Haiku Poems About Imagery | Imagery Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Imagery and Imagery haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Imagery Poems.

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios
Categories: imagery, winter,

Winter Soulscape-Potd

dark, grim sky and soul
          lone crow, flys all alone
          rain wet, liquid coal

                     6pm PST


  POTD.  January 5, 2021

Poem Details | by Emile Pinet
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, beauty, color, image, imagery, nature,


ebony edges day depleted of color... scarlet stained sunset (Haiku) July, 23, 2020 Haiku or Senyru Poetry Contest By: Constance La France

Poem Details | by Paul Callus
Categories: desire, imagery,

Summer Delight

melted honey drips

       into my cupped hand

      I taste the setting sun


Poem Details | by Millard Lowe
Categories: analogy, imagery, metaphor, nature, rain, simile, water,

Haiku Triad

Monitoring self,
nature made her decisions:
disaster rained down…

The water rose—
Life sank beneath the level;
hope floated above…

Like Noah, we wait…
flooding water standing still—
Vultures roost on wires.

Poem Details | by Robert Lindley
Categories: appreciation, creation, farm, imagery, inspirational, river, symbolism,

A Southern Memory

A Southern Memory

dusty, winding road
cotton crops glowing bright white
Mississippi mud

Robert J. Lindley, 3-25-2019
Haiku, (Time has flown)

Poem Details | by Bernard Chan
Categories: beauty, bird, imagery, imagination, music, nature, sky,

Bird Code

Quartet of phone wires, Tall birds grouped higher or low, Mozart or Chopin?

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios
Categories: flower, imagery,

Silken Roses


                      roses, satiny
                         petals soft, a baby's cheek
                              morning dew kisses

                            ~ 3 -

Poem Details | by Kp Nunez
Categories: beach, beautiful, body, color, imagery, nature, summer,

Summer Haiku

pink shells on brown hand
     as blue water lap white sands
           keen contrast of colors

15 April 2015
Picture Perfect Haiku #2
Sponsor: SKAT A

Poem Details | by Edward Ebbs
Categories: care, change, character, cheer up, cry, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, giving, growing up, health, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, image, imagery, meaningful, passion, people, psychological, storm, summer,

Behind That Smile

Those beautiful smiles
Sometimes have cried the most tears
Charitable hearts

Edward J Ebbs - February 22, 2015

Poem Details | by Pandita Sietesantos
Categories: imagery, river, romance, stars,

River Walk

River Walk
streaming from heaven moonbeams stroll on the river … gazing up at stars
08-27-2014 Contest: One Solo EPIC Senryu or Haiku - River Walk Sponsor: Poet Destroyer A Placement: 3rd

Poem Details | by Cynthia Jones
Categories: animal, imagery, inspiration, january, nature, poetry,

Leopards -Rhyming Haiku-

Sneak up on their prey very silent and deadly don't get in their way. Copyright © Cynthia Jones Jan.12/2015

Poem Details | by Herbert Siao
Categories: imagery, inspiration, moon, peace, red, relationship, romance,

Drunken Moon

**blood moon** 

Waiting for night fall 
The moment of love is made 
The moon is bruised 

~a poet destroyer collaboration~

Poem Details | by White Wolf
Categories: cool, heart, imagery, nature,

At Peace

Down by the cool brook Switches swaying in thy breeze My heart now serene

Poem Details | by David Aaron
Categories: allusion, care, funny, humor, imagery, pain, wife,


When someone says break
A leg is never offered
As the sacrifice

Poem Details | by Subimal Sinha-Roy
Categories: analogy, imagery, night, rain,


frogs croak in crane creek clouds conduct rain symphony shrewd owl joins night show
March 11, 2018

Poem Details | by I.Spit.Ink Saruhrosen
Categories: imagery, imagination, light, nature, stars,

Star Gazing

How distant
stars sizzle, streaking
in your eyes

Poem Details | by Hilo Poet
Categories: bird, imagery, irony, life, nature, senses, truth,

Equivocal Euphoria

Equivocal Euphoria A bird song heralds a halcyon morn, espies-- wiles of a keen hawk. 2019 May 20 *2nd Place Writing Challenge 3, May 2019, Nature Haiku ~~Constance La France

Poem Details | by Bill Baker
Categories: imagery, light, storm, weather, wind,

Stormy Afternoon

dark clouds brewing
rolling thunder, lightning strikes
     stormy afternoon

Poem Details | by Edward Ibeh
Categories: flower, imagery, nature, wind,

Dance of Snapdragons

snapdragons dancing
  stirred by the gentle zephyr...
      grooving side to side

