Haiku Poems About Farewell | Farewell Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Farewell and Farewell haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: farewell, happiness, heaven,

Angel's Wings

Angel’s wings unfold
Soul's anticipation mounts
Paradise raptures!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
   09 NOVEMBER 2014

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: autumn,


september slips in
as asters wave in the breeze . . .
farewell to summer

october’s crisp days
mountains’ gold and crimson blaze . . .
my marveling gaze

november’s wind wails
a lone leaf scuttles away . . .
the fall’s first snow flake

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: death, farewell, grief,

- Haiku X 43 - the Death-

Christmas sparkling lights
               Weak brightness through tearful eyes
               Unexpected death

              A-L Andresen
              Copyright © All Rights Reserved

written by Timothy Brumley
Categories: nature, seasons

Farewell To Autumn

Multicolored leaves

                     Dancing in the northern winds.....

                                                           Wave farewell to fall.

                                                           Timothy I. Brumley

written by Spandan Karmakar
Categories: nature, autumn,

Autumn Air

Drifting leaves
in the autumn air--
farewell song

By:Spandan Karmakar

Date:13th Oct. 

contest:Autumn Air

written by L. J. Carber
Categories: farewell, loss, nature, nostalgia, seasons,

A Haiku

the little wildflowers
of spring blanket the backyard
till the mower comes...

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: farewell,

The Forgotten Past

yesterday's feelings
I have memories of them
but I do not dwell

written by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: hope, joy, love, peace,

Aspirations Charlieku

dare we dream …
     have hope

families fed
children loved …

farewell disease
no more wars …
     just love

as Lennon did
imagine …
     such joy

*October 11, 2018
For Charles Messina’s “Charlieku” Challenge

written by Franci Hoffman
Categories: autumn, farewell, october,

Seasonal Reset

a leaf fell today
twirling as if the last dance
final disconnect

written by Gregory Richard Barden
Categories: break up, farewell, goodbye, metaphor, winter,

Farewell Filigree

~     window between us,

               your breath freezes like fine lace ...

          goodbye's frigid fringe     ~

written by Sotto Poet
Categories: analogy, bird, farewell,


skies with wavy steps draw a staircase from the south crow heads home to brood
Written: May 06, 2022 A Brian Strand Premiere Choice Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Brian Strand

written by Kayla Hawkins
Categories: animal, farewell, loss, nature,


small songbird cardinal
your bush cut down from the storm
small cardinal no more

written by Linda Alice Fowler
Categories: autumn, moon, nature, october, seasons,

falling leaves moon

autumn mosaic
	summer’s formal farewell gift ~
		lazy leaf loosens

(October Full Moon – Anishinaabe)

written by Sotto Poet
Categories: analogy, appreciation, sun, winter,

Winter Sun

perches low enough
and bides an early farewell~
the sun in winter

written by Trisha Sugarek
Categories: autumn, death, farewell, hero, war,

Samurai Song, Haiku

delicate blossom
rests in the still gnarled hand
bruised petals weep tears

weary eyes open
tiny cuts, the body bleeds
peace still years away

sun rise breaks the hill
heralds another battle
draw your sword and charge

Trisha Sugarek, 2011
From The World of Haiku

written by Trisha Sugarek
Categories: absence, farewell, imagery, longing, lost love, love,

Forever Love

forever love  ©

dance in a meadow
lovers whole in each other
no need for music

sun warm on our backs
creek singing in the background
hawk cries in the sky

warm lips sing the song
laughter lights a glow in eyes
sweet love sweet forever love

Trisha Sugarek
Moths and Machettes

written by J.W. Earnings
Categories: absence, angst, beauty, care, change, confusion, courage, dark, death, death of a friend, december, dedication, depression, desire, devotion, dream, friendship, future, heart, heartbroken, vanity,

Rest In Peace, Dear Friend

Flowers wilt
Dead carcasses are buried
Loved ones mourn

Rest in peace,
Your life on earth is no more…
Farewell, friend

written by Phyllis Babcock
Categories: autumn,

Haiku 48

damp footprints
over dead leaves
fall's farewell

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: baseball,

Jeter's Farewell

Just like Field of Dreams
Derek Jeter's final game
Hello Hall of Fame

written by Paul Geiger
Categories: beautiful, death, emotions, farewell,


wearied seamen rest
beneath their own blue blue sea
ocean - solitude

written by Jan Allison
Categories: winter,

Farewell Mr Snow

snowman slowly melts body gently disappears features lay on ground 14th December 2014

written by Maritza Pagan
Categories: dark, death, farewell, goodbye, heartbroken, loss,

The End of Life

Gasping for the air
The color lost in your face
It is time… good-bye

written by Anthony Pabon
Categories: farewell,


the sun breaks its light
slowly devoured by night
it pierces my heart

written by Leslie Scardigno
Categories: farewell, lost love,

Waves For Contest

Waves break on the shore
Erase all traces of us
We exist no more

written by Laura Breidenthal
Categories: adventure, art, beautiful, child, farewell, fear, loss,

Corn Husk Dolls

empty cave
save for three corn husk dolls
tide takes one


written by Verlena S. Walker
Categories: betrayal, conflict, confusion, dark, drink, farewell, red,

In a Bottle

darken red wine drink
an epistle - enclosed
     for there’s not reason
PENNED ON JULY 24, 2014!

written by Michael Dom
Categories: farewell, moon,

Haiku For Isidora's Moonlight Smoke:

A stellar pathway:
No rain in the sky to douse 
the moons umbrella.

Hoary puffs racing 
through glowing rings, while she smokes:
Lunar reckoning.

Coconut palms wave
their sleek fronds in the high wind:
Long midnight goodbyes.

written by Mark Daniel Nicasio
Categories: farewell, goodbye, pain, sorrow, time,

Echo of the Night

Every time you go 
The silence has enough time 

written by Iolanda Scripca
Categories: funny

Root Canal

Farewell my Rooty
I don't see you in X-Rays
I won't miss you though...  :)

He, he, he...

written by Anusha Dharmasena
Categories: farewell, goodbye, word play,


Evening and glory!
The Face and book are gleaming,
I Bid you farewell

written by Viv Wigley
Categories: autumn,

Autumn Haiku- Contest

scarlet carnival
      natures bunting waves in trees
      summer bids farewell


For Contest 'Autumn Haiku', sponsor SKAT A
20th October 2015

written by Elijah Guardiola
Categories: conflict, farewell, life,

Good Luck

Zapping Through The Air
Everyone Gets Burnt Ugly
Good Luck To You All

written by Frank Polgar
Categories: death, farewell, peace,


you now possess me
cover me with your blanket
earth caress my soul

written by Mark J. Halliday
Categories: animal, death of a friend, loss, nature, pets,

Farewell Ginger

Walked her in the woods,
And on beaches; then crying,
We put her to sleep.

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: weather, winter,

Farewell Winter

Winter emotions 
may run wild some of the time
to the bitter end