written by
Abdulhafeez Oyewole
adventure, courage, devotion, dream, happiness, passion, patriotic, peace, people,
No Chain, No Charm
In Unison-
~No Chain, No Charm~
United we own
Firm, full of finest goodies-
Our ground of freedom.
United we stand
Firm from failure and horror-
On the ground of strength.
United we pray
Faithfully with open mind-
Our bliss is assured.
written by
Line Gauthier
appreciation, patriotic, pride, remembrance day, soldier, tribute,
Standing Tall
standing tall
so proud
twenty-one gun salute
posted on December 8, 2019
written by
Arty Rico Jones
america, history, military, november, patriotic, remember, veterans day,
Veteran's Day
Remembrance of those
Served in the military
Special day for them
written by
Dan Keir
allah, angel, angst, animal, dream, education, fantasy, fear, freedom, god, parody, passion, patriotic, peace, people, philosophy, political, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, spiritual, write,
Haikus About God: Ii
Invisible chap
Bearded egomaniac
Probably not real
written by
Teddy Kimathi
beauty, passion, patriotic, power, pride,
Kenyan Flag
scouts stand proud
two spears and shield
immortalizing Kenya's legacy
Name: Teddy Kimathi
Country: Kenya
written by
Mya Thein
inspirational, patriotic,
Hero of Myanmar
hero of Myanmar (Haiku)
General Aung San
father of independence
hero of Myanmar.
Dr Ko Ko Thein
Salt Lake City
written by
D.W. Rodgers
forever it seems
our beloved maple leaf
yet winter's coming
written by
May Fenn
analogy, courage, death, grief, imagery, military, patriotic,
Blood Red
Poppies great beauty
Brave men dying for duty
Each nourish the earth.
written by
Viv Wigley
Flag- Haiku
standard proudly flown
red white and blue unity
bickering sisters
My Union Jack, United Kingdom
For contest 'Flag Haiku' sponsored by Skat A
July16th 2015
written by
Linda Jackson
emotions, patriotic,
Hinomaru - Japanese Flag
rising blood red sun -
spatters mount Fuji as
whalers fly flag
I wrote this poem to try to write what a country's flag might
represent to an individual. I love whales and dolphins so this
is what it represents to me.
written by
Immaculata Ortner
grief, patriotic, war,
By Immaculata Ortner
We fought! But in vain!
We stretched, but our top was so high
Our ground trembled as tears of our gods flooded our land
written by
Robert Heemstra
patriotic, power,
Deadly Force
if you trespass here
deadly force is authorized
Marines never play
written by
Sidney Hall Mad Poet
animals, history, inspirational
The American Eagle
patriotic freedom
it’s an American symbol
written by
Francis J Grasso
My Pride
lovely butterfly
waving wings red, white and blue
flies above my pride
written 09.19.2016
written by
Muzahidul Reza
I am not going to forget myself
I am going to remember and find
Ever me in my country itself.
written by
Shrineetee Kar
patriotic, pride,
My Flag
The Ashok Chakra
Saffron, White and winter Green
My country Serene
(On Indian Flag)
By Shrineetee Kar for the contest by SKAT A
'In 3 lines, represent your Country or State flag (haiku-senryu OR 3 line verse)'
written by
James Horn
patriotic, religion,
America Is
America Is
"America is
An almighty miracle
Made by God Himself."
James Thomas Horn
Retired Veteran, Poet
and a Philosopher
RiverSea Plantation
Bolivia, NC.
written by
Thabang Ngoma
A Fluorescent Flag
A besieged torrent
Unveils a rainbow nation
Fluorescent smiles
Thabang Ngoma
South Africa
Sponsor: SKAT A
Contest Name: In 3 lines, represent your Country or State flag
written by
Mark Toney
conflict, courage, film, patriotic, river, war, world war ii,
Oscar-Ku 30 -The Bridge On the River Kwai
harsh Colonel Saito
bridge is built... bridge is blown up-
war's utter madness
Copyright © 2018 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
Published 2018 in "Hollywood Haiku" via wattpad.com
written by
James Horn
Perfect President Horn Haiku
Perfect President Horn Haiku
Be sentimental;
Also have the potential;
Act presidential.
(Be patriotic!!!)
The last extra part of the haiku
in parenthesis wouldn't have
hurt anything either.
Jim Horn
written by
Kaa Na Kalyanasundaram
best friend, irony, patriotic,
The Ladder
just before
pushed me up
the kicked ladder
written by
Hugo Sarvida Jr.
courage, inspirational, meaningful, patriotic,
The Patriot
We need a leader,
Patriot, not just any
Tom, Vic, and Harry.
written by
Kim Rodrigues
hope, patriotic, spring,
flapping free, the flag
with a new hope Springing
its warmth of today
written by
Mahtab Bangalee
leadership, patriotic, remember,
Of the Mourning Day, Bangladesh
August comes, reminds
Of Nation's Father
Green field still holds the fresh blood!
-Thursday, August 1, 2019 Chattogram
written by
Hugo Sarvida Jr.
caregiving, engagement, patriotic, places,
On A Hot Desert Day
Workers are busy
Laying grass grid, planting trees
Greening the desert.
written by
Hugo Sarvida Jr.
devotion, freedom, patriotic,
The Cat's Paw
The push of a pawn
Honor awaits 'neath my flag
Over the green board.
written by
Hugo Sarvida Jr.
community, humanity, love, patriotic,
You love your nation?
Don't damn critics, unfavored
Do people's bastion.
written by
Hugo Sarvida Jr.
business, culture, engagement, patriotic,
Think Global, Buy Local
Think something global
Waste is something human
Buy something local.
written by
Panagiota Romios
america, courage, encouraging, joy, patriotic, thanks,
A Salute To Californians
~"A Salute to Californians"~
Liberty smiling
Sun, sand, wind, sea, surf rising
People took back turf
May 2, 2020
8:30am PST
written by
Hugo Sarvida Jr.
culture, love, motivation, patriotic,
The Within Becomes the Without
Love resonates you.
What's within becomes without,
For people to know.
written by
Hilo Poet
extended metaphor, flower, meaningful, patriotic, tribute,
The Sustenance
*Image of Sunrise by Pixabay.
the sustenance
we heed her keeping
blest anoints our countenance~~
golden star's children
2022 March 03
written by
Hugo Sarvida Jr.
patriotic, people, soldier,
The Salute
Amidst throng of men,
Stood their vibrant salute
That Eastern sky.
written by
Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris
humanity, patriotic, peace, rights,
A Smart Warrior
How good is it when
You know what you want in life
And focus on it.
A good warrior
Roars and does not have time for
Useless attentions
When it comes to fight
for the rights of snubbed people
Who need total peace.
June 23/2023
written by
Tom Wright
america, dedication, devotion, patriotic, pride, usa,
Our Flag
Our Flag
Miracle Man
It's red, white, and blue
a symbol of our country.
Love it or leave it!
written by
Hugo Sarvida Jr.
courage, hero, patriotic, political,
Few Good Men
There few hours a day
To serve people good service
Few men heed to play.