Haiku Poems About Grief | Grief Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Grief and Grief haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: blessing, grief, rose,

- Haiku X 70 - the Beginning -

Thousand and one Nights
Gothic and Romanesque rose
I call to the Earth
The Moment has come
The Choice is no longer mine
By goodness and Love

A-L Andresen :)

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: death, farewell, grief,

- Haiku X 43 - the Death-

Christmas sparkling lights
               Weak brightness through tearful eyes
               Unexpected death

              A-L Andresen
              Copyright © All Rights Reserved

written by Sara Chansarkar
Categories: death,


Bright autumn sunlight
Ironing out morning chill
Dad lay still and cold

written by P.S. Awtry
Categories: grief,

Not As Strong As She Seems

formidable dam

     a breach in the night ~

          dread torrent of tears

written by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: grief, joy,

Cruel People

Stricken by grief heart

Flooded by myriads tears

Cruel men rejoice!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
         25 May 2018

written by Billie Jama
Categories: color, imagery, metaphor, poetry, seasons, writing,

Signs of Autumn

pine cones drop like tears
from a weeping willow's bough
autumn's gentle grief

burnt orange cake spread
on the bottom of our shoes
amber hues take hold

gales of wind gust strong
over beds of crimson rust
uncovering seeds

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: cry, death,

- Haiku X 94 - a Light In Grief -

Be a lovely flame
Sparkle makes the earth to spin
For pain, loss and death

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

written by James Burns
Categories: angst, confusion, death, family, loss, sad


Screams above the din

A moment of grief and loss

    A loved one passes

written by David Meade
Categories: grief, joy, love,

I Need You

Black grief, I need you,
fill my mouth with laughter, my
tongue with shouts of joy

written by Cherie Lowe
Categories: faith, inspirational, life, peace,


Oh gentle spirit
Set loose from life’s pain and grief
Flee to the heavens

written by Karen Croft
Categories: absence, angel, anger,

A Final Good-Bye

the tears flow freely

Pain and grief choke my voice up

You take your last breathe

written by Dina Televitskaya
Categories: song-


It has flown to me.

And it has given me grief.

It was your sad smile.

written by Jack Jordan
Categories: grief,


	rainy season 
	grief, white hydrangeas 
	hungry caterpillar

	A haikuette for “Haiku Wannabees”

written by Asif Andalib
Categories: life, people, political, social, sympathy

The Poor

In congested homes of slums
The poor people live –
No one listens to their grief!

written by Nicole Marrier
Categories: recovery from...,


Today im not sad
Im in the next stage of grief
Today im angry

written by Heath Barker
Categories: grief,


The dark grief comes now
Stand in pain, sit in sorrow
Tomorrow is new

written by Michael J. Falotico
Categories: depression

"less To Carry"

My shoulders are tired
of carrying so much grief
from a long hard week..

written by Anusha Dharmasena
Categories: abuse, grief, hero, high school, how i feel, murder, soldier,

Be All That You Can Be

Sun and sand and beach
Life has some lessons for me
Be all  you can be!

Sad conversations
May healing come to you soon
And children be safe!

For all you have done
And wherever you may be
May you rest in peace!

written by Heather Ober
Categories: grief,

Haiku 11

white roses
collect diamond dew drops--
a choir sings

written by May Fenn
Categories: analogy, courage, death, grief, imagery, military, patriotic,

Blood Red

Poppies great beauty
Brave men dying for duty
Each nourish the earth.

written by Ngoc Nguyen
Categories: depression, grief, happiness, hope, joy, pain, sorrow,

A Beaver Called ''Joy''

River of woe—Joy 
shall dam up your flood of tears
with bright beams of mirth!

written by Trevor Mcleod
Categories: allegory, confusion, education, grief, loss, metaphor, mystery, on writing and words, parody, philosophy,

The Less I Have

the less i have of
the additional use of
the more it breaks down

written by Sandy Tadros
Categories: grief, lonely, loss, pain, rose, sorrow,


Dewdrops are dried.
Weariness only remained
Pity! for the loss of roses.

written by Immaculata Ortner
Categories: grief, patriotic, war,



By Immaculata Ortner 

     We fought! But in vain!
We stretched, but our top was so high
     Our ground trembled as tears of our gods flooded our land

written by Paul Holmes
Categories: life


Emotions wet trail
Of laughter or grief, often
A mixture of both.

written by Jacob Welch
Categories: absence, grief, introspection, romance, song, sorrow, winter,

Winter's Requiem

Winter’s requiem:
A solemn note,
frozen solid.

written by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: grief, love, sun,

The Healing Sun


Painful long night passed
Tears on pillow ran many
Dreams forgot to come

Sun came through window
Found lonely suffering heart
Healing wound at once!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
    02 June 2013

written by Craig Glenister
Categories: angst, break up, forgiveness, grief, heart, longing, self,

I Am Nothing

Old hunter lifts head,
shattered lives lay at his feet.
Tears roll down his cheek.

written by Autumn Littleton
Categories: depression, emotions, grief, lonely,


Fake smiles bring up joy,
Hiding the pain and sadness.
Pretending (for THEM)

written by Lin Lane
Categories: french, grief, tribute,

Candles Burn In Memory

~ With thoughts of those who died by the hands of evil ~

                      candles will burn bright

              when we feed their fragile flames

                      with God's healing fire

written by Frank Polgar
Categories: grief, life, loss, pain, people,


trigger fingers flex
innocent victims crumple
questions unanswered

For the "Gun"-o-ku poetry contest sponsored by Gwendolen R.

written by Sima Mittal
Categories: adventure, grief, imagination, journey, loss, ocean, sea,


Rough, Wild, Dangerous
Sinking the Sailors and Ships
Breaking Hearts alas!

written by James Horn
Categories: grief,

My Thanksgiving Haiku

My Thanksgiving Haiku


This was Turkey day (5)

And I have heard many say (7)

Tums without delay (5)

James Thesarious Hilarious Horn

written by Stefania Marchetti
Categories: anger, grief, hate,


Despicable is
your soul disgraceful and 
worthless is forever

written by J.W. Earnings
Categories: absence, betrayal, grief, hurt, loneliness, lonely, longing,

Empty Seat

I feel so lonely
Never touched - never sat on
Shaking like a leaf