Haiku Poems About Song | Song Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Song and Song haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Jan Allison
Categories: beauty, bird, morning, nature,

Blackbird Haiku

beautiful blackbird chirruping the sweetest songs morning has broken Poem inspired by this wonderful Beatles song sung in Scottish Gaelic by Julie Fowlis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MzetQfKwbE 05~20~17

written by Susan Ashley
Categories: beauty, morning, nature, song, sun,

Morning Song of Praise

'neath buttermilk skies 
my soul on the horizon -
I have found my voice 

Susan Ashley 
April 26, 2020

~ Third Place ~
Morning Praise Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Raul Moreno

written by Caren Krutsinger
Categories: bird,

Baby Robins Song

baby robins song
enjoying first solo flight
tracking mamas path

written by Emmanuel Samson
Categories: death, faith, imagination, lost love, love, nature, on writing and words, philosophy, sea, seasons, song-time,

Stairway To Heaven

Now my tendrilled soul,
Has found its pergola-- Christ--
To wind its way up....

written by Robin L. Gass
Categories: nature

Liquid Lullaby

Soothing is your song
as your crystal melody
plays within my heart

Inspired bt Raul Morenos' Rhythm of the Falls contest

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: nature, spring,

Lark's Song

lark's song

as green leaves dance with the breeze . . .

gold seeps from sky

Jan. 31, 2020

the 'Hi-Ku(5)' Poetry Contest

written by Jenish Somadas
Categories: river, song,


tiny wavelets sang
sonorous songs in delight -
dozing river woke

Second Place in Haiku Or Senyru Poetry Contest sponsored by Constance La France

written by Spandan Karmakar
Categories: nature, autumn,

Autumn Air

Drifting leaves
in the autumn air--
farewell song

By:Spandan Karmakar

Date:13th Oct. 

contest:Autumn Air

written by Deirdre Omaidin
Categories: nature


Haiku competition for Raul Moreno  (as per his photograph submitted)

Brambles cloaked with green
Spring sunlight gleams through the trees
Wood thrush in full song.

written by Raul Moreno
Categories: music, nature

Cricket Serenade

Windowsill love song,
The mariachi crickets:
Serenade the night.

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: nature, sound,

Haiku 1-2-3 Or 3-2-1 Series

trills a

in trees
sing along

croaking frogs
join the

chirp with ease

on the

Sept. 27. 2018 
for the Haiku 1-2-3 Or 3-2-1 Poetry Contest of charles messina

written by Sarban Bhattacharya
Categories: garden,

The Wintry Langour

In dark wintry night, 
Daphne's fragrance heals me of
Crickets' woeful song.

13th June, 2017

written by Raul Moreno
Categories: dance, nature, song,

Evening Waltz

The cicada's song,
Rouses the shadows to dance:
Swaying silhouettes.

written by Ann Peck
Categories: 12th grade, bird, confidence, courage, perspective, song, tree,

The Sound of Silence

.   a bird will still sing
placing faith in tomorrow
   as the last tree falls

May 7, 2022
for Haiku Nature Poetry Contest
by Sotto Poet

written by Paul Callus
Categories: bird, song,

Summer Song

an aviary

at far end of the garden -

daybreak sonata

- - - - - - - - - - - 

A Transition of Seasons Haiku Contest
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin
Placed 1st
Posted 9th September 2019

written by Jan Allison
Categories: bird, flower, spring,

Haiku Xss

xanthic daffodils
sway on a cool morning breeze
song thrush breaks snail shell

Captcha haiku contest
Sponsored by Harry Horsman

my log in captcha was XSS


written by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders
Categories: bird, music, summer, water,

Summer Rhythms

a waterfall flows
from mountainside to ocean -
distant reggae song

clear waters light sky -   
where blue meets turquoise vista 
a swallowtail hums 

Written 6/22/20
Contest - Summer Haiku
Sponsor - Tania Kitchin

written by Michelle Faulkner
Categories: bird, hope, song, spring,

Red Bird Visitor

Scarlet flash of wing

     Tanager's echoing song

Seeks eternal spring


written by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: song, spring,

Spring's Melody

Morning's breeze is filled 

With melodious spring sounds 

Envious Mozart!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
       22 March 2017

written by Jack Jordan
Categories: life,

Haiku 15

Hoarding words and sounds
to sing the songs of the heart.
Each song has an end.

written by Hilo Poet
Categories: bird, imagery, irony, life, nature, senses, truth,

Equivocal Euphoria

Equivocal Euphoria A bird song heralds a halcyon morn, espies-- wiles of a keen hawk. 2019 May 20 *2nd Place Writing Challenge 3, May 2019, Nature Haiku ~~Constance La France

written by M. L. Kiser
Categories: moon, poems, poetry, space,

Full Moon In Rise

full moon in rise cricket song porcelain orb sitting in sky firefly dance

written by Raul Moreno
Categories: nature, sea

Evening Song

Calm waves gently crash,
Soothing the sun to slumber:
Liquid lullabies.

written by Kash Poet
Categories: life,

Paddy Husks Flying

paddy husks flying
in the evening air...
harvest song

© kash poet

Placement: HM; (Nov.2011)

Contest:Any theme/form(12 lines max.)

Sponsor:Brian Strand

written by Valsa George
Categories: beauty, bird, song,

Spring Glee

as birds start singing mother earth gleefully winks~ mom's felicity

written by Sandra L. Weiss
Categories: appreciation, music, ocean, sea, song,

Song of the Sea

a voice is calling
                    music that's heard by the heart
                              the song of the sea

written by Sandra L. Weiss
Categories: music, nature, song, wind,

Nature's Melody

whimsical wind chimes
singing nature's melody
dancing in the breeze

written by Edward Ibeh
Categories: bird, dark, hope, imagery, nature, song,


from a winged elm tree
a wren's knife cuts through glum dawn ~
                            joyful day afoot

A New Hiku Footle Tanka Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Brian Strand
Date written: 11/15/2022

written by Joseph May
Categories: metaphor, music,


slicing melodies,
 guitar man
 butters up a song

written by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib
Categories: bird,

Passing Passerine

a lark song tickles
 notes of robins and wrens pique~
          the starling teasing


For Spring Birds Poetry Contest 
Sponsored by Constance La France

written by Evelyn Judy Buehler
Categories: beautiful, bird, dream, nature, summer, sunshine, wind,

Brookside In the Breeze

in the bliss of blooms
in the richness of old gold
chattering I hear

day of fresh breezes
in luxurious summer
brookside in fragrance

starry-eyed starling
his song carried by the wind
a romantic dream

written by Subimal Sinha-Roy
Categories: green, song, sun, tree,

Song of Green

leaves soak summer sun rustling wind sings song of green… still shade serenades
August 20, 2019 Syllable count : 5/7/5 Checked on howmanysyllables.com

written by Sandra L. Weiss
Categories: appreciation, song, wind,

Dancing Seahorse

the seahorse dances
gracefully among the chimes
his song in the wind

written by Allen Beilschmidt Sr.
Categories: eve,


warm breeze eventide
fireflies light pink roses
crickets sing a song.

written by Joseph Soper
Categories: beauty, nature,


petals and leaves dance
to the silent song of breeze
… tomorrow can wait
