Haiku Poems About Business | Business Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Business and Business haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Jackson Labaugh
Categories: anger, arabic, black african american, business, cousin, dedication, violence,

Lament In Haiku Form For a Dead Eraser

Today I did stab,
an eraser so white, pure,
it did bleed blue ink.

written by Scott Simmerman
Categories: business, metaphor, work,


Teamwork could happen.
Challenge to get ahead now.
Expect some to crash.

written by Patricia L Graham
Categories: abuse, business, character, class, corruption, culture, judgement,


A corrupt judge
Presides over
Certain injustice

written by Ananthasagaran Narayanapillai
Categories: business, confusion, crazy, culture, fate, independence day, innocence,


We made Money 
Now we search for money 
It's very funny.

written by Red Barchettadrive
Categories: business, fish, fishing, children, kids, humanity, water,

Nosy Neighbors - Haiku

a worm and hook plop
orange koi gather around
like nosy neighbors

written by Patricia L Graham
Categories: abuse, betrayal, business, corruption, culture, discrimination, judgement,


Vested interests
Deny victims
Perverts justice

written by Lisa Lee
Categories: art, business, devotion, history, life, nature, work,

The Rancher

morning frost twinkles
      while rancher sips coffee and
              whiffs new arrivals

written by Ken Duddle
Categories: business, life, satire, work,

Wheeler Dealer

He buys and sells all, but says no to Satan 'cause his soul is nailed down.

written by Sallam Yassin
Categories: business, community, corruption,

Business Man

Trades pain 4 the pound
And only profit
Is their belief

written by Nurudeen Olaniran
Categories: africa, business, corruption, discrimination, eulogy, violence, voice,

Haiku 16: Bokoharam

'Boko Haram' is not an enemy.
It's a subject in an economy
of a corrupt country.

written by Verlena S. Walker
Categories: business, career, culture, dedication, devotion, education, faith,


heights without ceilings
climber’s roster for success
destiny dynast

written by Chad Obrien
Categories: beauty, blessing, business, change, dedication, devotion, happiness,

Business As Usual

Ah, sweet business!
And it's smooth as usual!
I freaking love life.

written by Tony Driskell
Categories: allah, anger, business, deep, future, god, judgement,

Long Term Stadegy

sometimes even when
temporary victory 
is seen a draws best

written by Cathy Ncube
Categories: business, caregiving, health, introspection, social, work

Hospitals Must Help

hospitals must help
all who need medical care--
insurance or not

written by Nic Mit
Categories: business

Tell Me How Pretty I Am, Jeeves.

There's a good minion
Mindless and obedient
Great conversation

written by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
Categories: angst, business, conflict, death, insect, nature,


pollinating sustenance –

written by Earl Schumacker
Categories: abuse, beauty, business, culture, identity, life, woman,

Geisha Advanced Education - Haiku

Geisha Advanced Education - Haiku

educated young
no song, no dance, no sex, blessed
Jade barks, Geisha laps

written by Edward Ford
Categories: business

Chef Sang

Chef Sang

Pick up your food now!
If I ring this bell once more
Too late it’s cold now.

written by Daljit Khankhana
Categories: business, caregiving, forgiveness, happiness, inspirational, sympathy,


Ingenious partners no hesitation.
No loud protest, no obligation. 
No decrepitation, no calcumination. 
No spurious trouble, only festive occasions,
Generosity and probity, no tension.

written by Scott Simmerman
Categories: business, irony, metaphor, work,

The Boss - Maybe Tomorrow

With the boss pulling and the workers pushing, with the Square Wheels on the wagon and the round wheels in it:

The boss views the path.
Roll forward faster better.
Maybe tomorrow...

written by Cathy Ncube
Categories: angst, business, fear, health, nature,

Sky of Morning Smog

northern white clouds rise
each morning, any weather--
sky of morning smog

*For strict Haiku contest

written by Samantha Haynes
Categories: business, life, peace, work,

A Proper Job

What's a 'proper job'?
Suit, tie, briefcase, paperwork?
One that makes you smile...

written by Peter Thomas
Categories: business, computer-internet, people, space,

The Room: Part One

Quiet room, perhaps
The hammering of keyboards
Talking at the back

(By Peter Thomas and Dan Keir)

written by Caroline Youngless
Categories: art, business, life, work,


Many men with hard hats,
A wooden house presents itself,
Building blocks included.

written by William Masonis
Categories: daughter, life, philosophy,

The Bulldog Does a Shot

Showed her the Chocolate Cake Shot.
She downed it like Life:
All business with her pleasures.

written by Cathy Ncube
Categories: adventure, angst, business, fantasy, introspection, life, on work and working, satire, travel, visionary, work,

Free Labor For China

China accepted
free labor from Americans
to pay U.S. debt

written by Daljit Khankhana
Categories: business, devotion, faith,

Please Me Guide

are you intelligent or wise let's go then  we can decide?
why do we trust to exploit and harass others to divide?
A daughter, son, sister, brother, mum, dad and a friend,
Granny, grand, uncle, aunt and relations we cannot hide.
matters are complicated, why is life hard please me guide?

written by Marty King
Categories: growth, homework, recovery from, time, trust, truth,

Personal Business Trip Haiku

love is overdue
we check out with our passion
back to the basics

written by Tony Northover
Categories: anger, anxiety, betrayal, emotions, hurt,


All things end bitter
Cupid is out of business
Even flowers rot

written by Pj Bayliss
Categories: business,

Office Politics

Office politics, A penny drops from the sky, Just another day. (C) 2015 PJ Bayliss

written by Cathy Ncube
Categories: business, computer-internet, education, introspection, on work and working, visionary

No Match For High-Tech Jobs

lower-skilled workers
are plentiful, but are no
match for high-tech jobs

written by Verlena S. Walker
Categories: angel, appreciation, art, blessing, body, business, desire,


handsome and so fine gorgeous and body sublime inhabits one |____|________|_____|____| PENNED ON JULY 31, 2014!

written by Ashraf-Ul Alam Shikder
Categories: international, joy, work, world,

China Made

In China We made
Chinese Products, for the world
We do the business

For Chinese People
We do made the best Products
Ourselves we use it

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: business,

Eyes of the Mall

mall security
the other law enforcement
you can shop at ease

written by Chris Bowen
Categories: holiday,

Happy Halloween Through a Haiku

same.business is the same
love them veins
they taste regular to me