Haiku Poems About Blue | Blue Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Blue and Blue haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: sea,

As I Drift

writing as I drift

   on the ocean's endless blue. . . 

                     my soul over        flows

written by David Mohn
Categories: sky, summer,


summer's lavish brush
canvas stroked in billowed swirls…
    daydreams framed in blue 

           -16 Jun 2014-
             David Mohn

written by Paul Callus
Categories: color, flower,

Blue Haiku

twilight is falling –

seeking soft comfort in a  

deep blue hydrangea


Contest: Nature Themed Haiku
Sponsor: Tania Kitchin
Placed 3rd
24th January 2020

written by Charmaine Chircop
Categories: bird, blue,

Haiku 69-About the Swan Lake

swan lake a feather falls silently

written by David Meade
Categories: love,

Haiku 32 Color Love

golden earth tones 
              brown - sky blue - red yellow leaves
                           your love colors me

David Meade
Live Generously

written by Tim Ryerson
Categories: nature,

Long-Leaf Pines

muddy, dying pond
green confronts cloudless blue sky
my dog sniffs and snoops

written by Jan Allison
Categories: flower,

Remember Me

blue forget-me-not brilliant beautiful bloom always on my mind 23rd March 2015

written by Maria Williams
Categories: blue, moon, romance, rose,

Blue Moon

Illuminating The dark space between the stars The Silver Moon sails
What all lovers look out for on this romantic star studded night HAPPY VALENTINE DAY Video: Chris Isaak - Blue Moon

written by James Knox
Categories: nature


Puffy cotton ball
Sails across deep blue background
Angelic vision

written by Lin Lane
Categories: environment, horse,

Upon Blue Grass Hills

upon blue grass hills
roan stallion grazed among mares
verdant and serene

~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~
Although not for her contest,
my regards to Tania for her
inspiration.  Merci

written by Line Gauthier
Categories: blue, flying, insect, light, nature, summer,


a blue wisp
of a whisper

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

posted on April 21, 2019

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: june,

June Collection

skies of azure blue honeysuckle vines seeming . . . to climb to heaven king sun shines down as muskmelons ripen in fields . . . marigolds wear crowns with easy labor month six gives birth to summer . . . dusk sweetly lingers

written by Christuraj Alex
Categories: bird, nature,

Blue Jay

bright blue sapphire blinks
bejeweled midst blue spruce bush ...
blur blueberry sky

14 March 2022
Bird Haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin
Howmanysyllables syllable counter

written by Mahtab Bangalee
Categories: love,

The Night

Blooming moon on head
Pinky sky sprinkles the stars
Celebrating love

On the waist of night
Eyes enlist earthly blue dreams
Roses offer life

© Mahtab Bangalee
15 February,2022

written by Kp Nunez
Categories: beach, beautiful, body, color, imagery, nature, summer,

Summer Haiku

pink shells on brown hand
     as blue water lap white sands
           keen contrast of colors

15 April 2015
Picture Perfect Haiku #2
Sponsor: SKAT A

written by Uwe Stroh
Categories: analogy, angst, blue, winter,


Dark Forrest trees
Guard like Thor
As night falls

written by Sheri Fresonke Harper
Categories: hope, nature, uplifting

Breathe Blue Light

cedar blue evening
day breath held beneath titans
sun offers me stairs

written by Jim Tidd
Categories: football,

The Rams

Royal blue and gold
needs to return to sunny
Los Angeles now!

written by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: natural disasters


volcano erupts

beachside village in peril --

    monster 'neath the waves

water wall rises

tsunami washes ashore --

     souls float on blue tide

*For Rick's "Flowing Water" Haiku Contest

written by Donna Jones
Categories: nature, sensual,

Where Eagles Dare

mating spiral dance
the free falling bald eagles
clear blue lake lies still


written by Kim Hilliker
Categories: nature

Blue Moon

Brilliant radiance
Splendid celestrial sphere
Shimmering Blue Moon

written by Liz Labadie-Reilly
Categories: nature,

Iceberg - Haiku

jagged meringue peaks
etched on steel blue frosted skies
perilous splendor

Liz Reilly

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: ocean, sun,

An Ocean Sight

the sun is peeking
just over the horizon'
in the ocean blue

written by Margaret Foster
Categories: nature

Blue Heaven

Blue Heaven

                     midsummer zephyr

                 jacaranda blossom bells

                        a cobalt carpet

contest entry.

written by Daniel Neal
Categories: nature, places

A Vacation

Clouds in a blue sky,
Crystal clear, peaceful waters;
Palm trees casting shade.

written by Jackson Labaugh
Categories: anger, arabic, black african american, business, cousin, dedication, violence,

Lament In Haiku Form For a Dead Eraser

Today I did stab,
an eraser so white, pure,
it did bleed blue ink.

written by Ismael Nieves
Categories: nature, sea

Olden Ocean

White curl'd hairs of spumes
reveals its longevity-
Blue Ocean of Old

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: seasons

Purples, Whites and Pinks

purples, whites and pinks
peeking from my fruit trees’ leaves. . . . 
blue bird's sudden trill

FOR: Brian Strand's
A Free Choice any form/theme MAX 12 LINES Poetry Contest

written by Sara Kendrick
Categories: ocean,

Cobalt Blue

cobalt blue ocean wave against orange sunset.... midnight's darkness waits
Inspired by Skat A's contest Glass Art Written May 25, 2016 Date of first poem: May 8, 2009

written by James Fraser
Categories: animals, friendship, nature, sea

Birds Across the Blue Divide

The blueing ocean Separate eagle and dove Spiritual birds http://www.thehighlanderspoems.com/nature4.php

written by Jan Allison
Categories: beauty, night, sky,


sapphire blue velvet punctuated by stars heavens above 10th June 2015

written by White Wolf
Categories: analogy, death, life, metaphor, philosophy, sad, symbolism,

Lunar Eclipse

Raven Blue twilight, Existence epitomized, Formless shadows lurk.

written by James Fraser
Categories: inspirational, nature, sea

Cobalt Blue Sky

Cloudy cobalt sky Orangy horizon glows The sea mirroring http://www.thehighlanderspoems.com/nature4.php

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: nature, wind,

In a Sudden

as cumulus lambs graze in heaven’s blue . . . the wind's sudden howl

written by Sandra Haight
Categories: beautiful, blue, nature,

Haiku - Heaven

cove framed by glaciers blue water, ice, peaceful sky- heaven surrounds me February 18, 2016 Premiere Contest: Hi-Ku (2) Sponsor: Brian Strand