Haiku Poems About Guinea Pig | Guinea Pig Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Guinea Pig and Guinea Pig haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Guinea Pig Poems.

Poem Details | by Jeanine Dejesus
Categories: animal, happiness,

Guinea Pig Happiness

Soft fur, gentle squeak
Curled up in a cozy ball
Guinea pig happiness

Tiny paws, bright eyes
Nibbling on fresh veggies
Playful little friend

Snuggle close, content
Warm fuzz against my chest
Guinea pig love flows

Poem Details | by Jeanine Dejesus
Categories: animal, beautiful, cute, love,


Gizmo, fluffy ball,
Squeaks and hops around his pen,
Loves his veggies all.

Cute and chubby cheeks,
Guinea pig with lively squeaks,
Brings me joy and peaks.

Gizmo, little guy,
Snuggles close, his bright eyes shine,
My piggy, oh so spry.