus
Categories: bird, color,

Sunbird Haiku

fire-tailed sunbird -

the creator’s palette

ablaze with colours 

© February 2021

written by Bernard Chan
Categories: beauty, bird, imagery, imagination, music, nature, sky,

Bird Code

Quartet of phone wires, Tall birds grouped higher or low, Mozart or Chopin?

written by Linda Alice Fowler
Categories: autumn, bird, color, moon, native american, september, wisdom,

leaves turning moon

trees tessellated
	prismatic presentation  ~
		wizened eyes widen

(September Full Moon – Anishinaabe)

written by Kim Rodrigues
Categories: bird,

Peacock in Woods

peacock in woods
long’ curb - feathers tightly tucked
a truant rainbow

written by Jan Allison
Categories: bird, sky,

Bird's Eye View

majestic red kite darting steely eyes seek prey look ... no strings attached 02/04/20

written by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib
Categories: bird, sky, water,

Splendor Thirst

swallows between worlds

           ripples streaking mirrored clouds ~

                    drinking on the wing


written by Sotto Poet
Categories: analogy, appreciation, beauty, bird, summer,

Summer Serenade - First Place Contest Winner

whispering leaves sway crickets' chorus fills the night~ nature's lullaby sun kisses meadows nature's symphony soars high~ summer's dance unfolds

written by Tom Cunningham
Categories: autumn, bird, sunset,

signs of autumn

autumn's sky ablaze
shades of red orange and pink ~
sunset masterpiece 

geese in formation 
flying to warmer climates ~
honking their goodbyes

an arachnid's silk 
glistens with the morning dew ~
spider clings in wait

written by Christuraj Alex
Categories: bird, nature,

Blue Jay

bright blue sapphire blinks
bejeweled midst blue spruce bush ...
blur blueberry sky

14 March 2022
Bird Haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin
Howmanysyllables syllable counter

written by Linda Alice Fowler
Categories: animal, bird, celebration, food, red, tree,


red-breasted cherubs
	nestled within mistletoe ~
		holiday feasting

written by Eve Roper
Categories: bird,

Haiku 198 avene

rainbow archway dips
windswept foliage embrace~
wading white herons


written by Donna Jones
Categories: nature, winter,

Color Show

vivid green cedar
against winter's bare oak tree
red bird sits alone

©Donna Jones

written by Jan Allison
Categories: bird, freedom,

Leaving Home

Parents nurture young Finally freedom to fly Fledglings spread their wings 28th April 2015

written by Jackson Labaugh
Categories: age, arabic, assonance, beach, bird, giggle, judgement,

Haiku For the Color Red

As heat bursts around,
silence lets me ponder on,
where I left my phone.

written by Eve Roper
Categories: bird, food, winter,

Birds In Flight

smart  v formation
departing south for winter
food for the asking


written by Jeanine Dejesus
Categories: life, nature, peace, uplifting, visionary,

A Place Called Home

On the covered bridge
A bird is building its nest
Hidden by shadows

written by Gene Bourne
Categories: analogy, animal, autumn, bird, death, earth, emotions,

Haiku 5

In its final soar 
Finds the limb it learned to fly 
Lands, to fly no more 

Gene Bourne


written by P.M. Richter
Categories: bird, morning,

Alarm Bells

breaking the silence 
natures wake up call

written by M. L. Kiser
Categories: animal, bird, nature,

The Luck of the Draw

The tiniest egg Sanctuary for new life; Dinner for many.
Entered in contest: Enter the 'Premiere haiku contest II: Anything Goes ' Poetry Contest; sponsored by: Chris D. Aechtner

written by Dorian Petersen Potter
Categories: bird, mountains, sun,


~Rising~ (Haiku 3) ~Sun rises high bright mountains salute the sky birds sing fly away~ Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2015 January,07,2015

written by Jan Allison
Categories: bird, nature,

Homeward Bound Haiku

Canadian geese shadows in southern sunset winter vacation Jan Allison 13th September 2015