written by
Line Gauthier
devotion, inspirational love, prayer, religious, river, spiritual, spring, water,
sung buddhist prayers
released afloat spring rivers
a skyward mist
AP: Honorable Mention 2020
Submitted on March 5, 2018 for contest HAIKU, THEME: WATER sponsored by MICK TALBOT
written by
Howard Kerr
anxiety, art, care, dedication, deep, devotion, emotions,
On buses, trains, crowds
they must be worn, but then we
always do, don’t we!
written by
Abdulhafeez Oyewole
adventure, courage, devotion, dream, happiness, passion, patriotic, peace, people,
No Chain, No Charm
In Unison-
~No Chain, No Charm~
United we own
Firm, full of finest goodies-
Our ground of freedom.
United we stand
Firm from failure and horror-
On the ground of strength.
United we pray
Faithfully with open mind-
Our bliss is assured.
written by
Edward Ebbs
care, change, character, cheer up, cry, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, giving, growing up, health, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, image, imagery, meaningful, passion, people, psychological, storm, summer,
Behind That Smile
Those beautiful smiles
Sometimes have cried the most tears
Charitable hearts
Edward J Ebbs - February 22, 2015
written by
... Gigno
devotion, love,
With You
Anywhere with you
Be it past, present, future
Prevailing as two
written by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
black african american, christian, devotion, faith, religion, religious, spiritual,
Deep Understanding
Learn to Listen
We must have Wisdom or Understanding
Must have Patience and Tolerance
written by
James Marshall Goff
Dying Rose
Vanishing beauty
Your charms rest in memory
Altars chant her name
written by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
black african american, christian, devotion, faith, religion, religious, spiritual,
The Lord is good
His kindness endures forever
And His faithfulness, to all generations
written by
Timothy Hicks
beach, devotion, image, imagination, nature, peace, work,
Coastal Sunset --- Haiku
coastal sunset -
dropping into the sea also
the juggler's ball
Written February 23rd, 2016
For the What Goes Up, Must Come Down Contest hosted by Catie Lindsey
written by
Carma Sanderson
christian, devotion, faith, father, hope, inspirational, jesus, spiritual, uplifting,
Values At Top Rate
--Your Persona, Captures Elegance,
Your Heart, Values At Top Rate,
Your Soul, Priceless, GODS LOve--
written by
Demetrios Trifiatis
devotion, love,
Eternally Yours
Listen to my heart
The voice of my love to hear
Eternally yours!
(c) Demetrios Trifiatis
21 November 2016
written by
Raul Moreno
devotion, faith, nature
Daily Worship
Morning bird’s prayer,
Worship from a pew of gold:
Limb tabernacle.
written by
Manny Paras
devotion, time,
beyond forever
stars hang on your blue eyes
knowing not time's end
Creative Haiku, Charlotte Puddifoot
18 Sept 2014
written by
Demetrios Trifiatis
devotion, love, relationship,
Heavenly Love
She asked for nothing
He offered her everything
Love made in heaven!
(c) Demetrios Trifiatis
22 November 2016
written by
Howard Kerr
art, beautiful, birth, creation, devotion, emotions, happiness,
Queen Regina Ace
Platinum minstrel
jewel-encrusted gemstone
sculptress, dawn usher
written by
Tom Wright
devotion, fear, god,
Fear God
Fear God
The fear of the Lord,
The beginning of wisdom;
But Godly wisdom;
Proverbs 10:19 KJV
written by
Maria Fernandez-Garcia
adventure, allusion, bird, cute, destiny, devotion, emotions,
tireless travelers
without suitcases
they surf skies drawing beauty
~tireless travelers~
written by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
black african american, christian, devotion, faith,
3 Branches of Government
Judicial Branch
Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
written by
Bhavna Khemlani
beautiful, caregiving, child, daughter, dedication, devotion, faith, family, growing up, inspirational, life, love, mom, mother daughter,
Every heartbeat is bestowed upon,
Compassion embraces a child eternally
That uplifts a child’s soul in isolation in every way.
written by
Cindi Rockwell
autumn, devotion, football, hope, september, sports,
Eagles on the field!
I cling to hope of Bowl Ring . . .
There's always next year.
written by
Sharon Ruebel
childhood, devotion, growing up,
Hide and Seek
summer evening
hide and seek
until mom calls
written by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
bible, christian, devotion, faith, religion, religious, spiritual,
Unity of the Old and New Testaments
As an old saying put it
The New Testament lies hidden in the Old
The Old Testament is unveiled in the New
written by
Kevin Stock
anniversary, devotion, happiness, love, passion, romance, wedding, wife
The Thing That Matters Most
The day I wed my soul-mate
It was a good day
written by
Nikhileswari Swaminathan
bible, devotion, emotions, encouraging, gothic, jesus, passion,
devout dutiful
blissfully spiritual
men who are godly
written by
Allan Granstrom
devotion, faith, forgiveness, hope, love, thank you
God's Grace
Your lovingkindness
Total forgiveness times ten
written by
J.W. Earnings
absence, angst, beauty, care, change, confusion, courage, dark, death, death of a friend, december, dedication, depression, desire, devotion, dream, friendship, future, heart, heartbroken, vanity,
Rest In Peace, Dear Friend
Flowers wilt
Dead carcasses are buried
Loved ones mourn
Rest in peace,
Your life on earth is no more…
Farewell, friend
written by
Reynaldo Mast
beautiful, beauty, courage, dedication, devotion, faith, happiness, happy, health, hope, imagination, inspirational, life, nature, success, tree, uplifting,
Planting a Tree
What can a man do
To plant a seed in the ground
So strong a tree grows
written by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
black african american, christian, devotion, faith, religion, religious, spiritual,
A Priest Forever
Jesus or Father Christ
A priest forever
In the order of Melchizedek
written by
Lisa Lee
art, business, devotion, history, life, nature, work,
The Rancher
morning frost twinkles
while rancher sips coffee and
whiffs new arrivals
written by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
assonance, christian, devotion, faith, god, religion, religious,
Catholic Or Roman Catholic Church
Jesus or Father Christ established or started
The Catholic or Roman Catholic Church
With our first pope St. Peter on Second Century
written by
Michael Jordan
devotion, friendship, husband, love, wife
nature is nature
you are you as I am I
united as one
written by
Sara Kendrick
animals, devotion, inspirational, life, love, nature, seasons
Red Cardinals Comes
Red Cardinal comes
First female male eat suet_
Gentleman inborn
written by
Sharon Ruebel
death, devotion,
Love Letters
winters gone
the letters they
keep on comming
written by
Edward Mccormick
devotion, fantasy, friendship, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, love,
Together, We Are
together, we are
crafted, in loving embrace
a dazzling undress!
written by
Anna-Marie Docherty
adventure, anniversary, art, dedication, devotion, family, friendship, holiday, imagination
Quick Handmade Christmas Card With Love Xx
Celebrate Christmas Day
In stable - manger Christ lay
Brightest star shone way
Nativity gels
tinsel glitter baubles bells
Notes of pine tree smells
Bend fold crease cut glue
made with love from me to you
clock ticks... finished... phew!