written by
Poet Destroyer A
adventure, body, evil, forgiveness, life, spiritual, wisdom,
Enlighten Me
"Haiku of enlightenment"
all explanations
a perceptive, world of green
mocking the land
summoned bird calls
tantra and morality
zestful garden----------------- in waiting
written by
P.M. Richter
identity, spiritual,
Wishing Well
I am the river
not this bucket of water
attached to a rope
written by
Line Gauthier
devotion, inspirational love, prayer, religious, river, spiritual, spring, water,
sung buddhist prayers
released afloat spring rivers
a skyward mist
AP: Honorable Mention 2020
Submitted on March 5, 2018 for contest HAIKU, THEME: WATER sponsored by MICK TALBOT
written by
Dan Keir
adventure, dedication, freedom, home, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, metaphor, mystery, nature, nostalgia, people, political, sad, satire, social, sorrow, spiritual, success, time, travel, uplifting, urban, visionary, war, write,
The Internet: Rtrn
A void of Facebook
Creativity dies here...
written by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
black african american, christian, devotion, faith, religion, religious, spiritual,
Deep Understanding
Learn to Listen
We must have Wisdom or Understanding
Must have Patience and Tolerance
written by
Arnab Mitra
life, metaphor, spiritual, symbolism,
Under starlit dome,
across the empty ocean,
I sail all alone.
written by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
black african american, christian, devotion, faith, religion, religious, spiritual,
The Lord is good
His kindness endures forever
And His faithfulness, to all generations
written by
James Fraser
animals, friendship, nature, sea
Birds Across the Blue Divide
The blueing ocean
Separate eagle and dove
Spiritual birds
written by
Carma Sanderson
christian, devotion, faith, father, hope, inspirational, jesus, spiritual, uplifting,
Values At Top Rate
--Your Persona, Captures Elegance,
Your Heart, Values At Top Rate,
Your Soul, Priceless, GODS LOve--
written by
Bl Devnath
god, life, philosophy, sensual, spiritual, visionary,
Surrender To God
surrender to God
speaks silence in words themselves
words are unknown words
written by
James Fraser
native american
Spiritual winds,
Good dreams filter, sleeper sleeps;
Web catches the bad,
written by
Anonymous Norman
Reflection Eternal
spiritual mother,
forever maintains balance,
reflecting our path.
written by
Gregory Richard Barden
beauty, moon, spiritual,
Lune D'Amour
Breathtaking beauty ...
A connection beyond words,
Painter of my dreams.
written by
Line Gauthier
flower, spiritual, summer, sun, surreal,
sunflower choir
ra the sun god
posted on September 11, 2018
written by
Sally Eslinger
christian, flower, love, spiritual,
Untitled Haiku, Abba
Haiku, ABBA
dear ABBA I hum
the Holy Spirit lingers
a rest in my soul
(c) sally Young eslinger 1/15/2021
Thanks be to God
written by
Meadow Kurova
mystery, philosophy, spiritual,
You First
The Unknown never
introduced itself to me.
It whispered- 'you first.'
written by
Christuraj Alex
leave yourself so free
that God will dwell in you long
and you live in him
15 June 2021
written by
Jenish Somadas
birth, spiritual,
I sat on a hole every morning
to flush my past memories
to reborn as an empty vessel
written by
John Michaels
death, heaven, spiritual,
Reflections on What's Next
mourn not my passing
painless transition granted
the next life beckons
written by
Dan Keir
allah, angel, angst, animal, dream, education, fantasy, fear, freedom, god, parody, passion, patriotic, peace, people, philosophy, political, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, spiritual, write,
Haikus About God: Ii
Invisible chap
Bearded egomaniac
Probably not real
written by
Dan Keir
allah, angel, angst, confusion, dream, education, faith, freedom, god, happiness, health, heaven, history, holocaust, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, jesus, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, miracle, nature, on writing and words, pain, peace, people, philosophy, political, prayer, recovery from..., religious, sad, spiritual, stress, success, sympathy, teacher, time, write,
Haikus About God: Iii
Beauty of nature
Why condense it down to God?
Isn’t life enough?
written by
Dan Keir
allah, angel, angst, courage, dream, education, faith, fantasy, fear, funny, god, heaven, history, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, jesus, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, love, miracle, mystery, nostalgia, on work and working, parody, passion, peace, people, philosophy, political, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, spiritual, stress, success, sympathy, teacher, time, write,
Haikus About God: V
Omniscient guy
Yet he lets bad things happen
How can he exist?
written by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
bible, christian, devotion, faith, religion, religious, spiritual,
Unity of the Old and New Testaments
As an old saying put it
The New Testament lies hidden in the Old
The Old Testament is unveiled in the New
written by
Nikhileswari Swaminathan
bible, devotion, emotions, encouraging, gothic, jesus, passion,
devout dutiful
blissfully spiritual
men who are godly
written by
Irfanulla Shariff
beauty, inspirational, light, nature, spiritual,
Candle Flame
Dazzling candle flame
Grand luminous vibrations
Warmly melting wax
written by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
black african american, christian, devotion, faith, religion, religious, spiritual,
A Priest Forever
Jesus or Father Christ
A priest forever
In the order of Melchizedek
written by
Mark Martin
bible, philosophy, religion, religious, spiritual, symbolism,
Who Made Who
God sculpts man from clay
Theist debates atheist
Man sculpts God from fear
written by
Mark J. Halliday
christian, faith, hope, jesus, love, music, spiritual,
Sunday Organist
What's the theme this week?
Songs of faith, hope, love; Jesus Christ?
---Sunday Organist---
written by
Mina Holladay
for him, longing, lust, moon, spiritual,
17 Sexy Syllables
you are my moon, babe
i'm surrendering my tide
over and over
written by
Dan Keir
allah, angel, angst, confusion, freedom, god, heaven, passion, peace, people, philosophy, political, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, spiritual, success, write,
Haikus About God: I
Overture of lies:
Don’t take it literally
written by
Marvin G. Celestial
dedication, growth, remember, spiritual, stars,
Looking At the Stars
Midgets always do
Looking strangely at the stars
Counting bigger ones
Small and big dippers
Emit freedom a distance
Expressing oneness
At times in old days
Longing to look at more stars
Achieve apogee.
written by
Dan Keir
allah, angel, angst, education, faith, fantasy, fear, freedom, god, happiness, heaven, history, hope, imagination, inspirational, introspection, jesus, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, love, metaphor, miracle, mystery, peace, people, political, prayer, religion, religious, spiritual, stress, sympathy, teacher, time, write,
Haikus About God: Vi
The body: sacred
We’re all made in God’s image
Hence... circumcision?
written by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
black african american, christian, devotion, faith, religion, religious, spiritual,
Death of a Child
King David was completely forgiven for his sin by God
But still had to endure the death
of his child as punishment.
written by
Humble B
beauty, courage, god, happiness, inspirational, jesus, life, peace, spiritual, stress,
Peace - Haiku
Peace; humble, serene
Can be found within the soul
Be still, listen, be
written by
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
black african american, christian, devotion, faith, religion, religious, spiritual,
The Catholic Church added the 7 books of the "apocrypha"
To the Bible after the Protestant Reformation.
Luther took them out during the Protestant Reformation