Haiku Poems About Sports | Sports Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Sports and Sports haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by James Fraser
Categories: adventure, sports

In Effortless Glide - Air Balloons

In effortless glide Amidst the invisible thermals Air balloons do soar

written by Charlie Knowlton
Categories: games, sports,

Haiku Qualifying

haiku olympics
                          i bench press
                          my pencil

written by Cindi Rockwell
Categories: autumn, devotion, football, hope, september, sports,


Eagles on the field!
I cling to hope of Bowl Ring . . .
There's always next year.

written by Ken Duddle
Categories: hope, passion, sports,


Football season done. Optimistic Leicester fans. Promotion next year.

written by Rocky Swartzfager
Categories: sports,


Kicks that carry force Carried out beautifully Majestic style

written by Janette Fisher
Categories: sports

Boat Race

Rippled muscles strike
Oars through ‘Old Father Thames’;
Winning line in sight.

written by Rocky Swartzfager
Categories: sports,

Muay Thai

Effective and tough Made to get the job done fast Beautiful and sweet

written by Andrea Rose
Categories: addiction, beach, mother, nature, ocean, sports, summer, vacation, water,

Surf Therapy

Mother Ocean please
Send me waves of such beauty
I need Therapy

Dedicated to my Dad on Father's Day 2013
The man who introduced me to the ocean and educated me about it and gave me reason to love appreciate and respect it.

written by Joseph Soper
Categories: golf, sports,

Stress Relief

dimpled orb takes flight green blur slides below, blue above welcome distraction

written by Ned Flanders
Categories: sports

Sports Ssshhhh

Managers and coaches 
think quiet
money talks

written by Wm Paul
Categories: sports,


Inland from the sea,
Five miles at least I would say,
A bay foghorn sounds.

written by J. Patrick Lewis
Categories: sports,

Zen Football



written by Ned Flanders
Categories: sports


Golf barks
U.S. Open flags
Woods is out

written by Mark Morris
Categories: america, black african american, confusion, culture, football, growing up, mom,


Barbershop sports brag
Our basic boast is boxing
Mothers just sit there

written by Wm Paul
Categories: football,

Sports Haiku 1-14-17

Was only a game,
Two birds of prey flew the field
Falcons beat Seahawks.

written by James Tate
Categories: sports

Super Bowl

Scrimmage upended linemen
Super bowl Sunday
The crowd roared, foot ball sailed high.

Receiver zig-zagged down field,
Ball spun overhead,   
Runner snatched in air— touch down!

written by Paul Holmes
Categories: sports


Strawberries and cream
Tennis stars chase cherished dream
Audience applauds.

written by J. Patrick Lewis
Categories: sports,

Zen Football

Zen Football 

      The quarterback folds 
his hands under the center—
	2, X, 18, haik-!

written by Dustin Mcginnis
Categories: sports,

Fall Is Football

The smell of fall leaves
The feel of your helment and gear
The Sound of Coach

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: sports,

Old Fish Story

I caught a big fish
with my Pocket Fisherman
many years ago

written by James Edward Lee Sr.
Categories: 10th grade, analogy, sports, volleyball,

Spring Volleyball - a Haiku

Spring Volleyball - A Haiku

meandering thoughts a high, volleyball volleying out of untied shoe ~ n the gym forthwith before hardwood floor bouncing because of the net
4/22/19 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2019©

written by Malcolm Dyer
Categories: father, food, funny, husband, sports,

Sunday Afternoon

fried chicken is good
with rice and beans and butter
ice cold glass of tea
and some football action for me

written by Mike Butler
Categories: happiness, sports

Spring Training

The smell of peanuts,
The crack of the bat—HOME RUN!
Spring Training, welcome.

Submitted for Carol Brown 's "Waiting for Spring" contest

written by Richard Thistle
Categories: sports,


Punch after punch
Symphony of swift feet 
Knockout number one

written by Katelyn Jackson
Categories: sports,


Chilly and crisp air
signals the begining of
an awsome season

written by Wm Paul
Categories: sports,

Stanley Cup 2013

Two teams met on ice
They played strong to make a goal
Three to two the end.

written by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire
Categories: fantasy, sea, seasons, sports, thank you

Red Sox -- 2010 -- We Win

Baseball Glove on gloves
Baseball bat, too cold to hold
Hurry, SPRING, Hurry

Inspired by Carol Brown’s “WAITING  FOR  SPRING “  Contest
Dedicated to the 2010 World Series Champions “Boston Red Sox”

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: sports,

Next Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday
brother playing his brother 
sibling rivalry

written by Jslambert Mister Roboto
Categories: dedication, father, funny, health, history, satire, son, sports, teen,

Nfl Golden Child Injured

Finished before start Colts fans leap from Bandwagon Peyton Manning's hurt

written by Michelle Faulkner
Categories: autumn, football, games, sports,


The boys of football
     Enter in warrior garb
Fall gladiators

written by Sidney Hall Mad Poet
Categories: funny

Out For a Jog

She jogs
Her brown eyes are blue eyes
Bought a sports bra

© 2000

written by Robb A. Kopp
Categories: animals, life, sports

The Trophy

a beautiful day
daydreaming along the bay….
trophy’s safe today

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: health, recovery from..., sports, drug,


sports never the same
performance enhancing drugs
nothing to strive for

written by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders
Categories: childhood, sports,

Red Ball

bright sun shines as a red ball blows by -- children scatter

written by Robert Heemstra
Categories: sad, sports,

From the Bench

nine men on the field
waiting on the next batter
I’m alone on bench