Haiku Poems About Cat | Cat Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Cat and Cat haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Cat Poems.

Poem Details | by Karen Croft
Categories: animal,

life of a Cat

pitter patter paws

a cozy warm place to sleep

purring up a storm

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: cat,

Black Velvet's Rumble Box

stroking black velvet until her tiny rumble . . . becomes a huge purr April 6, 2022 for Robert James Liguori's Black Cat Haiku Poetry Contest

Poem Details | by Carol Sunshine Brown
Categories: nature,

On Track

cheese lies on the floor
mouse makes his way to the cheese
cat runs for the mouse

Poem Details | by Doris Culverhouse
Categories: animals

Metal Cat Whirly Gig

Dizzy cat
Staggers and spins out of reach...
Birdie laughs mocking

Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: seasons,

Autumn Refuge

Cat door swings open
Field mouse scampers in --
     Tiny feet warmed

Poem Details | by Doris Culverhouse
Categories: cat, pets,


tabby cat slinking
around the house, looking stealth
pouncing and prancing

lover, neat and sweet
purring for a stroke around
his silky neck

Poem Details | by Chaim Wilson
Categories: cat, cry, night,

Feline Night Presence

Cat howling, after
Midnight, before dawn, is darker than sound,
Made when no ones ‘round.

Poem Details | by Charlie Knowlton
Categories: cat, moon,

Stray Cat Haiku

stray cat under moonlight
                        looks up  pauses and moves on
                        no regrets

Poem Details | by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty
Categories: wife,

My Wife Howls Bad News

my wife howls bad news
                                         the sauce curdles in the pan
                                               a cat has nine lives

Poem Details | by Maureen Mcgreavy
Categories: bird, cat,

The View Without a View

sun bleached porch swing creaks
             a crow scolds a calico

            bird seed turns to dust


Poem Details | by Bernard Chan
Categories: animal, cat, city, light, moon, night, sleep,


Cats on moonlit roofs, Stilled, watching the city sleep, Fireflies in their eyes.

Poem Details | by Michelle Faulkner
Categories: cat,


jungle green wild eyes

smoky shadow softly leaps...

cooling river swim


For 'Haiku or Senyru' contest
Sponsor: Constance La France

Poem Details | by Allen Beilschmidt Sr.
Categories: cat,

Softness and Warmth

softer then cotton
warm as a hot cup of tea
cat purrs beside me

Poem Details | by Debra L Brown
Categories: animal, cat, cute, cute love,

My Sweet


                                 You are my sweet pet.
                            Rose, the fish cake of my eye,
                                Come with me to Rome.


Poem Details | by Paul Callus
Categories: spring,

A Spring Haiku

a gift to the host

neighbour’s cat walks through the door

smelling of wild mint

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A spring haiku contest
Hosted by Tania Kitchen
Placed 1st
© 2nd March 2019

Poem Details | by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: cat,

Creeped Out By the Cat

creeped out by the cat
such an unexpected touch
stealthy and sneaky

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios
Categories: cat, golf, summer,

Cats and Summer

like twins they indeed do become

warm, sleepy, peaceful bodkins

in God's universe, love and the sun

8pm PST

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios
Categories: imagery, storm, winter,

Winter Storm

Winter Storm

            the storm approaches,
            ominous, black clouds dust the sky,
            cries of a lost cat.


Poem Details | by Evelyn Judy Buehler
Categories: appreciation, beauty, color, joy, nature, sky, summer,

Caught Up In the Moment

lolling on a hill
in glossy days of summer
cherishing blue skies

fat bumblebees hum
tunes of sweetness and sunlight
purple rose delight

gurgling brook's laughing
then the fall, and mum's the word
chrysanthemum craze

calico cat frisks
in the mystery of hours
colored by beauty

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios
Categories: cat, spring,

Spring Feline Joy

Showery leaping
                 Hungry calico cat
                 Feeds under flowers


                 February 16, 2020
                 8:30am PST

Poem Details | by John Lawless
Categories: cat, winter,

Cat's Eyes

the cat sits
angry at the window
a sparrow’s dream

John G. Lawless

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios
Categories: imagery, night,

Night--A Haiku

                        velvety soft night
                        warm cat purrs at dreamy feet
                        soft eyelids closing

                        January 7, 2020

Poem Details | by Laura Leiser
Categories: nature,

autumn haiku

burnt orange leaves on vines
cover a fence in autumn
spiderweb playground 

a rippling field bends
tall cornstalks dance head to head
wild rhythms of fall

eerie sounds at dusk
send a tingling chill of fright
first cat fight of fall

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios
Categories: beautiful, cat, imagery, moon, stars,

Afterglow Haiku


         orchestral stars played
                 moon and shadows did a dance
                          cat purred in cadence



Poem Details | by Karen Jones
Categories: animal, beauty, bird,

Cat Eyed

white wind pushing clouds
blueberry birds dotting sky
twinkle in cats eye

Poem Details | by Chantelle Cooke
Categories: adventure, art, cat, moon,

black rose

petal paw prints pounce starry eyes twirling with tail black rose under moon April 4th 2022 Contest: Black Cat Haiku Sponsor: Robert James LIguori 5th Place

Poem Details | by Robert Candler
Categories: cat, happy, home, pets, winter,


Dreary winter days.
Warm house, full dish, fresh litter.
We are happy cats.

Poem Details | by Pace Ink-U-Script
Categories: life,

Simply All the Same

Flea's to a dog is
                                                        no different to a cat. 
                                       Both feed to survive.

Pace, G.


Poem Details | by John Trusty
Categories: animals, education, funnydog, dog,

Canine Revenge

Some dog taught me this,
your head sinks and your butt floats.
It’s called cat paddling!

For “Primal Instinct” contest.    And the dog says’ “Oops, My Bad!”

Poem Details | by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: seasons,

- Haiku - X 3 - Cat -

Lies in shadow
      A striped sleepy cat
         Summer heat

A-L  Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Poem Details | by John Freeman
Categories: nature,

Nesting Birds Flutter

nesting birds flutter a birdbath is safe haven… tabby cat sleeping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kigo: Birds nesting/spring JM freeman 10/30/2011 For Charles Henderson Contest Haiku

Poem Details | by Brian Mcmahon
Categories: art, basketball, bridal shower, cat, humor,


The songs of endings:
lifeforms: the unintended
consequences king.

Poem Details | by D.W. Rodgers
Categories: science, universe,

Cat Or Not

Cat or not a cat
Schrödinger's key question of our
quantum universe

Poem Details | by John Beharry
Categories: baby, bird, butterfly, cat, death, flying, insect, mother, nature, sad, sorrow,

Haiku 5 - Mournful Cries, Way of Nature, Flight Into Eternity

mournful cries fill the air
mother bird calling for its baby
eaten by the cat

mantis catches butterfly
I am sad: yet, that is 
the way of nature

loud feathered thud
- flight into eternity
deceptive glass pane

Poem Details | by Patrick Cornwall
Categories: nature,


The lamp post is lit

                                    Bugs flutter towards the light

                                      The cat waits to pounce

First try at Haiku