Haiku Poems About Halloween | Halloween Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Halloween and Halloween haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by David Mohn
Categories: tree,

Halloween Trees

twisted shadows creep
into yards and fertile minds…
   autumn moon on trees

      ~~20 Oct 2014~~

written by Kash Poet
Categories: funny, halloween,

Halloween Haiku

on halloween eve
apple bobbing with grandma......
false teeth on apple

smiling carved pumpkin
advertisement of toothpaste......
grandma's false teeth

written by Sean Kelly
Categories: anniversary

Haiku # 25




written by Carol Mays
Categories: autumn, candy, halloween, holiday, mystery, mythology, october,

Halloween Haikus

In the shifting air
the sweet scent of candy corn
candle wax burning

All doors are open
an ancient mystery lives
I bask in its glow

written by Daniel Henry Rodgers
Categories: dark, fear, halloween, horror,

'mongst Shadows

Autumn's, veil, misty,
Intrigue prowls-horror’s echo,
Halloween's chill creeps.

Masked-truth’s cleaver guise,
Secrets whisper ‘mongst shadows,
Fear stalks-night’s cruel jest.

written by Joseph May
Categories: autumn,

signs of autumn

 equinox arrives
 as amber hues, crimson shades
 adorn maple trees

 oaks release acorns 
 which are strewn across the ground
  squirrels sweet treasure

 harvest moon aglow
 as pumpkins with impish grins
 carve out halloween

written by Shirley Bracken
Categories: holidayautumn,

Halloween Haiku

The devil trembles
Feeling the autumn wind's rage
Children eat candy

Red mask covers eyes
Blind to first fall carnival
Her pockets picked clean

Nevermore  lovers
Halloween murders-blood found
Quote the black raven

written by Teddy Kimathi
Categories: dark, halloween, horror, imagination, mystery,

The Pianist

pianist sits still;
blood flowing down
keys going off-key

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: halloween, october,

Changing of the Month

pumpkins and witches
will be ending October
welcome November

written by Marie Harrison
Categories: fantasy, children, funny, happiness, holiday, imagination, mother, nostalgia, people, seasons, upliftinghalloween,

Last Minute Halloween Costume

Last Minute Halloween Costume
Toilet paper wraps;
Costs less to dress as mummy,
Mom thinks it’s funny!

written by Phyllis Babcock
Categories: halloween,

Haiku 50

full moon
reflects on haunted house
eerie silhouette

written by Edward Ebbs
Categories: seasons,

Halloween Haiku

Carving to free souls
night before all Hallows Day
tradition they prey

Scarce candy in bowls
night of fright or time to say
a treat or foul play

Edward J Ebbs - October 15, 2015

Written for a Contest, HALLOWEEN HAIKU

written by Brittany Reynolds
Categories: fantasy, funny, halloween,

The Secret Witch

Don’t try to come out 
of the magic broom closet 
on Halloween Night.

written by Tirzah Conway
Categories: adventure, family, fantasy, fear, holiday,


witches, goblins, ghosts,
terrifying creatures,
out for Halloween

written by Zoe Isaacson
Categories: halloween, mythology, october,

Ghosts and Goblins

Ghost and goblins roam the streets
              happy waiting
 for a child to come by then suprise

written by Michael Campbell
Categories: autumn, childhood, children, children, halloween, happy, october,


At the pumpkin patch
We pick apples, drink cider
Life is simple there

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: candy, halloween,

M and Ms

In a violent world
trick-or-treaters may not come
M and Ms live on

written by Mark J. Halliday
Categories: fear, horror,


Someone's at my door
Late night wearing a clown mask.
It's not Halloween!

written by John Taylor
Categories: childhood, food, holiday, people, seasons, social, timethanksgiving,

Halloween Haiku (For Linda-Marie the Sweetheart of P.S.'s Contest)

Halloween Haiku

Suburban parade:
A night to transform yourself,
and beg without shame.

Subsequent morning:
Pillowcases wear make up-
Wrappers and trinkets.

The Thanksgiving porch:
Mouth with one neglected tooth-
The jack-o-lantern.

written by Jim David
Categories: holiday

The Perspective of a Halloween Candle....

Bright, orange, white, flicker.....
Two black eyes, one dark mouth viewed,
I'm the flame inside

They trim the flesh out
Stubby children's hands; entrails
I'm the flame inside

My face-like windows
My removable roof-top
I'm the flame inside

written by Iolanda Scripca
Categories: holiday,

Halloween Haiku

Pumpkin seeds as teeth
Candle light escapes eye holes
Goose bumps in the dark...

for: Poet Destroyer ~ A  's "Halloween Haiku" contest

written by Emma Buckeridge
Categories: fantasy, halloween,

Halloween Haiku

Bewitching hour 
Full moon brings the afterlife
To our door again

For Contest : Halloween Haiku

written by Harry Horsman
Categories: night,


The night of the witch
goodness blends within evil
doorstep innocence.

Pumpkin head alight
wandering the eerie streets
alley cat startled.

Bats doing their thing
every night of the year
Halloween sick day.

© Harry J Horsman  2010

written by Gitlan George
Categories: candy,


It's halloween night
Everybody trick or treat
Candy for the kids

written by George Aul
Categories: political, satire, halloween,

Going Halloween Haiku Crazy

I may look crazy,
but this is just a disguise...
I shop at Target!

For "Going Halloween Haiku Crazy" contest sponsored by Poet Destroyer ~ A.

written by Michael Wood
Categories: holiday, nostalgia,


small creatures stand and knock parents in shadows watch Jack's toothy glow dreaming of good times past

written by Daniel Beus
Categories: food,

Halloween Haiku

Night falls and shines th'moon.
As senses ignite, I stir,
yearning for live flesh.

Written for the "Spooky Ku" Contest
October 14, 2012

written by Pam Deremer
Categories: halloween,


dressing up in costumes

ring doorbell say trick or treat

bags fill up with candy


written by Joy Wellington
Categories: fantasy, fear,

Halloween Snow White

Snow White dripping blood
Gory faces dripping slime
Stand up get the Cross

written by Faleshia Murphy
Categories: funny,

Halloween Haiku

ghosts and Goblins BOO
trick or treat so much candy
happy halloween

written by Brian Johnston
Categories: life, nature,

Haiku: Traditional 57

fractured fairy tale
garden leprechaun is smashed
halloween vandels

written by Sean Cannon
Categories: autumn, halloween, holiday, nature,

Haiku 1

In the hallowed woods,
leaves dance in the air, quiet
as the cool wind blows.

written by Nancy Jones
Categories: holiday,

Going Halloween Haiku Crazy

gimme some candy or bread would be better for teeth and piggy bank

written by Bob Quigley
Categories: holiday,

Halloween Haiku

Footsteps on the porch Princess, witch, and Bieber stand Trick or Treat they say

written by Denise Morgan
Categories: halloween, rain, scary,

Black Rain

Black rain and thunder,
graveyard tombstone shifts-
Stumbling through the streets