Haiku Poems About Woman | Woman Haiku Poems

Haiku poems about Woman and Woman haiku poems. Read and enjoy these haikus!

written by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
Categories: animal, freedom, horse,

Wild Horses

Wild Horses

A woman alone
Watching wild horses gather –
Her stallion set free.

Copyright 12/22/2016

written by Alex Gardiner
Categories: happiness,

Touched By Beauty

To see a butterfly. to view a morning sky. Have the love of a gentle woman, before I die. The Auld Yin.

written by Divya Jaiswal
Categories: women,


Fragile like dew drop
Though I dream, dare, fight and win
Yes! I am woman.

written by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu
Categories: irony, life,

Camera Woman

Camera woman
saw men dancing as dolls
and laughter killed her

written by Vince Suzadail Jr.
Categories: life, social,


Silently Suffer
Sacrifice without regrets
Quiet leadership

written by Humble B
Categories: art, black african american, christian, dance, daughter, faith, family, fantasy, children, forgiveness, friendship, growing up, happiness, happy, health, heaven, home, husband, imagination, inspirational, introspection, jesus, journey, life, love, music, passion, peace, people, philosophy, social, song, song-spring, stress, uplifting, urban, woman, women,

Music - Haiku

Play The Radio Get Up And Dance All Night Long Music Heals The Soul

written by Dan Keir
Categories: beauty, crush, romance, simile, simple, sun, woman,

She Walks

She walks like the Sun,
Glowing, scorching the pavement;
Don't look, you'll go blind.

written by Rakesh Raghavan
Categories: addiction, betrayal, love, love hurts, lust, woman, writing,

You and Me

When I read
You and me,

written by Donna Jones
Categories: bird, seasons,

They Are Back

red shining nectar
the hovering hummingbirds
woman sweeps the porch

©Donna Jones

written by Fatima Hasan Zaidi
Categories: animal, me, moon, woman,


I am the werewolf
I howl at the moon
And it smiles at me

written by James Fraser
Categories: beautiful, beauty, smile, woman,

Cascading Black, Down Her Back

Purple in dress, wows Cascading black, down her back She turns, tanned beauty .

written by Sneha Nair
Categories: character, depression, missing you, mom, mother, mother daughter, woman,


smell of cucumbers,boiled bacons
choking in my heart
like my mamma's soul
with the melancholy of our

written by Jslambert Mister Roboto
Categories: desire, girl, heaven, sensual, teen, woman, women,

Highrise *****

cream pie rising high
hard on elevator ride
short skirt drop them coins



written by Sharon Downer
Categories: art, history, time,

Nile Queen

Lotus in her hair
Tall and imposing woman
High Egyptian Queen.

written by Patricia Sawyer
Categories: family, girlfriend-boyfriend, lost love, people, sister, social, wedding

A Woman Scorned

dry summer winds dance
dusting bridesmaids gowns russet
vixen sister laughs

written by Matt Starking
Categories: evil, satire,

A Deceitful Woman

the power of an evil
is her seduction
she has a golden cup
in her hand
filled with
and drinks a wine of

written by Karen Croft
Categories: desire,

Old Woman

Playful old woman

you are a star in mens eyes

vintage and vibrant

written by Demetrios Trifiatis
Categories: beauty, stars, woman,

Nude Under the Stars

Seduced by night’s spell 

Nude under the stars she laid,

Eclipsed was the moon!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
    05 MARCH 2015

written by Divya Jaiswal
Categories: woman,

Dreamy Eyes

Those two dreamy eyes
Full of determination
Yes! She'll win all fights.

written by Jackson Labaugh
Categories: earth, emotions, heartbreak, money, quinceanera, sympathy, woman,

Haiku For the Butter Machine

You let me down friend,
as your spring sprung and my life
flashed before my eyes.

written by Jack Horne
Categories: fear,

Woman In Black: Hears the Rooks Cawing

hears the rooks cawing
as he strolls through the grave yard - -
sees her watching him

* for Andrea's (and Nikko's) contest

The Woman in Black is a book and a film - a big buck version is currently being filmed, I've heard

written by Michael-Shane Brown
Categories: boyfriend, first love, girlfriend, i love you, love, marriage, passion,

Woman I Love

Beauty you can't cloak, Your Kindness as plain as day, My love, your treasure

written by Earl Schumacker
Categories: abuse, beauty, business, culture, identity, life, woman,

Geisha Advanced Education - Haiku

Geisha Advanced Education - Haiku

educated young
no song, no dance, no sex, blessed
Jade barks, Geisha laps

written by Victoria Anderson-Throop
Categories: introspection, woman, women,

The Woman Who Waited Too Long


               Empty womb
        Springs tumble winters
              The clock ticks

            Plum blossoms
         Yearnings of passion
               Wept away

written by Ralph Taylor
Categories: funny, mystery,

What Are the Odds

He's speaking his mind

No woman around to hear

would he still be wrong?

written by Kristi Hayner
Categories: family, happiness, inspirational, life, peace


it this a warning?
family on their way to town
rubber band woman

written by Vasudevan Desikachari
Categories: sad,

A Rape

a psychotic's evil trap 
                             an innocent woman preyed

written by Lashawn White
Categories: life, mother, sorry,


Power with struggle
continuing to keep faith
clinging on to hope..

written by Marty King
Categories: beautiful, woman,

A Woman Teasing Tastefully Haiku

a woman walks by
with curves in the right places
teasing tastefully

written by King-Galaxius Stravinsky
Categories: family


Jewel bearing schist.
Large beaming heart.
Shiny emerald woman.

written by Rudolph Rinaldi
Categories: fantasy, funny, woman,

To Agree With Me

made a robot
named it after her
programmed it to agree with me

written by Regina Mcintosh
Categories: age,


Time has erased her
The vibrant young woman
With lines around eyes

©2015 by Regina Riddle

written by Christian Guild
Categories: love, woman, women, write, writing,

Love Haiku

Some love is stupid, 
Some love is fake and unreal, 
But our love is true.

written by Cm Verma
Categories: life


Old woman
deep eyes , over sky
looking back history
balance sheet of life.

written by Seren Roberts
Categories: caregiving, woman,

Tribute To Nettty Onclaud

picking up the pieces
after white thunderstorm ....
Netty soothes the soul

Tribute to Netty Onclaud and her Haiku poem white thunderstorm blast.


Really enjoy your poetry Netty, no good me trying to emulate you, that is mission impossible..  Thank you.