Haiku Poems About Courage | Courage Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Courage and Courage haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Maria Williams
Categories: courage, inspirational, motivation, power,

Oh To Be the King

Regally they strut Lions have no ought to roar Status apparent
Establish importance with quiet visibility without vocality (Not for any contest)

written by Paul Callus
Categories: courage, snow,

Tenacity and Conviction

harsh adversity
brings forth determination
tulips in the snow

written by P.M. Richter
Categories: courage, freedom, prayer,

Making a Wish

letting go of fear
dandelion seeds flicker
into the sunset

written by Abdulhafeez Oyewole
Categories: adventure, courage, devotion, dream, happiness, passion, patriotic, peace, people,

No Chain, No Charm

In Unison-
~No Chain, No Charm~

United we own
Firm, full of finest goodies-
Our ground of freedom.

United we stand
Firm from failure and horror-
On the ground of strength.

United we pray
Faithfully with open mind-
Our bliss is assured.

written by P.M. Richter
Categories: courage, freedom, heaven,


thrashing cold water
a fish leaps…
into the warm sun

written by Ann Peck
Categories: 12th grade, bird, confidence, courage, perspective, song, tree,

The Sound of Silence

.   a bird will still sing
placing faith in tomorrow
   as the last tree falls

May 7, 2022
for Haiku Nature Poetry Contest
by Sotto Poet

written by Evelyn Judy Buehler
Categories: courage, hero, nature, strength, uplifting,


they have what it takes
like sunset colors on blue
strength guts and virtue

like the orange sun
they are natural leaders
in red robin days

like rainbow colors
they have that extra something
in triumph or loss

written by Line Gauthier
Categories: autumn, beautiful, courage, red, strength, tree, wind,

Red Leaves

red leaves
braving autumn winds
ravishing courage

AP: Honorable Mention 2022

Posted on October 8, 2018

written by Regina Mcintosh
Categories: anxiety, appreciation, beautiful, beauty, courage, mountains, nature,


mist covers mountains soothing shadows shades of doubt ...hues of soft silver Haiku or Senyru Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Constance La France July 23, 2020

written by Sabrina Millicent
Categories: anger, anxiety, blue, courage, dark, depression, emotions,


rain wails from the sky
the winter of discontent 
puddling fury tears

written by Davin Math
Categories: epic

Men of Valor

Bravery is strength
Courage makes splendid amour
Valor keeps our men

written by Harambe In Heaven
Categories: animal, betrayal, brother, corruption, courage, dad, death,

A Haiku For Harambe

Harambe is dead,
Shot Harambe in the head,
Now my dude is dead

written by Robert Candler
Categories: angst, anti bullying, bullying, character, christian, courage, evil, growth, hate, hero, sin, social, society, wisdom,

No Fear

Evil's popular,
But I will do the right thing.
If caught, so be it.

written by Uwe Stroh
Categories: absence, analogy, courage, violence,

I Saw the Bullet

In my spotting scope
I saw a flash
All went black.

written by Dan Keir
Categories: allah, angel, angst, courage, dream, education, faith, fantasy, fear, funny, god, heaven, history, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, jesus, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, love, miracle, mystery, nostalgia, on work and working, parody, passion, peace, people, philosophy, political, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, spiritual, stress, success, sympathy, teacher, time, write,

Haikus About God: V

Omniscient guy
Yet he lets bad things happen
How can he exist?

written by J.W. Earnings
Categories: adventure, beauty, childhood, courage, faith, freedom, growing up, happiness, happy, hope, inspirational, life, nature, pain, passion, success, travel, uplifting, visionary,

Mountain Climbing

I’m climbing  
Above the canyon…the sun
Hits  		the 		rocks

I ascend
As 	I 	take 	risk 	after 	risk

I’m climbing
I 	rely 	on 	my 	own 	strength
I’m doing FINE!

