Haiku Poems About Son | Son Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Son and Son haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Sara Kendrick
Categories: faith, inspirational, nature


Cobalt waters move
Glistening in God's sun light
Son looks down with love

written by J.W. Earnings
Categories: childhood, education, faith, father, hope, inspirational, mystery, son,

God's Discipline

God's criticism towards our life 
Is like a father-&-son relationship
-- he disciplines us well with peace

written by Tom Larrow
Categories: faith,

Finding Strength

With life on the mend
Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Guide you thru each day

written by Kash Poet
Categories: funny

I Met Dinosaurs

I met Dinosaurs
few years ago with my son...

in Jurassic Park.


Placement: 4th;    (January 2011)


Sponsor:S K A T

By:kashinath karmakar(11th January 2011)

written by John Freeman
Categories: love

"holiday Haiku"

virgin births a Son…

         the season is Christmas day

                    the Father is love

written by George Zamalea
Categories: mothers day,

Mother's Cry

Misty mother
Today is a Mother’s day,
Although a son is unseen.

written by Dennis Lee
Categories: black african american, family, happiness, music, song-

My Oldies

dancing in my room...
old music from my teen years....
my son shakes his head.

written by Daniel Spencer
Categories: angst, art, childhood, confusion, depression, devotion, family, father, forgiveness, history, life, love, mother, passion, people, philosophy, sad, social, son, sorry, sympathy, teen, thank you,


Forgotten but here
Remembered yet never there
Why do you exist?

written by Tonytocaa Camacho
Categories: baby, birth, grandfather, happiness,


Suns Anew Radiance Aglow
                                              Oh smiles newborn
                                      May thy blessed son continue so

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: football, nostalgia, boy,

The Real Cowboys

like father and son
Tom Landry Roger Staubach
unbeatable team

written by Lashawn White
Categories: black african american, father, social, son,

Black Man

cool with collection
not afraid of anything
now his own landlord..

written by Tara Jennings
Categories: love, mother, son

First Haircuts

the barber's scissors:
                my breath lost as the last of 
his baby curls fell

written by Ava A. Carlton
Categories: birthday, son,

A Birthday Delight


A new dawn blazes
Forth as you walk for pleasure
you are well measured

At a new morn sunset
birthing upon your bright eyes
will be yours to keep

A delightful sight
on your birthday of May Seventh

Written: 05/02/2016

written by Timothy Hicks
Categories: childhood, rain,

Haiku 32

heavy summer rain,
owing his son thousands -
Monopoly money

written by Sudesh Thapa
Categories: absence

Winter Tree and Sun

Father's poor 
To succor son gloves 
Bleak days!

written by Gregory Richard Barden
Categories: animal, appreciation, music, spring,


~   haunting eventide ...

                       tree frogs serenade night mists -

             spring waits mute ... breathless   ~

~ 3rd Place ~  in the "Son Of A Senryu" Poetry Contest, Brahn Bailey, Judge & Sponsor.

written by Anusha Dharmasena
Categories: birthday, celebration, happy, thanks,

Happy 19 Birthday

Today you're 19
Not too far from
doing things
Happy Birthday, son

Oh Wake up, wake up
It's noon here in
the East
I'm missing my son

Happy Birthday son
Oh happy birthday to
Wake up, you're 19

written by Kim Merryman
Categories: son, war,

Questionku One

my soldier son
                                                  deployed this morning --
                                                   will this war ever end?

by: Kim Merryman

For Richard Lemoureux's
Questionqu contest

written by Pheko Motaung
Categories: divorce, drink, father son, student, teacher,

For the Sake of Life

For the sake of life
Your lies are weak.You mellow
Like rotting wine

written by Doris Culverhouse
Categories: childhood

Offensive Talker

Mouthy, offensive
Talking rudely out of turn
Learning deficits

Classroom victims-child
Awaiting salvation, and
Great education!

I wrote this for my son, who goes to school and got punished because of the groups wrongly 
talking too much, he felt it wasn't fair. I have been there too.

written by Richard Lamoureux
Categories: father, son,

Questionku 17

Rocking baby
Bough begins to break
Will you catch him in time?

written by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire
Categories: faith, inspirational, love

God's Victory

The Light of the world
Casts out the evil demons
The Son has Risen

Inspired by Raul Moreno's Contest " Ascension "

written by Jslambert Mister Roboto
Categories: dedication, father, funny, health, history, satire, son, sports, teen,

Nfl Golden Child Injured

Finished before start Colts fans leap from Bandwagon Peyton Manning's hurt

written by Bill Lindsay
Categories: god, rainbow,

Natures Promise

rainbows taste the rain
over my shoulder the Son
recalls God’s promise

written by Leon Stacey
Categories: adventure, animals, childhood, family, imagination, nature, son,

Castle Friends

Knights, horses, shields, swords
Battle rams, motes, bridges, horns-
Catapults tower

For Caleb and his Lego Wars

written by Jacqueline R. Mendoza
Categories: black african american, christian, devotion, faith, religion, religious, spiritual,

Eternal God

Eternal Father
	Eternal Son, Jesus or Father Christ
	Eternal Holy Spirit, deliverer


written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: peace, war,


troops marching to church
rejoice in the Son of God
in peace and in war

written by Ross Blade
Categories: child abuse,

Eden Lost

Hush! say nothing son.
Suffer his sins silently.
Silence is golden.

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: father, military,

Soldier's Son

Boyhood to manhood
always following orders
I'm a soldier's son

written by Jacob Wölf
Categories: childhood, family, life, love, mother, son

Love Thy Mother Much

Love thy mother much
For she's who gave birth to me
But won't let me

written by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders
Categories: childhood, food, holiday, son,

Birthday Party

birthday party -- sweet icing slowly drips from my son's chin

written by John Monteblanco
Categories: childhood, faith, imagination,


Can you hear it, son?
The bells that sound on Christmas.
They await your love.

Whiff your hand around.
Can you smell it - Christmas cheer!
Cookies full of love.

written by Pheko Motaung
Categories: encouraging, father son, son, spiritual, true love, trust, truth,

Grow Up My Dear Son

Grow up my dear son
The vaginas are the same
Only the men never learn

written by Daljit Khankhana
Categories: business, devotion, faith,

Please Me Guide

are you intelligent or wise let's go then  we can decide?
why do we trust to exploit and harass others to divide?
A daughter, son, sister, brother, mum, dad and a friend,
Granny, grand, uncle, aunt and relations we cannot hide.
matters are complicated, why is life hard please me guide?

written by Bennie6 Haiku Poems
Categories: math,


uno por dos por 
tres por cuatro por cinco 
son ciento veinte

Traducción: [Translation:]

[one times two times three times four times five is (literally, "are") one hundred twenty]

Recuento sílaba española por: [Spanish syllable count by:]
