Haiku Poems About Fish | Fish Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Fish and Fish haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Fish Poems.

Poem Details | by Mark Toney
Categories: fish, garden, nature, peace, poetry, water,

Haiku Kvf

koi pond quietude
values and tones of zen stones
find repose and peace

Poem Details | by Eve Roper
Categories: fish, ocean,


ocean of abstract
wildlife feed under moonlight~
starlet sun rises


Is a Premiere Poetry Contest H I - K U Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Brian Strand

Poem Details | by P.M. Richter
Categories: courage, freedom, heaven,


thrashing cold water
a fish leaps…
embraced by the sun

Poem Details | by Sienna Muniz
Categories: animals

Silver Fish

Fishy shining bright
You are silver in the sun.
Eyes sprint after you.

Poem Details | by Joseph May
Categories: nature,

Frog Pads

Croakers symphony
await the rainy season
a horny toad calls

A burst of thunder
rain coming down in torrents
a mating frenzy

lily pads submerge
fertile eggs slowly sinking
 fish come  for the  feast

new generations
await symphonic debut
a raindrop splashes

By: Joseph May

Poem Details | by Paul Callus
Categories: fish,

A Fish Haiku

gulping for air
when minnows swim
beyond their depth

A Fish Haiku Contest
Hosted by Mick Talbot
Placed 3rd
19th April 2018

Poem Details | by Tom Cunningham
Categories: fish, river,

Spring Fishing

grizzly bear wakes up 
hibernation is over ~
heads for the river

Written 28th March 2021 

Spring Haiku - Traditional Form Poetry Contest

Sponsored By Tania Kitchin

Syllables checked on how many syllables. Com.

Poem Details | by Matthew Anish
Categories: animal, joy, water,


Walk by the water 
See the fish swimming along
Take joy in the moment

Poem Details | by Laura Leiser
Categories: bird, sea,


alert cormorant 
                   dives for fish in eventide …
             …hooked prey hears death knell

Written on 3/18/2022
For Bird Haiku contest
Sponsor: Tania Kitchin

Poem Details | by Debra L Brown
Categories: animal, cat, cute, cute love,

My Sweet


                                 You are my sweet pet.
                            Rose, the fish cake of my eye,
                                Come with me to Rome.


Poem Details | by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty
Categories: dream,

Winter Dream

mermaid's winter dream
                                      asleep on balmy iceberg
                                          fish in lagoon eyes

Poem Details | by Bill Baker
Categories: animal, fish, fishing, food, river,

Hungry Bear

bear wading in the stream
     bear grabs a jumping salmon          
          bear feeds his hunger

Poem Details | by Shadow Hamilton
Categories: bird, fish, water,


Leaping fish spawning
leaf floats by waterfall
lyrical bird sings 

Waves crashing on beach
river maundering 
clouds puffy white sail by

Poem Details | by Bill Baker
Categories: art, beauty, dance, fish, imagery, nature, water,

Synchronized Swimming

a large school of fish
     in unison each fish turns
          synchronized swimming

Poem Details | by Karen Jones
Categories: animal, fish,

Fish Tank

bright eyes swinging tail
spirit inside as a whale
all the feels gray gills

Poem Details | by Christuraj Alex
Categories: bird, fish, life, nature,


standing on one leg
the crane trusts in good fortune ---
fate of fish fizzles

Poem Details | by Karen Croft
Categories: nature,


moonlight over lake 
fish jump and splash through night 
skinny dipping style

Poem Details | by Darlene Gifford
Categories: dad, daughter, fishing,

Gone Fishing

barefoot and laughing

     dad and daughter fish off pier

bonding over bait


Poem Details | by Julia Romano
Categories: funny, hate,

You Smell Like a Dirty Vag

I hate you so much
You smell like a dirty vag, 
Day old fish and all

Poem Details | by Ryan Wanless
Categories: animal, beauty, funny,


The humble narwhal
Unicorn of the ocean
Dwelling in the sea

The humble narwhal
Hunting delicious tuna
Eating all the fish

The humble narwhal
Bearer of the forehead tusk
Stabbing enemies

The humble narwhal
No, they aren't a type of fish
But they are mammals

Poem Details | by Uwe Stroh
Categories: adventure, analogy, fish, nature,


Hiding from the current
The rocks shelter
Approaching flood

Poem Details | by Kayleen Ashwood
Categories: autumn, fire, fish, happy, life, memory, nature,

Haiku 01 - Camping

Return from cold trails
to find a crackling warm fire
and freshly grilled trout.

Poem Details | by Earl Schumacker
Categories: fun, rude,

Very Rude Haiku

Very Rude Haiku

Winter? 3 lines?....Right! ....

5-7-5 cadence, meter 

I don't think so!...Blah!   


Table by brook swamped

Consume fish, tail, heads, water

No soup for you!...Tip!

Poem Details | by Shadow Hamilton
Categories: fish,


flashes of silver 
as they leap the waterfall
on their way to spawn

Poem Details | by Red Barchettadrive
Categories: business, fish, fishing, children, kids, humanity, water,

Nosy Neighbors - Haiku

a worm and hook plop
orange koi gather around
like nosy neighbors

Poem Details | by Peter Brooks
Categories: death, fishing, storm,

Death By Lightning

Bright morn. Two boys fish.
Absorbed… Rain - Run - Rods - Lightning.
One boy heard the clap.

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: bird,

Great Blue Heron

the great blue heron glides low over the blue bay... schools of fish vanish

Poem Details | by Sandra Haight
Categories: analogy, fish, imagery, metaphor, solitude,


trapped fish swim about behind clear, aquatic walls; do seas haunt their dreams? January 20, 2016

Poem Details | by Uwe Stroh
Categories: adventure, art, fish, nature,


Out of the flow
Behind the log
Big mouth grabs black yabby.

Poem Details | by Mehnaz Veetil
Categories: loss,

A Life Lost

A Life Lost

    blue ocean waters
jewel- like fishes abode
   old sucker -cat dies..

*my sweet n brave goldy(golden sucker cat fish)dies of white spot disease . :-(

Poem Details | by Daver Austin
Categories: autumn, baby, bereavement, fish,

More Haiku


fishing boat at dock
hearty laughter from the pub
splash!    moon breaks in two

Dave Austin

Poem Details | by William Null
Categories: sea

Ocean City

Fish and jellyfish
live beneath the ocean floor
creating sealife

Poem Details | by Gregory Richard Barden
Categories: animal, fish, nature, ocean,


~   temple of coral...

                    parrotfish weave sun columns -

                                        the dance... prismatic   ~

Poem Details | by Neelam Sangwai
Categories: water,


I'm dying to know
Fish dying without water
Where is my water?

Poem Details | by Shawn Sackman
Categories: nature


Under the sufrace
a Fall stream elk hair caddis erupts
Fish leaps, ripples again