Haiku Poems About Ocean | Ocean Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Ocean and Ocean haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Raul Moreno
Categories: faith, inspirational, sea

Voice of Truth

Ocean waves cry out,
From the center of the sea:
With faith to reach land.

written by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib
Categories: ocean, pollution,

Woe Is the Sea

something grabs my leg

                          plastic bag churned by the tide

                                 ocean clings for life

written by Tania Kitchin
Categories: beach, bird, ocean,

Early Beach Morning

grey wings soar the clouds
diving and dipping the surf ~
seagull serenade

Written 8/8/21

Contest: Your Favorite August 2021 Poem
Sponsor: Constance La France

written by Eve Roper
Categories: fish, ocean,


ocean of abstract
wildlife feed under moonlight~
starlet sun rises


Is a Premiere Poetry Contest H I - K U Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Brian Strand

written by Donna Jones
Categories: ocean,

Old Sailors

old sailors still dream
mermaid beauty unseen
seashell lays on shore

©Donna Jones

written by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: nature, sea,

Ocean Commotion

wind lifts salty air
scent of the sea fills my hair --
fishing without care

pelican dives fast
shrimp on the hook was my last --
strips the bait I cast

turn with quick motion
see crab stealing sun lotion --
ocean commotion

*Entry for Carol’s Rhyming Haiku contest

written by Connie Marcum Wong
Categories: change, nature, ocean,

The Ocean Speaks

the ocean speaks a
language we all understand. . .
serene to surly


written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: ocean, sun,

An Ocean Sight

the sun is peeking
just over the horizon'
in the ocean blue

written by Arnab Mitra
Categories: life, metaphor, spiritual, symbolism,


Under starlit dome,
across the empty ocean,
I sail all alone.

written by Ismael Nieves
Categories: nature, sea

Olden Ocean

White curl'd hairs of spumes
reveals its longevity-
Blue Ocean of Old

written by Raul Moreno
Categories: nature, sea


The hiss of the sea,
From the hollow of a shell;
Soft ocean whispers.

written by John Michaels
Categories: moon, ocean, sea, space,


Oceans rise and fall to the rhythmic breaths of our luminescent orb ----------------- (C) John C Michaels, 2014 Written for the contest, "Picture This #1" Sponsored by SKAT A Third Place

written by Sara Kendrick
Categories: ocean,

Cobalt Blue

cobalt blue ocean wave against orange sunset.... midnight's darkness waits
Inspired by Skat A's contest Glass Art Written May 25, 2016 Date of first poem: May 8, 2009

written by James Fraser
Categories: animals, friendship, nature, sea

Birds Across the Blue Divide

The blueing ocean Separate eagle and dove Spiritual birds http://www.thehighlanderspoems.com/nature4.php

written by Marty Owens
Categories: music, nature

Picking Up Seashells

Seashell Symphony,
On ear, rhapsody playing.
Ocean Conducting!

Dedicated to Raul...you're a very good teacher...tell me what you think?

written by Dr. Upma A. Sharma
Categories: hope, sunshine,

Into the Blue

Into the blue

dark clouds evanesce
as eyes stare into the blue
ecstasy shimmers ....

serene ocean depths
awaiting reconnaissance 
undulate their throbs ....

Written Jan 13th, 2016
For contest by Anthony Slausen

written by Laura Leiser
Categories: ocean,


cataclysmic waves

                                     awaken sailors' nightmares

                                      last rites claimed by sea

Written on 2/10/2016

written by Luke Steadman
Categories: nature

Sea Glass and Skipping Stones...

waves shape the sea glass

rain paints the skipping stones

sand frames the ocean

written by Jan Allison
Categories: animal, nature, sea,

Seal Watch

azure blue ocean grey seal sunbathes on dark rocks picture perfect scene I witnessed this scene this morning when we were doing a recce for a walk with are doing tomorrow with people with visual impairment 3/1/20

written by Nayda Ivette Negron Flores
Categories: ocean,

Blue Turquoise

a cruise sails between
the fog cloud that looms in the
blue turquoise ocean


written by Tom Cunningham
Categories: ocean,

Water Haiku

beautiful oceans ~
attract swimmers and surfers
home to predators ~

Written 14th August 2018

For water themed haiku poem poetry contest sponsored by Tania Kitchin

written by Paul Callus
Categories: morning,

Fog On the Horizon

fog on the horizon -
the ocean immensity
hidden from view

fog on the horizon -
I anticipate her beauty
when she lifts the veil

fog on the horizon -
the soft prelude leading
to a sunrise suite

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Posted 12th December 2021

written by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders
Categories: bird, music, summer, water,

Summer Rhythms

a waterfall flows
from mountainside to ocean -
distant reggae song

clear waters light sky -   
where blue meets turquoise vista 
a swallowtail hums 

Written 6/22/20
Contest - Summer Haiku
Sponsor - Tania Kitchin

written by Sandra Haight
Categories: beach, sea, world,

Ocean Waves

waves come crashing in topple castles made of sand what will future bring Sandra M. Haight ~1st Place~ Contest: Haiku - Theme Sea - Ocean Sponsor: Mick Talbot Judged: 05/11/2018

written by David O'Haolin Whalen
Categories: bird, emotions, ocean, sea,

Seaside Haiku

Salt spray and Seagull Cries…swaying palms…healing balm Soothe both ears and eyes

written by Paul Callus
Categories: love, ocean,

Ocean Waves Haiku

restless ocean waves
in tender, passionate moods-
undulating love

- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 
Contest: Ocean Waves Haiku
[5/7/5 syllable form only]
Hosted by Tania Kitchin
Placed 3rd
© 26th January 2019

written by CayCay Jennings
Categories: appreciation, character, ocean,

Ocean Awe

salty intrigue drifts ocean conduct swells mans awe ... sea deeply aloof
... CayCay Jennings May 5, 2018

written by Paula Swanson
Categories: nature

Sandcastle Clouds

Devoid of ocean....
                  with ever changing magic

                                      my sandcastle clouds

Placement: 10th

written by Evelyn Judy Buehler
Categories: blue, ocean, rain, river, water,


lakes ponds and rivers
niagara and angel
rain and blue oceans

written by Charlie Smith
Categories: ocean,


shoreless bounding main
          veiled magic in such splendor
               laughing at its yoke

Water Themed Haiku Contest
Sponsored by Tania Kitchen

written by Elaine Gonzales
Categories: ocean, sea,


sunken galleon
underwater museum
marine life blossoms

8 May 2018

written by Tom Cunningham
Categories: bird, food, ocean,

An Ocean Banquet

a giant krill ball attracts whales seals sharks and birds ~ a feeding frenzy
Written 23 May 2019 For writing challenge 3, May 2019, Nature haiku poetry contest. Sponsored by Dear Heart.

written by Gary Smith
Categories: ocean,

Death On the Beach

Partners in rhythm
Each following another,
To die on the beach.

Entry for Ocean Waves Haiku
[5/7/5 syllable form only]
By Tania Kitchin
26th January 2019. Placed 6th.

written by Sandra L. Weiss
Categories: appreciation, music, ocean, sea, song,

Song of the Sea

a voice is calling
                    music that's heard by the heart
                              the song of the sea

written by Sandra L. Weiss
Categories: appreciation, beach, ocean, sea,

Gentle Waves

calm waves blue green sea
gently flow upon the sand
barely a whisper