Haiku Poems About Hate | Hate Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Hate and Hate haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Besma Riabi Dziri
Categories: art, beauty, evil, hate,

Rising Beauty

a hive of evil
rage ashes dissipating
the rise of beauty!

June 27th, 2018

written by Forever Dreaming
Categories: happy,

Shine On You Crazy Diamond

Stay bright when you're sad
Shine on you crazy diamond
Evil men hate fire

written by Ethan Plummer
Categories: angst,


my voice is changing my body rearranging i hate puberty

written by Robert Candler
Categories: angst, anti bullying, bullying, character, christian, courage, evil, growth, hate, hero, sin, social, society, wisdom,

No Fear

Evil's popular,
But I will do the right thing.
If caught, so be it.

written by Julia Romano
Categories: funny, hate,

You Smell Like a Dirty Vag

I hate you so much
You smell like a dirty vag, 
Day old fish and all

written by Tlcer Lyfe
Categories: hate, high school, how i feel, stress,

What Is Life

Sometimes I wonder 
What is the meaning of Life? 
What is the real point?

What is the point of, 
Going to school everyday?
 Then doing homework.

Seems like a cycle,
That I don’t see an end to, 
But what is the point ?

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: black african american, conflict, history,

Confederate Flag

Confederate flag
started out as battle flag
sign of hate or not?

written by Anthony Biaanco
Categories: introspection, life,


hate gave me a silly putty face
faith put it back in the egg
love made it pink again

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: family, growing up, life, mom, self,

Sorry Mom

I should hate my life
mother never wanted me
I’m so sorry mom

written by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: love, peace, world,

Peace Ii


Oceans filled with tears
Shed by the angels weeping  
For souls fell in war  

Open hearts to love 
Making hate capitulate 
Let's give peace a chance

© Demetrios Trifiatis
     08 JUNE 2013


written by Millard Lowe
Categories: 12th grade, allegory, america, conflict, imagery, metaphor, racism,

Haiku Echoes

A culture of guns,
	An epidemic of hate;
	Domestic terror...

	Stoking bigotry,
	Klan pride & racism:
	Cooing doves silenced...

	Mocking clarity,
	Rising white nationalism;
	Justice checkmated...

written by Jackson Labaugh
Categories: beautiful, hate, humor, metaphor, political, sweet, world war i,

Haiku For Alphabet Soup

My alphabet soup,
it is getting very cold,
my microwave broke.

written by Adam Taylor
Categories: anxiety, people, social,


I hate most people
I'm not antisocial though
But they bring drama

Make no mistake friend
Some people i do adore
Some i would die for

Don't worry stranger 
I'm actually friendly
If we had to meet 

I'm just very shy
But I'm not antisocial 
Maybe we should speak

written by Graeme Collins
Categories: hate, self,


You are a monster
The saddest part of the tale
I already know

written by Mark Taylor
Categories: africa, beautiful, courage, forgiveness, growth, hate, nature, power, pride, race, truth, uplifting,

Go Go Dancer

the white man's burden
cultivates Afrika’s roots
a caged mind unbarred

written by Nikkia Roberts
Categories: fear, hate, history, racism,

The Burn Returns

miniature bullet

your silver flicker ignites

new flames of old pain

written by Tom Wright
Categories: hate,


Hate, a saddle Bronc
That bucks not the spectator
It bucks you alone

written by Mark Taylor
Categories: africa, courage, dark, death, depression, forgiveness, growth, hate, hope, murder, strength, tree, truth,

Hanging Around

as the wind blows south
the poplar tree saps black blood
soaked are roots with pride

written by Brian Johnston
Categories: death, evil, faith, hate,

Haiku: Modern Greek Tragedy

vanity of faith
human death deemed serving God
Isis statue weeps

Brian Johnston
Nov 17, 2015

written by Jim Tidd
Categories: football, hate,


They’re out there again,
texting tweets and lighting crosses
over heartfelt kiss.

Congratulations to the Rams and Michael Sams.

written by Stefania Marchetti
Categories: anger, grief, hate,


Despicable is
your soul disgraceful and 
worthless is forever

written by Wilfred Aniagyei
Categories: divorce, emotions,

Love To Hate

A Lover's fist

Glitters red with blood

Friends become Enemies

written by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty
Categories: hate, love,

You Can'T Hate Me

Love me?
Love me not?
You can’t hate me.

written by Celine Tran
Categories: forgiveness

I Forgive

I will not hate you
for your sins belong to me
thus they are forgave

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: hate,

The Light of Knowledge

hate and ignorance
may bring darkness to us all
knowledge is the light

written by Verlena S. Walker
Categories: change, child, courage, hate, hope, people,

A Card Spread

stupid from stupid
tarot read child and people
the fool in the world

written by Stuart Ackerman
Categories: holocaust,

Holocaust Haiku Four

Sisters and brothers 
Eradicated with hate 
Chimneys spewing death

written by Rob Vittozzi
Categories: nature


These rainy days
Gusty winds and relentless waters
Oh my, I hate rain

written by Seeyam Brjmohun
Categories: lost love

Look Before You Leap

Our love began fast
Wedding, honeymoon, Marriage
Our hate ended slow

written by Mac Mcgovern
Categories: education, hope, social

Hate Survives

Prejudice learned now 
encapsulates willing souls 
only hate survives

written by Seeyam Brjmohun
Categories: lost love

Fast Marriage Slow Divorce Stop

Our love began FAST
Wedding, honeymoon, Marriage
Our hate ended SLOW
We both settled for Divorce
You and I came to a STOP

written by Andrea Dietrich

The Crustacean

edging to his home -
the sea - lone beach comber risks
life unknowingly

Here is a horrible haiku for ya, Ironic! Hope you hate it!
(for your worst poem contest)

written by Akash Ripper
Categories: hate, pain, passion,

Death Is Black-

Death is black-
much more than pain
but not even near to hatred.

written by Daljit Khankhana
Categories: dedication, devotion, education, forgiveness,

An Excuseable Nive

You learn alphabetically 26 words the entire life.
although you hate others always write 'love' to your wife.
feel sorry when fall ill, say thanks to her supportive nature,
when she ignores you hurt your feelings you held a knife.
when you wrong promise to care in an excuse-able nive.

written by Akash Ripper
Categories: absence, emotions, encouraging, inspiration, pain, sad, sorrow,

Pain Is

Pain is always sharp-
      I hate it but I should not-
            as it has taught me the most.