Haiku Poems About Child | Child Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Child and Child haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Line Gauthier
Categories: child, color, imagination, sun, yellow,

A Balloon

a balloon
canary yellow
the sun on her leash

AP: 1st place, Honorable Mention 2020, Honorable Mention 2020

Submitted on June 26, 2020 for contest STRAND COMPLETELY NEW POETRY (1) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND  -  HONORABLE MENTION

POTD  -  June 26, 2020

written by Susan Ashley
Categories: beauty, life, nature, river, water, youth,

Waterfalls of Expectations

spilling mother’s milk
Nature’s bounty feeds her child -
river’s youth fades fast

Susan Ashley
April 29, 2020

~ Fourth Place ~
Premiere Contest: Hi-Ku (5)
Sponsor: Brian Strand

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: dark,


a child plays alone watching from behind a tree the predator smiles

written by Sneha Rv
Categories: child, childhood, children, christian, christmas, funny, mom,

Keeping Mum

Reindeer wait
   by the pane
I see shapes

A present!
   Santa thinks
I’m asleep 

Smells like mum 
   lent Santa 
her perfume...  ?

written by Daver Austin
Categories: lovelove,

Spread Love

SPREAD LOVE (three haiku)

spread love    come on!    try!
be you like some growing tree
branching to the sky

no expectation
no!    love is a child of mind
no condemnation

love    not just giving
oh no!    to receive as well
you must be willing

written by Mark Woods
Categories: child, future, word play,

A Child

Aye to a future
Borne with infinite promise
Untouched of first mourn

written by Pandita Sietesantos
Categories: angel, child, prayer,

On Feathered Wings

On Feathered Wings
dispatched to heaven on feathered wings of angels… a child’s fervent prayers
Inspired by SKAT A’s contest.

written by Kash Poet
Categories: life,

The Empty Swing

the empty swing
still moving to and fro...
cry of a child

© kash poet

written by Canny Amah
Categories: mystery


a trip thru two spheres
what wilful shadows of realities 
with a dead bursting into life

written by Elaine George
Categories: nature,

The Rose

Love child born in spring
Blushes in all her beauty
Velvet skin exposed

written by Rauwolfia Ra
Categories: nature

Autumn Leaves

Sunburnt summer’s child
Almond eyed and copper haired,
Winged with winds of storm.

written by Kim Rodrigues
Categories: dance,

Faerie-Child -Hc

one ballerina tiptoe-twirls with two pink shoes three sweet pirouettes Turning the key of a music box - one...two...three. Lovely, tall and full of grace - true faerie-child esprit. 3/1/2019 Charliecoup Poetry Contest Sponsor: Charles Messina

written by Kim Rodrigues
Categories: baby,


Mama's surprise child —
from our beds we shout out names
like the Walton’s did

Chantelle Cooke’s Childhood Memories Poetry Contest

Since you had one slot left I wrote a short one

written by Joseph Soper
Categories: child, nature,


silver tipped teal swell unhurried race to shoreline … a child's dream disposed

written by Mark Anthony Bartolo
Categories: appreciation, green, nature,

A Note To the Greedy

Leaves safeguard my skin
From sun rays burning my chin.
Their death’s a hick’s sin

Green trees kiss the wild
While berries nourish the young.
‘No trees!’ means ‘No child!’

The damp air we breathe
Helps the soul to sit and read.
Dear leaves, pay some heed

written by Kaveesha Ruwindi
Categories: child, emotions, happiness, happy, smile,


lips opened so slight
so that your cheeks may reflect
what twinkles your eyes

written by Alkas Poetry
Categories: allusion, analogy, blessing, child,


      Look innocent child...
  he is the most tender plant,
         a being of light!

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: child, color, friendship, love,

- Haiku X 92 - Kids Can See Colors -

Love with no limits
            The Children of the rainbow
            Let's paint the world,now

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV5oVYVGfNc )

- 16.11.2016
- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
- Copyright © All Rights Reserved 

- www.howmanysyllables.com - Haiku 5-7-5

written by Bhavna Khemlani
Categories: beautiful, caregiving, child, daughter, dedication, devotion, faith, family, growing up, inspirational, life, love, mom, mother daughter,


Every heartbeat is bestowed upon,
Compassion embraces a child eternally
That uplifts a child’s soul in isolation in every way.

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: baby, blessing, sad, sweet,

- Haiku X 45 - Earth's Children -

Rights to care and health
 Ebola - child is orphan
 A safe hand to hold 

 Long dark eyelashes
 Protect my little angel 
 God will make a way

 A-L Andresen :)
 Copyright © All Rights Reserved

written by Charles Henderson
Categories: love,

A Child

within the father
a child

written by Ellie Fields
Categories: anger, anxiety, betrayal, child abuse, depression, lonely, suicide,

Jail Pains

I wake up in pain
my wrists have shiny handcuffs 
I am in jail  

My heart feels ice-cold
It will not stop its beating 
I wish it would stop

My cell mate is gone
I am feeling so alone
I just want to die

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: animal, food,

My Chicken Life

As child Shake 'N Bake
later on Kentucky fried
chicken bird of choice

written by Arlene Smith
Categories: funny, drug,

Flower Child

psychedelic drugs
population explosion
making love, not war

written by David Meade
Categories: child, family,

Haiku 12 Autism

bamboo zoo fencing, 
protecting, connecting -- joy
     to autistic boy

David Meade

written by Ram R. V.
Categories: irony,


When  I was a child,
Afraid of my strict parents.
Now? Afraid ’f children!


written by Shawn Sackman
Categories: holiday

Christmas Eve

Large white flakes falling
Rooftop sounds muffled by snow
An unsleeping child

written by Timothy Hicks
Categories: character, child, funny, horse,

Haiku 44

This haiku has been deleted due to possible publication.

written by Thomas Kourkoulis
Categories: child, funny,

Morning Surprise

The culprit asleep 
Upstairs. I go cross-eyed.
Lego in my shoe.

written by Ross Blade
Categories: abuse, child abuse,

Process This

The oxymoron ..
His anger keeps loving you
again and again!

written by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders
Categories: child, fishing, happiness, nature,

Haiku 3-14-15

brown eyes smile 
under wide-brimmed hat -
tug on cane pole

written by Jamala James
Categories: kids, girl, mother daughter, my child, pride, sweet, wedding,

She Comes

The petals floating
Sweet smells and bells in the air
Here she comes in step

written by Jack Jordan
Categories: city,

Haiku 62

Haiku 62
	New York City
	mother and child asleep
	their sidewalk bed

written by Asif Andalib
Categories: childhood, education, inspirational, people, political, social, visionary,

Child Labor

Please stop child labor
Let the poor kids go to school
Please give them stipend

written by Zoe Isaacson
Categories: halloween, mythology, october,

Ghosts and Goblins

Ghost and goblins roam the streets
              happy waiting
 for a child to come by then suprise