Haiku Poems About Spring | Spring Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Spring and Spring haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Jan Allison
Categories: nature, spring,

Heavenly Herald

dainty daffodil your golden trumpet fanfares the dawning of spring

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: tree,

My Tree's Seasons

spring wakens my tree - a bejeweled perfumed bride. . . . love birds make their nest summer’s yellowed lawn beneath my tree’s sombrero. . . . grass breathes sweet relief fall’s quick change artist - from green to gold to crimson. . . . disrobed, my tree naps

written by Funom Makama
Categories: nature, new year, seasons, spring, weather,


Nature's wake from sleep Life flirts with beauty a time for flowers to flaunt

written by Charlie Smith
Categories: spring,

New Beginings

a young wing flutters
     warmer nights laved in moon beams
     spring's new soul takes flight

     Spring Haiku Contest
     Sponsored by Tania Kitchen

     2nd. Place

written by Charmaine Chircop
Categories: beautiful,

Haiku -Spring Cherries

cherry blossom He licks fresh sweetness from her lips

written by Tania Kitchin
Categories: appreciation, flower, spring,

Spring Sunrise

magenta pink sky
songbirds singing melodies -
peony opens

written by Sean Kelly
Categories: nature

Haiku # 34 .

The  backdrop  of  frost

  A  lone  daffodil  conducts

  Winter's  Requiem  .

For Carol's Spring Haiku contest ..

written by Charmaine Chircop
Categories: beautiful, spring,

Haiku 57 About the Rose

wings flutter on a moist petal rose nectar

written by Michael Dom
Categories: april, children, spring,

1 Cherry Blossom Haiku

Sakura breathing...
along an old stone footpath
children are laughing

written by Viv Wigley
Categories: autumn,


gently laid to rest
 wafer thin in copper bronze
 fallen ghosts of spring

written by Kp Nunez
Categories: appreciation, flower, garden, introspection, thanksgiving,

Spring Haiku

morning quiet time
in nature's warm bosom found
sun kissed flowers shine

12 March 2015
POEM OF THE DAY - 14 March 2015
Sponsor: Debbie Guzzi

written by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib
Categories: bird, body, freedom, spring,

**** To the Wind

sprung from spring they fly

                                 liberation aflutter

                                 cages left behind

written by Sara Kendrick
Categories: nature,

Spring Rain

spring rain overnight dragging winter's chill... the butterfly

written by Jan Allison
Categories: beauty, flower, nature, spring,

Snowdrops Haiku

sun shines through the clouds peeping through the thawing soil one single snowdrop Contest judged on 13th May - received N/A Submitted to second chance 2 sponsored by Eve Roper Traditional haiku 5/7/5 28th April 2016

written by Jan Allison
Categories: seasons,

The Dawn of Spring

winter thaw begins snowdrops peeping through the snow raising sleepy heads Jan Allison 26th November 2014

written by Jan Allison
Categories: beauty, seasons, spring,

Spring Haiku

forest newly dressed wearing her emerald gown she dreams of summer Submitted to Any poem written in April Contest sponsored by Laura Loo 10th April 2016

written by Laura Mckenzie
Categories: nature, seasons

Gifts From the Creek

Nature’s euphony   
Water trickling over stones
Lucid  hues beam spring

written by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: bird, nature, winter,

Snowy Owl's Quest

Upon icy lake

Snowy owl seeks nourishment –

    Craves a sip of spring

written by Charles Messina
Categories: spring,

Winters Sun

while winter weeks warmth 
wondrous weeping willows wilt 
wrens whistle wildly 

spring season soon starts 
sunflower seeds sprout slowly 
sparrows sing softly 

Spring Haiku Contest 
Sponsor: Tania Kitchin 

written by Line Gauthier
Categories: devotion, inspirational love, prayer, religious, river, spiritual, spring, water,


sung buddhist prayers
released afloat spring rivers
    a skyward mist

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

Submitted on March 5, 2018 for contest HAIKU, THEME: WATER  sponsored by MICK TALBOT

written by M. L. Kiser
Categories: appreciation, beautiful, beauty, flower, garden, image, uplifting,

First Blooms

Ruby, canary, white, and purple heads waking tulips in my yard. Yawn and stretch petals to salute the sun, smiling full blossomed beauties.
Written: 3-2-19 For: "Spring Haiku Poetry Contest" Sponsor: Tania Kitchin

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: nature, spring,

Lark's Song

lark's song

as green leaves dance with the breeze . . .

gold seeps from sky

Jan. 31, 2020

the 'Hi-Ku(5)' Poetry Contest

written by Jan Allison
Categories: spring,


frisky newborn lambs gambol on the lush green grass black crow collects twigs checked with HMS 5.7.5 Spring - Traditional Haiku Poetry Contest Sponsored by Malabika Ray Choudhury 02/24/21

written by Abdullah Alhemaidy
Categories: beauty, nature, seasons, spring, winter,

Goodbye Winter

winter at the door
to say gradual goodbye
welcoming the spring

walk in countryside 
to bless the mind bless the soul
nature is teacher

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: april, beautiful, spring,

- Haiku X 122 - a Sense of Spring -

Sprouting, stunning birth
Fragrant... sunkissed flowering
Awakening lush

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
5-7-5 - www.howmanysyllables.com

written by Connie Marcum Wong
Categories: autumn, nature, places, spring,

Blossoms Gather

blossoms gather
below the boughs...
pink cabochons

written by Amy Green
Categories: nature

Haiku Vs Senryu

Impetus of spring
   Beget invigorate life --
       Fruition with hope.

Shrill winds rip, tear, cry
   Heated verse under the sheets,
The songs of love grow.

written by Connie Marcum Wong
Categories: passion, poetry, seasons,

Spring Haiku

the ink in my pen 
flows into a wild river—
abiding eddies


Best Haiku Ever Old or New Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Chantelle Anne Cooke 
~Premiere Contest Winner: 8th Place

written by Caryl Muzzey
Categories: nature

Spring Fever

from blossoms to bees
nectar drips from swollen lips
kissing the morning

Copyright © 2009 By Caryl S. Muzzey

 6th place In 
 Poetry Soup's Contest
 Spring Fever
 June 2009

Nineth Place Winner ~ "One Of Your Favz-1-8 Lines!!! Old Poem" Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Rick Praise
Aug. 1, 2013

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: nature

The Purple Flower

touched by dawn's first rays
one yellow-eyed spring beauty
cries for happiness

For Carolyn Devonshire's Crying Flower contest

written by Tim Ryerson
Categories: faith, nature,

Subtle Signs

brown gives way to green
winter surrenders to spring
death succumbs to life

written by David Mohn
Categories: spring,

Early Spring

winter cowers
             in shrinking shadows…
                pale and sweating

written by Jan Allison
Categories: spring,


treading carefully on a bright tulip carpet rainbow on the ground 3~11-15 Traditional Haiku Contest – Debbie Guzzi ~awarded Honourable Mention~

written by Linda Jackson
Categories: flower, nature, seasons, daffodils,


march winds gust -

       gorse clings on tightly
       whilst daffodils sway

written by Charmaine Chircop
Categories: pets,

Haiku 004 At the Spring Farm

the chickadee tweets

i eat my breakfast

without an egg