Haiku Poems About Jay | Jay Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Jay and Jay haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus! Also, try our sister website's powerful search engine for poems or see our other Jay Poems.

Poem Details | by Christuraj Alex
Categories: bird, nature,

Blue Jay

bright blue sapphire blinks
bejeweled midst blue spruce bush ...
blur blueberry sky

14 March 2022
Bird Haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin
Howmanysyllables syllable counter

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick
Categories: animal, spring,

Spring Explosion

In a hidden glen
         A fawn stands on trembling legs
             Jay broadcasts the news


Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: bird,

A Blue Jay Sitting

a blue jay sitting

on a branch laden with fruit. . .

the dewormed apple

July 26, 2018

Poem Details | by Eve Roper
Categories: bird,


chickadee in tree
gaily busy with hatchlings~
insects shy away


A Cardinal, Blue Jay, Or Chickadee Haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin

Poem Details | by Sonia Walker
Categories: bird, humor, nature,

Blue Jay

blue jay in the yard
boisterous and beautiful
prima donna act

May 9, 2020

Poem Details | by Maureen Mcgreavy
Categories: bird, sound,

Blue Jay Pitch

songbirds by default

              corvids   in indigo suits 

              screaming blue murder



Poem Details | by Gregory Richard Barden
Categories: appreciation, beauty, bird, nature,

Blue Jay Blue

bluer than heaven

               nature shamed sky to paint you ...

       with such a proud brush

Written and submitted on May 13, 2020
For the "Haiku - Blue Jay" Poetry Contest
Tania Kitchin, Sponsor.

Poem Details | by Tania Kitchin
Categories: appreciation, bird, nature,

winter morning

a blue jay perches
cobalt feathers sprinkled white ~
snowy morning rest

Poem Details | by Charles Henderson
Categories: nature,

Two Kittens

two gray kittens
tussell on the lawn
a strutting blue jay

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick
Categories: bird, environment,

The Protest

blue jay protesting my presence in his back yard sipping my coffee

Poem Details | by Daver Austin
Categories: children, nature

Blue Jay

BLUE JAY (Haiku)

fly    fly away jay
blend on wing with april sky
so clear    so blue    flly!

Poem Details | by Kim Merryman
Categories: nature, spring,


a regal blue-jay

perched on a barren tree limb--

harbinger of spring


Poem Details | by Paul Geiger
Categories: beauty

Jay Bird

Jay bird

Jay bird swoops in—lands. 
My backyard feeds—satisfies. 
Blue shades of beauty

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick
Categories: nature, seasons,

Branches Bare of Leaves

branches bare of leaves but persimmons still cling tight... jay calls in delight
seasonal word...persimmon For the Strict Haiku contest... Barbara Gorelick

Poem Details | by Charles Henderson
Categories: nature,

Blue Jay Flying

the blue jay flying --
a fat worm dangling
for the babies

Poem Details | by Tania Kitchin
Categories: bird, nature,

Blue Jay

beautiful blue jay
singing from frosty branches ~
winters melody

Poem Details | by Barbara Gorelick
Categories: nature

Haiku - Morning

marigolds smiling coloring the morning dew blue jay complaining
For Rick's contest.

Poem Details | by Daver Austin
Categories: animals,

Three February Haiku


squirrels hiding nuts
on this bright and shining day
that ingrained wisdom

kitty up a tree
squirrel chatters noisily
blue jay stealing nuts

trees like sentinels
stark against the winter sky
life below goes on

Poem Details | by Jan Allison
Categories: bird, food,


hungry chickadees enjoy al fresco dining ~ seed feeder frenzy 5,7,5 as per PS syllable counter A Cardinal, Blue Jay, or Chickadee Haiku Poetry Contest Sponsored by Tania Kitchin 01/17/21

Poem Details | by Earl Schumacker
Categories: bird, imagery, life, seasons, snow, strength, winter,

Blue Jay Chill

Blue Jay Chill

Snow covers blue jay 

Swallow winters up, ice forms 
Both merge, beneath, cold

Poem Details | by Lu Loo
Categories: bird, blue, nature, spring,

Thirteen Syllables Or Less

Thirteen Syllables Or Less Contest Sponsor: Timothy Hicks blue jay chirps tunes of Spring with colored harmony ~12 Syllables~ ~Date Written: March 30, 2016~

Poem Details | by Daver Austin
Categories: nature,

Leaving April


a break in the clouds
            leafy crowd rustles
       shadows rush

blue jay darts in
      darts out
         point of concern

Poem Details | by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders
Categories: bird, sad, seasons,

Blue Jay

blue wings dipped in gray
circle nest of hollow shells -
spring mist turns to rain


Poem Details | by Daver Austin
Categories: seasons,

Thoughts of Spring


my despondency
boredom urges thoughts of spring
blue jay on the wing

same old dreary sky
cold, stoic eyes view the scene
mind caught half-between

better than nothing
this thought of tulip’s rainbow
when one’s feeling low

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: nature,

Two Red Rose Blossoms

two red rose blossoms announce summer with brightness... blue jay dines on aphids

Poem Details | by Debjani Mitra
Categories: bird,

Blue Jay Deejay

flurry of wings perch
blue white foam flits breezy leaves     
soft call of deejay 

13th May 2020

Sponsor	Tania Kitchin
Contest Name	Haiku - Blue Jay

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: nature,

Blue Jay Perches On Rose

blue jay perches on rose looking at empty bird bath... a very dry fall

Poem Details | by Regina Mcintosh
Categories: bird, flying,


in bright scarlet robe he flies across azure skies bringing signs of life A Cardinal, Blue Jay, or Chickadee Haiku Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin January 18, 2021

Poem Details | by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: bird,

Blue Jay Congregation

a cardinal and
eight blue jays at the feeder ~
rowdy communion

May 10, 2020
for Brian Strand's  the 'HI-KU(2)' Poetry Contest

Poem Details | by Michelle Faulkner
Categories: bird, blue, spring, tree,

Blue Jay Backyard

feathered shades of sky

     bird filled branches sing of spring

my blue jay backyard


Poem Details | by Linda Alice Fowler
Categories: beauty, bird, blue, song, sound,

blue jay

cacophonous voice
	exquisite mischievous thief ~
		blue beauty and beast

Poem Details | by Eric Cohen
Categories: bird, tree,


who dares chirp at me?
chick-a-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee …
it’s my maple tree!

Written 1/17/2021 for
A Cardinal, Blue Jay, Or Chickadee Haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin

Poem Details | by Edward Ibeh
Categories: animal, bird, song, visionary,

Call of the Blue Jay

the blue jay's pained call

                  mirrors the melancholy...

                                                  of a rainy day.

Date written: 09/21/2019

Poem Details | by Sara Kendrick
Categories: nature,

Blue Jay

blue jay flies in, lands sits, walks with quizzical look.... frozen bird fountain

Poem Details | by Wendy Watson
Categories: bird, blue,

Blue Jay

strident blazonry
sapphire plumage dipped in snow ~
blue jay on the wing


Haiku - Blue Jay Poetry Contest
Sponsor - Tania