Haiku Poems About Music | Music Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Music and Music haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: music, nature

The Shell

sea's sound in the breeze captured in a pretty shell. . . . nature's gift to me lying on my bed holding music to my ear. . . . I drift out to sea
For Brian Strand's VERSE any theme/form max of 8 lines Poetry Contest

written by Laurie Ginn
Categories: nature

Summer Ensemble


                                                   Breezes orchestrate

                                           Windchimes melodius sounds

                                                    Music fills the air

written by Bernard Chan
Categories: beauty, bird, imagery, imagination, music, nature, sky,

Bird Code

Quartet of phone wires, Tall birds grouped higher or low, Mozart or Chopin?

written by Evelyn Judy Buehler
Categories: color, dance, flower, garden, joy,

Waltz Among the Flowers POTD

whirling rose petals
as they move to dream music
sunflower acclaim

dips in dahlias
orange yellow cream and red
spins past snapdragons 

four o'clock fragrance
and flourishes near fuchsias
forget-me-not fame

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: beauty, morning, nature,

- Haiku X 112 - Morning -

Tickles my senses 
As far as the music goes
Tomorrow's sunrise

- 04.05.2017
- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
- Copyright © All Rights Reserved 
- www.howmanysyllables.com - Haiku 5-7-5

written by Poetprentice Dupins
Categories: guitar,


Plucking guitar strings
Pruning to make good music
Growing notes of life

written by Raul Moreno
Categories: music, nature

Cricket Serenade

Windowsill love song,
The mariachi crickets:
Serenade the night.

written by Orlando Leach Jr.
Categories: love, music, wedding, wife

Water Dance

Dance with me darling
like the periodic waves
and end with passion.

written by Rollo West
Categories: music,

Oceans Symphony

Bloom of jellyfish Beethoven's Ninth, Ode to Joy Muted Symphony

written by Marty Owens
Categories: music, nature

Picking Up Seashells

Seashell Symphony,
On ear, rhapsody playing.
Ocean Conducting!

Dedicated to Raul...you're a very good teacher...tell me what you think?

written by Sonia Walker
Categories: nature,

Prairie Grass Swaying

prairie grass swaying

gently to the wind's music 

in step with its beat

written by Doris Culverhouse
Categories: faith


Inspired by Brian Strand's contest Pastoral poem

Branches rise in praise
Wind as music floats to heaven
Birds sing praises, joy

written by Davor Miljkovic
Categories: emotions, music,

That String Within

Acoustic guitar
Echoing in my heart's halls
Cries of hollow souls

written by Sara Kendrick
Categories: imagination, nature


Music of crickets
On warm summer morning
Praising God above

written by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders
Categories: bird, music, summer, water,

Summer Rhythms

a waterfall flows
from mountainside to ocean -
distant reggae song

clear waters light sky -   
where blue meets turquoise vista 
a swallowtail hums 

Written 6/22/20
Contest - Summer Haiku
Sponsor - Tania Kitchin

written by James Marshall Goff
Categories: autumn, music, nature,


Afternoon sunshine
Warms the southside of my pine
Coltrane's sax exalts!

written by Raul Moreno
Categories: music, nature

Countryside Waltz

As the wind songs play,
Ivory clouds take the lead:
Dancing with the hills.

written by Nayda Ivette Negron Flores
Categories: rain,

Showery Night

music to my ears
is the rain droplets falling
in the inky night


written by Kim Rodrigues
Categories: dance,

Faerie-Child -Hc

one ballerina tiptoe-twirls with two pink shoes three sweet pirouettes Turning the key of a music box - one...two...three. Lovely, tall and full of grace - true faerie-child esprit. 3/1/2019 Charliecoup Poetry Contest Sponsor: Charles Messina

written by Christine A Kysely
Categories: music, nature

Low Musical Hush

wind dances with great pines

long needles brush together

low musical hush.



(January 28, 2011 Wausau, Wisconsin)


(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved

written by Donald Meikle
Categories: music


The Night Mare dances 
Behind eyes of a dreamer 
Fretfully on chords

written by Connie Pachecho
Categories: music, sensual,

Tuned Pipes

Tuned Pipes

She plays the organ
To his standing ovation
Her stage tickled pink

connie pachecho


written by Sandra L. Weiss
Categories: appreciation, music, ocean, sea, song,

Song of the Sea

a voice is calling
                    music that's heard by the heart
                              the song of the sea

written by Sandra L. Weiss
Categories: music, nature, song, wind,

Nature's Melody

whimsical wind chimes
singing nature's melody
dancing in the breeze

written by Panagiota Romios
Categories: flower, garden, happy, peace,

Marigolds and Music

merry marigolds, and I, meditate in sun. to a big, lawnmower’s vibes 4/19/2022>

written by Joseph May
Categories: metaphor, music,


slicing melodies,
 guitar man
 butters up a song

written by Regina Mcintosh
Categories: poetry,

Poetry Moments

sunshine laughs in skies nature’s music, composing poetry moments

written by Tania Kitchin
Categories: sea, storm,

Ocean Music

wild waves crash ashore
as high winds whip floating buoys ~
sea storm symphony

written by Kurt Ravidas
Categories: nature,

Twilight In Forest

white keys of birch trees 
black keys of spruces and pines - 
music of twilight

One Haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Rick Parise
Syllables Per Line:	5 7 5

written by Line Gauthier
Categories: april, dark, music, night, rain, spring, time,


april rain
music thru the night

posted on April 19, 2019

written by Evelyn Judy Buehler
Categories: dance, music, night, romance, snow, stars,


lost in deep snow drifts
inside we are safe and warm
dancing by firelight

the stars are twinkling
outside the snow still falling
music softly plays

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: music, nature, spring,

- Haiku X 324 - springtime melodies -

                                           harmonious time
                                        singing continuously - 
                                        whistles and trumpets

written by Line Gauthier
Categories: music, nature, summer, surreal, tree,


whispering willows
waltzing to
soft melodies

posted on June 26, 2019

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: beauty, culture, music, night,

- Haiku X 105 - Sound Off the Night -

In the soft moonlight
Sweet homemade cream caramels
Night symphony Jazz

 - Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
- Copyright © All Rights Reserved 
- www.howmanysyllables.com - Haiku 5-7-5

written by Mike Martin
Categories: hilarious, humor, humorous, spanish,

San Antonio

adios gringo buenos dias muchacho hastsa la vista si signorita gracia para sombrero signore lo perdí a rio grandé cruzar sierra madré voy a san miguel san hosé, san juan pedir san antonio decir por favor Enjoy the music here. http://mike-martin.net/Intervention