Haiku Poems About January | January Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about January and January haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Paul Callus
Categories: change, wind,

Basho Inspired Haiku

this wind

how it changes direction -

my fickle mind

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Basho Inspired Haiku Contest

© 8th January 2022

written by Paul Callus
Categories: color, flower,

Blue Haiku

twilight is falling –

seeking soft comfort in a  

deep blue hydrangea


Contest: Nature Themed Haiku
Sponsor: Tania Kitchin
Placed 3rd
24th January 2020

written by Panagiota Romios
Categories: imagery, winter,

Winter Soulscape-Potd

dark, grim sky and soul
          lone crow, flys all alone
          rain wet, liquid coal

                     6pm PST


  POTD.  January 5, 2021

written by Paul Callus
Categories: bird,

A Cardinal

a red cardinal

flies down on the silent grave - 

the time for closure

For the contest of Tania Kitchin
19th January, 2021
Placed 3rd

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: beauty, january, nature, winter,

- Haiku X 296 - january -

                                         flames of crystal ice
                                          the aura of purity - 
                                          backlit by sunlight

written by Jan Allison
Categories: wind, winter,

Snug and Warm

biting icy winds thermal clothes protecting me from the winter chill 12th January 2015

written by Harry Horsman
Categories: daffodils, nature,

30th January 2016

fearless daffodils
awake to a brand new day
thrush hastens with nest

© Harry J Horsman 2016

written by Jan Allison
Categories: flower,

Simply Sublime

exotic orchids tropical beautiful blooms sensual allure 20th January 2015

written by Jan Allison
Categories: beauty, nature, sun,


low on horizon blood orange red sun sinks down setting in the west Premiere contest #6 sponsored by Skat A 8th January 2015

written by Kash Poet
Categories: beauty,

Air Hostess

air hostess— her eyeliner's tail pointing towards the sky -kash poet(Kashinath Karmakar) http://www.dailyhaiku.org/haiku/2015-january-25

written by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: snow, winter,

Snowflakes V

Winter's frozen tears

Scattered on despairing ground 

Sparkling diamonds!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
     10 January 2017

written by Jan Allison
Categories: snow,


cold crystalline clouds sparkling snowflakes slowly swirl winter wonderland 29th January 2015

written by Cynthia Jones
Categories: animal, imagery, inspiration, january, nature, poetry,

Leopards -Rhyming Haiku-

Sneak up on their prey very silent and deadly don't get in their way. Copyright © Cynthia Jones Jan.12/2015

written by Poet Destroyer A
Categories: art, nature, wind,

Snowy Window


albino ~VIEW~
Persian tailed jackrabbit
ebony awaits 

January breeze
snowbird, whistles on tree top
where did x-mass go?


written by Jan Allison
Categories: sky, weather,

Fluffy Clouds

soft marshmallow clouds topped with peaks of whipping cream I dream of sunshine 11th January 2016

written by Deb Wilson
Categories: love, nature, tree, me, me,

Love Like a Mighty Oak

you dried all my tears
i stand proud now like the oak---
no weeping willow

your splendid branches
wrap me into your shadow---
shelter from the storm

wind blows me down
your light lifts me up---
might i dwell in your arms?

written January 28th,2013
for pd's Valentine contest

written by Dorian Petersen Potter
Categories: bird, mountains, sun,


~Rising~ (Haiku 3) ~Sun rises high bright mountains salute the sky birds sing fly away~ Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2015 January,07,2015

written by Paul Callus
Categories: longing, nature,

In Search of Nature

fleeing urban smog

seeking chance to breathe again

         nature’s kiss of life 

         31st January, 2016
         Contest: Haiku 101
         Sponsor: Nathan D.
              Placed 2nd

written by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib
Categories: bird, fashion,

Drop Dead Gorgeous

flamingo boa
                                 buzzard with a fashion knack
                                      pink is the new black

January 10th 2018

Buzzards and Flamingos Poetry Contest
Anthony Slausin

written by Tom Cunningham
Categories: green, light, snow,

Northern Lights

white icelandic snow
beneath natural light show ~
emerald green shroud

Written 26 January 2020

For contest Nature themed haiku with color

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: january, snow,

- Haiku X 142 - January Snow -

like down and feathers
                               her frozen and blushing lips
                                   singing heaven price

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Haiku - 5-7-5-

written by Agnes Krampe
Categories: nature, sky,


Herds of white horses,
galloping with flying manes 
across wide blue plains.

January 6, 2016
For contest: The Troika: Haiku with hooves
Sponsored by: John Lawless

written by CayCay Jennings
Categories: wisdom,

Syllables of Wisdom

people watch people habits become examples exhibit good ways.
... CayCay Jennings January 11, 2016

written by Christine A Kysely
Categories: love, romance

Winter Turns Her Face

frozen river sleeps

man's desires go unbidden

winter turns her face


(January 21, 2011  Wausau, Wisconsin)

(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved

written by Christine A Kysely
Categories: music, nature

Low Musical Hush

wind dances with great pines

long needles brush together

low musical hush.



(January 28, 2011 Wausau, Wisconsin)


(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved

written by Paul Callus
Categories: love, ocean,

Ocean Waves Haiku

restless ocean waves
in tender, passionate moods-
undulating love

- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 
Contest: Ocean Waves Haiku
[5/7/5 syllable form only]
Hosted by Tania Kitchin
Placed 3rd
© 26th January 2019

written by Viv Wigley
Categories: winter,


tree branches stripped bare
point skywards like pleading hands
praying for the spring

written by Gary Smith
Categories: ocean,

Death On the Beach

Partners in rhythm
Each following another,
To die on the beach.

Entry for Ocean Waves Haiku
[5/7/5 syllable form only]
By Tania Kitchin
26th January 2019. Placed 6th.

written by Michelle Faulkner
Categories: nature, silver, tree,

January Sky

walls of clouds tumble

     through wind split branches, coated

with silver sunlight.

written by Panagiota Romios
Categories: cute love, romantic,

Champagne Eyes

small French restaurant
           sparkling glasses champagne eyes
           souls in paradise

                  January 17,  2020
                    8:30a.m. PST

written by Panagiota Romios
Categories: good night, night, sister, stars,

As Eyelids Clode

and stars cover eyes
               moonlight tempos no surprise
               soft nebula tango

               January 15, 2020
                    English Haiku

written by Tom Cunningham
Categories: bird, nature, snow, winter,

Doing the Splits

on a frozen lake
fresh snowfall covers black ice~
duck performs the splits

Written 17th January 2022

For winter haiku  poetry contest

Sponsored By Tania Kitchin

Syllables checked with how many syllables.com

written by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: kiss, sea, sun,

The Kiss Vii

The setting sun's rays

passionately kissed the sea. 

Embarrassed-she blushed! 

© Demetrios Trifiatis
    05 January 2020

written by Kim Rodrigues
Categories: winter,

January In Georgia

the wagon’s resting
amidst the shining jade moss —
a ruby jewel


written by Gershon Wolf
Categories: animal, fear, fire,


nostrils flare smoke sensed

  creatures panic white-tails turn

    wind whips flames ~ wildfire


          January 24, 2021
 Syllables -- 5/7/5 -- PS checked
    A Moment in Nature Contest
        Sponsor: Tania Kitchin