Haiku Poems About Relationship | Relationship Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Relationship and Relationship haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: 12th grade, family, father daughter, humor, humorous, mother daughter, relationship,

My Princess

When I grow up, will I still be princess?

Of course, says glowing daddy. 
A roll of the queen’s eyes.

written by Herbert Siao
Categories: imagery, inspiration, moon, peace, red, relationship, romance,

Drunken Moon

**blood moon** 

Waiting for night fall 
The moment of love is made 
The moon is bruised 

~a poet destroyer collaboration~

written by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: devotion, love, relationship,

Heavenly Love

She asked for nothing 

He offered her everything
Love made in heaven!

(c) Demetrios Trifiatis
     22 November 2016

written by Regina Mcintosh
Categories: inspirational love, relationship, romance, romantic, romantic love,

In His Eyes Sexyku

in his sapphire eyes
glimpse reflections of my dreams
caught staring at him

November 5, 2019
Sexyku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Richard Lamoureux

written by Line Gauthier
Categories: autumn, color, kiss, love, nature, relationship, youth,


first kiss
of autumn love
maples blushing

posted on March 24, 2021

written by Skat A
Categories: body, dark, deep, fantasy, night, relationship, sin,

Midnight Feathers

~Midnight Feathers~

plume after plume
stuck in my heart
your eyes, deep as dark

morning lust
goosebumps in the afternoon
midnight smoke

plume after plume
plucked from  my heart
together we feather 


written by James Ranahan
Categories: dedication, desire, relationship,

Secret Admirer

a lovely shrine on a cliff
surprising secrets
remember me forever

written by J.W. Earnings
Categories: childhood, education, faith, father, hope, inspirational, mystery, son,

God's Discipline

God's criticism towards our life 
Is like a father-&-son relationship
-- he disciplines us well with peace

written by J.W. Earnings
Categories: adventure, animal, confusion, courage, fear, funny, imagination, inspirational, life, lost, nature, on work and working, pain, relationship, stress, time, tree, uplifting, work,


Lookin' after pests
Keepin' a CLOSE eye on 'em
"Those wild animals!"

Roamin' around zoo
Searchin' for sneaky monkey
Hidin' in a tree

Zookeeper gets mad
"Where's Marty, the smartypants!?"
"He TOOK my cage keys!"

written by Robert Candler
Categories: angel, best friend, birth, love, marriage, relationship, romantic,


My destitute heart,
Saved by the sweetest Angel.
I love you, Sandy.

written by Sowjanya Bhat
Categories: boyfriend, break up, care, emotions, relationship, solitude, sometimes,

I Miss You

He didn't look at her once
                  She wrote a letter
            With love,'how are you?'

written by James Fraser
Categories: beautiful, beauty, butterfly, love, music, passion, relationship,


drawn, I'm upon she hungered be, throne grown we unification .

written by Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther
Categories: music, nature, night,

A Haiku Collection


With silk 
Warm with milk


we must write 
Dream and hold hands
We must command


a melody of trickle
Nature's music 
Be a stream


a sonic boom
A relationship ended
One tragic noon

written by Chase Rhinehart
Categories: love, nature, relationship,

Envious Sands

Whispers of the light,
Ring in the ears of the sea;
As jealous sands watch.

written by Blaine Anderson
Categories: friendship, inspirational, life, lost love

An Unfortuate Truth

All a friendship is
is a close relationship 
without the good sex

written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: funny, funny love, humor, humorous, husband, marriage, relationship,

He's a Keeper

He’s a keeper, the relatives all agreed.

You’re lucky to have this one.

Marriage will link me too

written by Ray Huq
Categories: loss, love, relationship,

The Right Diagnosis

Lancing, shooting pain
Stabs to the left side - sternum
Doctor notes: Love lost

written by Kileem Al Lishmiin
Categories: humor, loss, love, memory, relationship, self, time,

Love Stories

Tragedy and Comedy
Blended and Beaten
Memories last a lifetime

written by Mich Elle
Categories: relationship, romance, romantic,


morning bloom,
afternoon kisses,
and night blushing.

written by Hugo Sarvida Jr.
Categories: beauty, cheer up, faith, power, relationship,


Alone with God there
By the shore I stroll along
With Heaven's prayer.

written by Arlene Smith
Categories: relationship,

So Close and Yet So Far

Poetry and wine.
Substitute companionship.
Lonesomeness with you.

written by James Fraser
Categories: beauty, love, people, places, poets, relationship, vacation,

Walled City

into culture walk we, amidst her history smiling faces grin .

written by Kileem Al Lishmiin
Categories: abuse, allegory, betrayal, mirror, relationship,


To whom kicks llamas
Action reflector reply
Sticky face ingrate

written by Mark J. Halliday
Categories: appreciation, blessing, devotion, love, relationship, sensual, wife,

Non-Judgemental Sex

Making love to her
Helps me ignore or forget
My wife's not perfect.

written by Angela Poppert
Categories: relationship,

Riding the Storm

While riding the storm
We cuddle eachother
Just to be kept warm

written by Earl Schumacker
Categories: adventure, identity, image, nature, ocean, relationship, water,

Ocean and River Merge - Haiku

Ocean And River Merge - Haiku

two bodies soft, wet
exchange their fluids in storms
ocean, river, merge

written by James Fraser
Categories: fun, holiday, love, people, places, poets, relationship,

Amidst the Kids

among such hunger such an enchanted smile beams amidst the kids, she .

written by Russell Sivey
Categories: love, rain, relationship,

Passion Extreme

The flower passion Runs rampant between the two… Loving rain flowing Rain brings together Enhances lust quite higher… Nude ones coalesce
Picture #6 Russell Sivey Contest: Kissing In The Rain (2 haiku) nature style Sponsor: Poet Destroyer A 5/22/2013

written by Daljit Khankhana
Categories: education, love, relationship, love,

My True Love

Not a day, week, month or a year, chased her non-stop.
I love her, she claimed, she has no solution of my madness,
my love is true, she said, you are boring, i feel stress,
you 've no dare to express feelings you tried me to bind with a rope,
why do i merry you, you are waste and has no hope?

written by Zach Chan
Categories: january, rain, relationship,

Blue Eyes

The rain patters down
Sending goose bumps across flesh
My blue lips are numb

Her azure eyes shine
Like crystals catching the sun
Even in this rain

 My hide is soaked
It is on the line for her
The cold bite goes numb

Drawn in my jacket
Her eyes beaming at me
Blue eyed paradise.

written by James Fraser
Categories: beauty, flower, people, places, relationship, smile, valentines day,

Through Arrivals

seen through arrivals such a smile welcomes me so my hearts a pumping .

written by Delice Arleen Skelly
Categories: life, relationship, sad love,


Poignant past recalled Brief, transient reminder We are an echo.

written by Lol Nm
Categories: appreciation, black african american, butterfly, dark, for him, heart, smile,

Progress With Him

I saw him today
I conversed with him today
I witnessed sparks fly

Please add my snapchat
follow me on Instagram 
comment cute heart eyes

A friendship starting
A relationship blooming
We need a ship name 


written by Earl Schumacker
Categories: adventure, kiss, nature, ocean, power, relationship, water,

River Ocean Delta Make Love

River Ocean Delta Make Love – Haiku

River meets ocean
Mouth of delta opens wide
They kiss, merge liquids

written by George Zamalea
Categories: relationship, star,

Temple of Dreaming

The last leaf perfumed a forehand,
The sun rises; a hand of an angel
At this same hour.