Writing Challenge 2, March 2019 - Haiku- Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Dear Heart (Winner: 2nd Place)
Date written and posted: 03/15/2019

Poem Details | by Paul Callus
Categories: imagery,

Summer Splendour

watching the sunrise

            sunken treasure

             comes to light

       - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Poem Details | by Edward Ibeh
Categories: autumn, imagery, morning, nature, sound, wind,

All Isn't Quiet

a strong wind whistles
in the calm of misty dawn ~
leaves stampeding east

Haiku - Nature Themed 2 Poetry Contest  (Winner: 2nd Place)
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin
5/7/5 syllable count
Checked on www.howmanysyllables.com
Date written: 08/16/2020

Poem Details | by Emile Pinet
Categories: art, autumn, beautiful, image, imagery, nature, winter,

Etched On Glass

artfully chiseled abstract feathers etched on glass... a jack frost sculpture (haiku) 11/06/2022 A NEW HIKU FOOTLE TANKA Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Brian Strand

Poem Details | by M. L. Kiser
Categories: angel, animal, appreciation, beautiful, bird, flying, imagery,

Eagle Flight

To fly with eagles, Refreshing goal is delight, As all souls are one. Wings alight to sky, Floating feathers on air waves, Living kites in flight.

Poem Details | by Abraham Elizondo
Categories: analogy, beauty, first love, girl, image, imagery, love,

Living Desert

She is the Desert hot, radiant, dangerous One I dare not cross

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios
Categories: beautiful, imagery, moon,

Natures Amour Haiku

rain, kissing tall pines moonbeams lighting brown cones, midnight enchantment 3/8/2023

Poem Details | by Edward Ibeh
Categories: bird, dark, hope, imagery, nature, song,


from a winged elm tree
a wren's knife cuts through glum dawn ~
                            joyful day afoot

A New Hiku Footle Tanka Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Brian Strand
Date written: 11/15/2022

Poem Details | by Evelyn Judy Buehler
Categories: beauty, bird, flower, flying, imagery, summer,

Hummingbird Motion

whisperings of wings
deep drone of summer's old gold
red rose drips petals

only time will tell
of the countless jeweled birds
summoned by the blooms

fanning the breezes
'til the last of orange sun
august night is soon

Poem Details | by Hiya Sharma
Categories: art, beauty, dream, flower, imagery, snow, winter,

winter's waltz

snow stains an iced haze, as poinsettia's dreams waltz ~ ruby elegance

Poem Details | by Panagiota Romios
Categories: imagery, weather,

The Fury of Lightning

lightning, powerful
blue, quick-silvered, the lands
amber-torched, so quick

      August 20, 2020
         7pm PST

Remembering Northern California that still burns...

Poem Details | by Emile Pinet
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, beautiful, imagery, nature, spring,

Parachuting Seeds

dandelion tufts a flotilla of pappi parachuting seeds (Haiku) 04/23/2020 Let the Pens Flow - Haiku Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Jenish Somadas

Poem Details | by Bill Baker
Categories: creation, imagery, nature, sea,

Tides and Waves

tides flow in then out
     waves appear then disappear
          rhythms of nature

Poem Details | by Sandra Haight
Categories: analogy, imagery, tribute,

Yellow Lashes

bright yellow lashes
embellish enormous eye-
sunflower beauty

August 23, 2020

Premiere Contest: Haiku- Color With Alliteration
Sponsor: Tania Kitchin

Poem Details | by Emile Pinet
Categories: 12th grade, feelings, image, imagery, imagination, seasons, spring,

Dandelions Bloom

snowman melts away black bears eat salmon upstream... dandelions bloom (haiku) Mar. 15, 2019 Writing Challenge 2, March 2019 - Haiku- Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Dear Heart

Poem Details | by Robert Lindley
Categories: appreciation, beautiful, girl, imagery, kiss, passion, sensual,

Glimmering, Shimmering and Flaming Sweet

Glimmering, Shimmering And Flaming Sweet

her eyes, shining pools
her kissing lips luscious red
desert at high noon

Robert J. Lindley, 6-24-2021

Poem Details | by Bill Baker
Categories: dark, imagery, storm,

A Storm Is Coming

dark clouds are forming
     a smell of rain in the air
calm before the storm