Haiku Poems About Winter | Winter Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Winter and Winter haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Jan Allison
Categories: snow, winter,


thick blanket of snow snuggling the flowerbeds with a winter wrap

written by Jan Allison
Categories: winter,

Snow - Angel

tiny snow angel snowflakes kiss your rosy cheeks white winter beauty Any poem you ever wrote not for a contest Sponsored by Broken Wings 14th November 2014 Published in Haiku Journal #33 by Prolific Press

written by Kim Rodrigues
Categories: winter,


cold-cling of Winter
wrapped in sweaters, wound in scarves —
fashion for snowmen


written by Jan Allison
Categories: anxiety, bird, flower, snow, winter,


one single snowdrop pushes through earth’s icy shawl robin redbreast chirps winter Haiku Contest Sponsored by Tania 12/22/18

written by Panagiota Romios
Categories: imagery, winter,

Winter Soulscape-Potd

dark, grim sky and soul
          lone crow, flys all alone
          rain wet, liquid coal

                     6pm PST


  POTD.  January 5, 2021

written by Valsa George
Categories: celebration, nature,

Winter Spectacle

snowflakes nose diving like petals of white blossoms winter's confetti
Honored as POTD on Jan 18, 2022 16, Jan. 2022 Checked with Poetry Soups Syllable Counter Winter Haiku Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin

written by Craig Cornish
Categories: winter,

winter sky

all the lights are blurred
a winter sky is falling~
snow on my eyelash

written by Anne-Lise Andresen
Categories: beauty, january, nature, winter,

- Haiku X 296 - january -

                                         flames of crystal ice
                                          the aura of purity - 
                                          backlit by sunlight

written by Jan Allison
Categories: wind, winter,

Snug and Warm

biting icy winds thermal clothes protecting me from the winter chill 12th January 2015

written by Jan Allison
Categories: romantic,

We'Re Snow In Love

snowflakes kiss our cheeks winter blanket keeps us warm hearts melt together 03~01~15 Get Romantic – Andrea Dietrich Visual Seven Traditional Haiku 5,7,5 Checked with How Many Syllables ~awarded 4th place~

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: mountains, winter,

Winter's Glow

with sun as its spire the peak is a cathedral. . . winter’s glow is ours

written by Jan Allison
Categories: seasons,

The Dawn of Spring

winter thaw begins snowdrops peeping through the snow raising sleepy heads Jan Allison 26th November 2014

written by Susan Ashley
Categories: appreciation, beauty, nature, snow, winter,

Snow - Haiku

softly falling hush -
a snowy blanket comforts
hibernating land

Susan Ashley
December 29, 2018

written by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: bird, nature, winter,

Snowy Owl's Quest

Upon icy lake

Snowy owl seeks nourishment –

    Craves a sip of spring

written by Abe Lopez
Categories: nature, sea, seasons

Cool Breeze

.                     Nomadic whispers 
                            North winds speak to the great plains
                                            Warnings of winter

written by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: snow, winter,

Snowflakes V

Winter's frozen tears

Scattered on despairing ground 

Sparkling diamonds!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
     10 January 2017

written by Charles Messina
Categories: spring,

Winters Sun

while winter weeks warmth 
wondrous weeping willows wilt 
wrens whistle wildly 

spring season soon starts 
sunflower seeds sprout slowly 
sparrows sing softly 

Spring Haiku Contest 
Sponsor: Tania Kitchin 

written by Joyce Johnson
Categories: nature


quick change artist, Fall
dons her crimsons and yellows
as winter watches

written for "Images of Fall" contest

written by Paul Callus
Categories: moon,

Modern Haiku

winter moonlight

slips through louvered blinds -

reading between the lines

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
A Modern Haiku Contest
Sponsor: Chetta Achara
        Placed 2nd
 [P.O.T.D. 1st Jan 2022]

 ©31st December 2021

written by Andrea Dietrich
Categories: snow,

A Winter Haiku

prints of our snowshoes

ending where the trail is crossed

by a cougar's tracks

Jan. 16, 2022
For Tania Kitchin's 
Winter Haiku Poetry Contest
checked by howmanysyllables.com

written by Silent One
Categories: snow, winter,

Winter Ballet

snowflakes dance mid air jealous sun melts chalk blanket snowmen lose their heads

written by Abdullah Alhemaidy
Categories: beauty, nature, seasons, spring, winter,

Goodbye Winter

winter at the door
to say gradual goodbye
welcoming the spring

walk in countryside 
to bless the mind bless the soul
nature is teacher

written by Ink Empress
Categories: winter,


frost-kissed flakes flutter like butterflies in crisp air scattering pearl mists

written by Valsa George
Categories: analogy, snow, winter,


draped in milky white of soft dazzling silk, land lies~ winter queen enthroned.

written by Donna Jones
Categories: nature, winter,

Color Show

vivid green cedar
against winter's bare oak tree
red bird sits alone

©Donna Jones

written by Carol Sunshine Brown
Categories: nature, seasons,


sun hides in dark clouds
wind brings chills right to the bones...
icy branches hang

written by Amy Swanson
Categories: hope, life, nature

Broken Branch

Broken Branch
         by Amy Swanson, 2008

Winter-gray tree branch
       Hangs low, stricken by the storm
               Broken... but alive.

written by Uwe Stroh
Categories: analogy, angst, blue, winter,


Dark Forrest trees
Guard like Thor
As night falls

written by Kristin Reynolds
Categories: nature, sea, seasons


Winter spirits rise
Released from snow they dance, warmed
Weeping tears of mist

copyright Kristin Reynolds 2008

written by Jan Allison
Categories: snow,


cold crystalline clouds sparkling snowflakes slowly swirl winter wonderland 29th January 2015

written by Susan Ashley
Categories: nature, snow, winter,

Winter Wolf - Haiku

deer tracks disappear 
'neath quieting falling snow -
a lone gray wolf howls

Susan Ashley
December 22, 2018

~ Fifth Place ~
Contest: Premiere Contest No. 200, Haiku or Tanka (including cinqku, cinquain or lanterne)
Sponsor: Brian Strand

written by Brenda Meier-Hans
Categories: beauty, earth, nature, snow, winter,

A Winter Haiku

Snow is just a mask 
Regenerating earths face.
A special peeling.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 

written by Tim Ryerson
Categories: faith, nature,

Subtle Signs

brown gives way to green
winter surrenders to spring
death succumbs to life

written by Eve Roper
Categories: bird, food, winter,

Birds In Flight

smart  v formation
departing south for winter
food for the asking


written by Timothy Hicks
Categories: appreciation, beautiful, beauty, deep, nature, peace, winter,

In Performance --- Haiku

in performance
whether I stay or leave -
the northern lights

NOTE: I didn't make it in time for the contest, but I wanted to write it nonetheless.