Haiku Poems About Christmas | Christmas Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Christmas and Christmas haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: happiness, holiday

Seasonal Guests

plucked from frozen hills

evergreen scents fill our homes...

     lights flicker with joy

*Entry for Andrea's "Haiku Me a Christmas Tree" contest

written by Sneha Rv
Categories: child, childhood, children, christian, christmas, funny, mom,

Keeping Mum

Reindeer wait
   by the pane
I see shapes

A present!
   Santa thinks
I’m asleep 

Smells like mum 
   lent Santa 
her perfume...  ?

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: death, farewell, grief,

- Haiku X 43 - the Death-

Christmas sparkling lights
               Weak brightness through tearful eyes
               Unexpected death

              A-L Andresen
              Copyright © All Rights Reserved

written by Joy Wellington
Categories: holiday, seasons

Brilliant Sunshine Smell of Cinnamon Laughter

brilliant sunshine smell of cinnamon laughter... white stones and tree trunks
*Christmas Jamacia

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: christmas, nature,

Bells Ring On Christmas

bells ring on christmas

near white-frosted  evergreens . . .

a cardinal sings

Dec. 16, 2019

Writing Challenge, December - Winter Haiku or Senryu

Sponsor, Dear Heart - Wiishkobi Ode

written by Jimmy Anderson
Categories: holiday, nature

Smell That Aroma

smell that aroma
fresh cut cedar in the house...
santa will come soon


written by Winged Warrior
Categories: christmas, cry, snow,

Heavens Tears

heaven sheds its tears in a wintery white snow christmas angels sigh Dec.20.2018 Winter Haiku Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin N/A for contest

written by Paul Callus
Categories: funny,

A Light-Hearted Christmas

late at night
 a shepherd
 woke his wife

 I saw...heard
 angels sing
 in the sky!

 it’s the wine
 she mumbled
 or UFOs!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
In this case UFOs is 2 syllables
Contest by Charles Messina
Placed 2nd
© 18th December 2018

written by Line Gauthier
Categories: christmas, heaven, holiday, nostalgia, snow, surreal, winter,


heavenly snow
cascades of glitter 
on christmas eve

posted on September 18, 2018

written by Line Gauthier
Categories: anxiety, christmas, holiday, home, peace, stress, winter,

What Christmas Stress - Haiku Chain

christmas tree
star on top
proud and bright

quiet night
gifts are wrapped
tucked away

paced myself
feet are up
life so good

posted on December 11, 2018 for contest CHARLIEKU 3-3-3 sponsored by CHARLES MESSINA  -  RANKED 2ND

written by Robert Lindley
Categories: appreciation, childhood, christmas, creation, memory, snow, tree,

Christmas Eve Morning and Sweet Memories

Christmas Eve Morning And Sweet Memories

mistletoe, a kiss
childhood, snowball fights I miss
memories of this

Robert J. Lindley, 12-24-2021

written by Gary Smith
Categories: birth, christmas, jesus,

Lamb of God

Jesus born
Lamb of God,
Christmas morn.

There a star
Guided them.

Three magi 
Witness him,
It begins.

Entry for
Charlieku 3-3-3 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Charles Messina.
7/12/18. Placed 2nd.

written by Krish Radhakrishna
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade,

The Day Before Christmas

lone twig stands upright
robins wag their tails to tweet
snow whitens the lea

1st Placement
Written 16/01/2022
Haiku 5,7,5 syllables
Winter Haiku contest
Tania Kitchin Sponsored

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: beauty, christmas, flower,

- Haiku X 245 - Legend -

the first Christmas rose
                           it grew up where her tears fell ~
                                     Jesus in the crib

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

written by Charlie Knowlton
Categories: spring, storm, winter,

Haiku Weather

powerful new england storms
                                  can't get to church on christmas
                                  nor easter

written by Christuraj Alex
Categories: christmas, star, wisdom,

Star Lit

quest unquenchable
magi marched searching for soul ~
from known to unknown 

21 December 2021

written by Hebert Logerie
Categories: celebration, christmas, december, happy birthday, humanity, inspirational, poetry,

Before Christmas

Days before Noël
We’re ready to celebrate
With all the Poets.

Copyright © December 2023, Hébert Logerie, all rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: christmas, family, joy,

- Haiku X 42 - Home For Christmas -

Christmas home with songs
     Gathered family rejoice 
     Happy stars smiling  

     A-L Andresen :)
     Copyright © All Rights Reserved

written by Shawn Sackman
Categories: holiday

Christmas Eve

Large white flakes falling
Rooftop sounds muffled by snow
An unsleeping child

written by Charles Henderson
Categories: holiday,

Christmas Party

the host in kilts
for Christmas celebration-
spirits flow freely

written by M. L. Kiser
Categories: christmas, holiday, tree,

Holly Trees

Holly greens year round Remind us of Christmas cheer Even in summer.

written by Arty Rico Jones
Categories: christmas, december, holiday,

Chritmas Tree Presents

Pretty Christmas tree
Nice presents under the tree
Christmas Day is soon

written by Mitch White
Categories: holiday

Jack Frost

Winter days grow short
Jack Frost enjoys making snow
Perfecting Christmas

written by Katherine Stella
Categories: adventure, family, fantasy, children, funny, happiness, holiday, imagination, inspirational, life, nature, passion, people, seasons, uplifting, visionary

Playing Peek a Boo {edit}

<                             coniferous tree
                       playing peek a boo .... shuffle                                
                              candid smiles glisten

{ Christmas }

Entry For
Deborah Guzzi's
Holiday Haiku Contest
G.L. All

written by Jack Horne
Categories: art

The Snowman

Raymond Briggs’ Snowman
shown each year on Christmas Eve
still as magical

written by John Freeman
Categories: love

"holiday Haiku"

virgin births a Son…

         the season is Christmas day

                    the Father is love

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: family,

Christmas Shopping

I'm Christmas shopping
Today it is done online
there's no crowds nor lines

written by Charles Henderson
Categories: holiday

Dew Kissed Mistletoe

dew kissed mistletoe hung above the entrance way... pays spirit forward ~//~ * Christmas © Nov 07 2010 Charles Henderson 1st place in Deb's holiday haiku contest

written by Anna-Marie Docherty
Categories: adventure, anniversary, art, dedication, devotion, family, friendship, holiday, imagination

Quick Handmade Christmas Card With Love Xx

Celebrate Christmas Day
In stable - manger Christ lay
Brightest star shone way

Nativity gels 
tinsel glitter baubles bells
Notes of pine tree smells

Bend fold crease cut glue
made with love from me to you
clock ticks... finished... phew!

written by John Loving Iii
Categories: artchristmas, christmas,

The Ring Please

the decorations
covering the christmas tree
a ring for the home

 (for the christmas haiku contest)

written by Jack Jordan
Categories: winter,

Haiku 106

Haiku 106
	christmas ice storm   red
	maple leafs’ crystal cocoon 
	preserving autumn

written by Dan Keir
Categories: angst, caregiving, christmas, confusion, funny, humorous, life,


A Christmas wish list
A quick glimpse into my life
Not much going on

written by Michael J. Falotico
Categories: holiday, seasons,

A Warm Fireplace

a warm fireplace
glowing flames light the room...
warms our hands and spirit

"Holiday Haiku contest" 
*Christmas Time

written by Courtney Dyer
Categories: family, holiday


Pearl white Christmas tree
With beautiful ornaments
And sparkling lights

written by Gerard Keogh Jr.
Categories: holiday, love

Warm Orange Fed Fresh Logs

warm orange fed fresh logs
soft shimmer silver tinsel...
merry christmas dear