I descend
While	 I 	urgently 	hold 	on
For dear life…

written by Jo Bien
Categories: introspection

Wizard of Oz

no thoughts like Scarecrow
no heart to break like Tinman
no courage like Lion

written by Handful Haiku
Categories: racism,


There's not a "better,"
for courage and cowardice 
come in all colors.

written by Dan Keir
Categories: allah, angel, angst, confusion, courage, dream, faith, god, happiness, heaven, history, hope, imagination, inspirational, introspection, jesus, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, love, memory, metaphor, miracle, parody, passion, peace, people, philosophy, political, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, stress, success, sympathy, teacher, time, uplifting, write,

Haikus About God: Iv

God made all people
But some better than others?
Stop being silly.

written by J.W. Earnings
Categories: adventure, animal, confusion, courage, fear, funny, imagination, inspirational, life, lost, nature, on work and working, pain, relationship, stress, time, tree, uplifting, work,


Lookin' after pests
Keepin' a CLOSE eye on 'em
"Those wild animals!"

Roamin' around zoo
Searchin' for sneaky monkey
Hidin' in a tree

Zookeeper gets mad
"Where's Marty, the smartypants!?"
"He TOOK my cage keys!"

written by J.W. Earnings
Categories: absence, angst, beauty, care, change, confusion, courage, dark, death, death of a friend, december, dedication, depression, desire, devotion, dream, friendship, future, heart, heartbroken, vanity,

Rest In Peace, Dear Friend

Flowers wilt
Dead carcasses are buried
Loved ones mourn

Rest in peace,
Your life on earth is no more…
Farewell, friend

written by Reynaldo Mast
Categories: beautiful, beauty, courage, dedication, devotion, faith, happiness, happy, health, hope, imagination, inspirational, life, nature, success, tree, uplifting,

Planting a Tree

What can a man do

To plant a seed in the ground

So strong a tree grows

written by ... Gigno
Categories: courage, faith, hope, inspiration,

One Spirit

Shine, courageously
To block out any darkness
You, the only light

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: courage,

Don'T Fear It

an Icebreaker speech
standing at the podium
welcome Toastmasters

written by Erik Spector
Categories: courage, growing up, social, youth,

Young Social Group

Hotel stays when we
     all must go; broken phone but
            the Ice is cold!

written by Ray Dillard
Categories: courage, fear,


Loaded, close, ready
May I never hear it speak 
Resting cold--silent

written by May Fenn
Categories: analogy, courage, death, grief, imagery, military, patriotic,

Blood Red

Poppies great beauty
Brave men dying for duty
Each nourish the earth.

written by Dan Keir
Categories: adventure, courage, freedom, happiness, history, holiday, hope, imagination, inspirational, journey, life, love, natural disasters, nature, pain, parody, passion, philosophy, recovery from..., space, stress, travel,

Le Vacance Pretentieuse: Storm Part Iii

An azure ocean
Displaced by mighty blackness
The horizon dies

written by Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther
Categories: celebrity, courage,



written by George Zamalea
Categories: courage, fear, education,

The Cloud of Tone

There things education should give
Pain and despair, and 
The other the spirit of quit.

written by Humble B
Categories: beauty, courage, god, happiness, inspirational, jesus, life, peace, spiritual, stress,

Peace - Haiku

Peace; humble, serene Can be found within the soul Be still, listen, be

written by Dan Keir
Categories: adventure, courage, dream, faith, freedom, holiday, hope, imagination, inspirational, journey, life, love, memory, metaphor, natural disasters, nature, philosophy, places, political, recovery from..., space, stress, travel,

Le Vacance Pretentieuse: Storm Part Iv

Culminates in a washout
Stuffed camels get soaked

written by Iris E. Sankey- Lewis
Categories: addiction, adventure, angel, baptism, courage, encouraging,

Where Freedom Finds the Fire

Recovery reigned

beyond lure and fire and ice


to baptismal pool.

Sponsor: Jusin Bordner
Contest Name:  "Where Freedom Finds The Fire"
Deadline: 4/26/16

written by Zach Aurel Henderson
Categories: love


courage to see you
i need courage to hold you
So i do not run

written by Reggae Magnet
Categories: character, cheer up, courage,

The Red Rose Smiles

Amongst the thorns and bushes, 
The red rose smiles.